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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Could Glen Beck be any crazier?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37790points) September 9th, 2010

Here’s one take on him.

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41 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

No, he is omnicrazy. there is no higher level of crazy.

Nullo's avatar

If you compare him to actual crazy people, you’ll see that he’s perfectly sane. Just not very popular on the Left, so they try to portray him as a wacko.

tranquilsea's avatar

@Nullo He’s not actually crazy he just acts paranoid and says crazy things. He does quite a fine job portraying himself that way without anyone’s help.

wilma's avatar

He gets paid a whole lotta money to act crazy. The wingnuts on both sides are eating it up with a spoon.
Too bad to waste good airwaves with that stuff.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : Which of Glen Beck’s ideas stand up to logic?

Nullo's avatar

@hawaii_jake All of them. Logic is an organizational tool, and just about everybody uses it. It generally works, within a given paradigm or from a basic premise. Beck’s connections and conclusions are (or were, last I tuned in) sound, given his paradigm.

Maybe you could get a list of things that he says, and compare them to a list of logical fallacies.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : Glen Beck asserted that TARP (which he claims was enacted by Pres. Obama when the fact is that it was Pres. Bush’s legislation) is akin to Nazis targetting Jews for death.

1. TARP gave money to help revive the economy. (Whether one thinks that was a good thing or not is another question altogether.)
2. Nazis killed the Jews and gypsies and homosexuals and various other groups.

How do those things possibly relate? How can the most convoluted logic tie those two things together?

He may be entitled to his own opinions, but he is not entitled to make up his own facts out of thin air using a chalk board.

Nullo's avatar

@hawaii_jake Post his whole argument. It doesn’t help to just have bits of it.

Like I said, his logic is very likely sound. It’s the premise that may not be.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : Please post an argument of his that is sound.

ucme's avatar

I imagine his wife Becky Beck is even crazier. Sounds like a chicken :¬)

mammal's avatar

He’s not crazy, he’s just paid well to keep the seething masses pointed in the right direction. But he is unpleasant. May he end his days slumped; toothless and raving on a street corner, soaked in his own foul drivel, cheap liquor, precipitation and piss.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure, but he’s quite irrelevant in my mind – if people choose to listen to his drivel, they’re pretty dumb by association so I don’t bother with them either.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir But it seems like a lot of people in this country listen to his shit and believe it and it may well influence the next election. I don’t know that you can dismiss him out of hand.

Nullo's avatar

@hawaii_jake Just scanned this. It looks sound, logically.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Here’s a segment produced by Fox News outlining a Glen Beck show’s contents.

And here’s a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed piece about GM repaying the TARP funds.

Glen Beck’s arguments are misleading and disingenuous.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : Where do the “quotes” from the “whiners” come from?

#3 and Beck’s rebuttal: He compares then-candidate Obama to Hitler.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@janbb – that is unfortunate but is it my business to try to conceptualize the thousands of people with no brains in this country? I’m so tired of doing that – when election comes and it’ll be influenced by the stupids, what can I do? I will vote as I can and continue to protest wrong policy shifts.

Austinlad's avatar

I don’t think he’s crazy. I just don’t like what he stands for.

janbb's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yes, I hear what you are saying.

Nullo's avatar

@hawaii_jake The video segment appears logical. It may not be accurate, and it includes speculation, but from what I’ve watched, it is logical.
I say again: logic is an organizational tool. Most conspiracy theories are logical.

The “quotes from the whiners” are distilled from collections of common phrases from around election time. Surely you’d heard some of them before.

In Point 3 Beck was comparing Obama’s ability to please a crowd with that of Hitler, to show that crowd-friendliness does not indicate anything especially good about a person. He did not compare the two directly. It brushes up against the Reductio Ad Hitlerum fallacy, but doesn’t actually hit it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : How can logic contain inaccuracies and speculation? Isn’t logic meant to strip away those?

About #3: His addition of the statement that he’s not comparing the 2 does not take away the words which just compared the 2. Then he goes on in his rebuttal to continue the comparison that both are great orators and how that is an inadequate means of choosing a great leader.

aprilsimnel's avatar

He’s crazy all the way to the bank. I wish his followers realized that.

