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mrrich724's avatar

What does this symbol "FA" mean in my wedding band?

Asked by mrrich724 (8550points) September 9th, 2010

On the inside of my yellow gold wedding band it says “18k” and then a few spaces followed by FA (the font of which is italicised)

What does it mean? (Please read with the tone of the double-rainbow guy “what does it mean”)

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5 Answers

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buckyboy28's avatar

Was the ring purchased new? If not, it’s possible that they could be the initials of whoever wore it before.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Most likely its a mark from the maker of the ring. Mine has FG (the G looks like an A) and it’s for Frederick Goldman. If it looks like this it is the registered trademark for Frederick Goldman.

marinelife's avatar

I think it refers to the cut as Persian fa.

mrrich724's avatar

Spot on @Seaofclouds I just didn’t know b/c it was handed down to me from my great grandfather. It must be an original Goldman b/c their site says celebrating 60 years, and his wedding was 60 years ago!

Thanks! GA4U

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