Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever bought or received a gift or product that was mislabeled?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) September 10th, 2010

A product that was so wrong and the label was incorrect? I was looking at shirts at Sears and the inside label stated: “Big Mans Shirt size 3XL”. I liked the shirt and wanted to buy it. Upon opening the shirt for inspection, i discovered it was mans size XL, not 3XL as stated. Question: Has this happened to you? Either the label or packaging was incorrect? This can apply to anything!

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3 Answers

SundayKittens's avatar

Lord yes, and it’s so annoying. It’s almost always something that’s been returned to the store, then restocked.
I once got 2 left shoes as a kid and never realized it until one morning in church my mother gasped and ran me out of there, as if I had carved “666” in my forehead (that didn’t happen until 5th grade).

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Why yes,I have.
The box said “Valvoline” when it should have said “Tiffany &Co” giggles

john65pennington's avatar

Sunday, this made me laugh. good one, john

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