Nullo's avatar

No, logic is meant to organize ideas. It’s up to the logician to check back with the facts. And it seems that the facts are still pretty firmly in Beck’s court.

On Point 3, he is addressing their respective communication skills. _“I’m not comparing the two, I’m just saying that’s not necessarily the best recommendation for president.“_By invoking Hitler, he is removing the “Benevolent Leader” association from “Good Communicator.”
In that same point, he compares Obama to Barry Manilow, for the same reasons: “I went to a Barry Manilow concert with my wife once, he had the crowd (well, the WOMEN in it, anyway) pretty fired up.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo : You wrote, “In Point 3 Beck was comparing Obama’s ability to please a crowd with that of Hitler…” [emphasis added by me] Beck clearly compared the two, and your words admit it, too. He was clearly comparing their speech-making skills.

I checked “logic” in my dictionary. You’re right. No where does it say the ideas organized in a logical fashion have to be accurate.

As for GM’s repayment of TARP funds, I choose to believe the Wall Street Journal report on that. I may be wrong, but the WSJ can hardly be said to be pro-Obama.

Whitsoxdude's avatar

I don’t think he’s crazy, but I do think he’s an idiot. I don’t really know much about his ideas, and I suppose I would agree with some of them.. but the way he acts just communicates stupidity.

MeinTeil's avatar

If you don’t like hosts that concentrate on conservative issues and the constitutionality of our current government.

Don’t watch them.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

If you don’t like questions that draw attention to the farcical mental meanderings of right-wing shysters, don’t answer them.

MeinTeil's avatar

I never expressed any dislike for any question.

Nullo's avatar

@hawaii_jake But he was not comparing their respective characters, just their tactics, is my point.

The WSJ article is very likely accurate: they’re paying down the account marked “GM TARP Bailout.” But they’re paying for it, says the Hot Air page, with money from a different TARP account. Getting loans to cover loans, as it were.
Hot Air is a reasonably reliable source, being a Michelle Malkin endeavor.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Nullo And my point is that by conjuring up the names Obama and Hitler and by comparing their tactics, he is giving approval for his listeners to make the next jump in the thought process, which is that Obama is a facist, racist dictator who wants to exterminate people.

I think we agree to disagree on this matter.

Thank you for the “Hot Air” source. It will provide interesting reading.

MeinTeil's avatar

File under:

Statement masquerading as a question.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@MeinTeil : Why? Because it’s opinionated? You’re darn right it’s opinionated. Absolutely yes. There’s nothing in the guidelines to dissaude anyone from asking questions that state an opinion. In fact, they ask for questions that will spark discussion, and I would say that this question has done that very well.

MeinTeil's avatar

I have no problem with questions that contain opinion. what would a question be without some.

But this ‘question’ consists of nothing but opinion.

I appreciate that Fluther had to include a section with relaxed rules in order to survive (without it everyone would have been bounced until nobody was left)

But this question so squarely falls into a significant Fluther taboo category that I had so say something.

Deja_vu's avatar

Someimes I watch Glen Beck for a good laugh. He seems to get crazier and crazier, so yes I think he’s not at his craziest yet.

talljasperman's avatar

maybe Glenn is crazy like a fox… he was clearing way over $100,000 when he was on CNN… now he’s most likely gotten a raise… the scary part is what if he is right? ... I watched him on CNN and he was funny; now he is on a paid channel… maybe I’ll order it maybe not…He’s making politics entertaining and involving people…he motivated you to ask this question…and everyone to answer it…he succeeded

filmfann's avatar

Glenn Beck thinks he is Zaphod Beeblebrox

Strauss's avatar

@filmfann He is! He is Zaphod Beeblebrox, after a trans-multiverse trip, masquerading as Glenn Beck!

talljasperman's avatar

@filmfann we need Glenn Beck to say his real name backwards

filmfann's avatar

@talljasperman You are suggesting he is actually Mr. Mxyzptlk?

talljasperman's avatar

@filmfann they look and act similar…

Nullo's avatar

Found this, thought of y’all. Enjoy!

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