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janbb's avatar

Who'd like to party "Down Under" for our wonderful Jelly student FireMadeFlesh?

Asked by janbb (63361points) September 10th, 2010

Yup. yup – that’s right FMF has 10,000 lurve. So break out the billabong and tie me wallabee down, let’s party in the Outback tonight.

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62 Answers

syz's avatar

Ha! I love an Aussie party! Congratulations!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats to a great jelly from down under. Hey, your summers just starting . Enjoy with some extra lurve.

Cruiser's avatar

Congratulations on the 10 grand FireMadeFlesh. Now you can buy yourself something really nice!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it!! Drinks are on me tonight, since Aussie beer and wine are meant to be the best (or so I hear)!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Fosters all around for FMF! Congrats!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Crap, I just learned you wanted me to throw the party about a minute ago – sorry I got here just a bit too late but no better person than the OP to do it, she’s awesome!
Well, what can I tell you that you don’t already know – remember how you thought I was too old for you and then you learned I’m not – one of these days we will meet and it will be glorious and you will forget all about age differences. Congratulations, FMF (your username shortened makes for a nice threesome that I think, with no great effort, we can accomplish as there will be plenty of willing participants to join us) on your 10K and welcome to the mansion! I wish I can give you a big giant hug! hug being a euphemism, obviously

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir No worries, I’m glad you’re here! Will a Fluther-hug do? I’m not fussed about age any more, since it seems no one else is. I have an older girlfriend, older friends, older classmates, and older Fluther-buddies – I’m used to being the youngest by now!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh :) – Fluther-hug will have to do!

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations! Have a great time in the mansion!

erichw1504's avatar

Woot, woot! Congratulations @FireMadeFlesh!!! Keep on lurvin’!

Here’s some shrimp on the BAH-bie.

Aster's avatar

Congratulations FMF !! Languish by the pool ; we’ll be there shortly
with very interesting beverages.

Fyrius's avatar

Heartfelt congrats, friend. :) You earned it.
I’ve always considered you one of the most sensible people on this site. Thumbs up.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Fyrius Ha, you should talk! Lurve you, as well

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Fyrius Thank you so much. Considering the community we have here, that is a true compliment.

zen_'s avatar

Tosses another shrimp on the barby… and wishes a big congorats.

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @FireMadeFlesh! 10,000 is quite an achievement!

CMaz's avatar

Way to 10K go!

KatawaGrey's avatar


Let’s hope the mansion doesn’t go up in flames. ;)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Good on yer, mate! A hearty Hawaiian “Ho’omaikai!” to you.

harple's avatar

What’s your favourite colour, Blue?!

Congratulations :-)

Seaofclouds's avatar


tinyfaery's avatar

Yay! You are a great addition to the collective. Congrats

Rarebear's avatar

Par-tay! Nicely done, I really enjoy your comments.

Trillian's avatar

Hey, well done. Congratulations you! Nice digs. Welcome to the Mansion, where your every wish is summarily ignored taken into consideration! ;-) Honestly all I asked for was a Monet, not such a HUGE request. (pouts, recovers) Yaay! I’m glad you’re here!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Fantastic, congratulations! :)

stardust's avatar

Congrats! Well deserved :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Fire and flesh Do I smell something on the barbi? Congrats!

shego's avatar

Congrats @FireMadeFlesh what an achievement 10k. Hooray!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations! Good to finally see you in the mansion. Woo Hoo!

rebbel's avatar


Trillian's avatar

@rebbel Ok, smart ass. Can you put the letters upside down? ;-)
Here, have a shrimp, hot off the barbie.

erichw1504's avatar

@Trillian Here, I did it for him: ɔouƃɹɐʇnlɐʇıous¡

Trillian's avatar

I am officially impressed! Now go get me a sammich.

wundayatta's avatar

Felicitations! I’ll be thinking of him next time I play my didg.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations and welcome to the 10k mansion! And have a great weekend too!

wilma's avatar

Congratulations @FireMadeFlesh !

augustlan's avatar

Congrats, FMF! You are a wonderful asset to our community. Well done!

AmWiser's avatar

Congratulations and o/\o high five to a great jelly.

OreetCocker's avatar

Great job @FireMadeFlesh, Congratulations!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Congrats on getting to 10K, @FireMadeFlesh!

Blackberry's avatar

Congratulations…....mate? Let’s throw another shrimp on the barbie? Ok I’m sorry that was stupid lol. ^^b

Kayak8's avatar

How can this be? What luck! Congratulations!

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Hooray! I love your answers and you’ve been a big help to me. :) Well done!

filmfann's avatar

WTG!!! Congrats!!! You rock!!!

(wish I knew how to type that upside down)

whatthefluther's avatar

Note to new jellies: @FireMadeFlesh is an excellent example of how honesty, courtesy and fairness will yield lots of well-deserved lurve. Do follow that lead!
Congratulations @FireMadeFlesh !
See ya…...Gary/wtf

AstroChuck's avatar

iәʇɐɯ ‘sɹәәႡɔ
is,ɹәʇsoɟ ɟo әsɐɔ ɐ puɐ әʞɐɔ uʍop әp!sdn uɐ Ⴁʇ!ʍ ʎʇɹɐd oʇ әɯ!ʇ


Jabe73's avatar

Well deserved 10k. Especially for dealing with my fiery temper. I know we disagree on everything. But congratulations anyway.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@whatthefluther Wow, now I’ve got to live up to that standard myself! Thanks so much.
@AstroChuck Thanks! I reckon you guys are upside down though – its all a matter of perspective…...
@Jabe73 We do disagree a lot, but I think we do so amicably. Disagreement adds so much to our discussions.

ETpro's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh Welcome to the mansion. 10K Lurve. You are most deserving of it. Your strong moral compas and commanding grasp of science and physics contribute a great deal to our community.

Now, I’m late to this here party. Let me get some spirits and get in the spirit. Where’s the bar?

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Thanks @ETpro! The bar is next to the barbecue – grab a snag while you’re there!

le_inferno's avatar

Congraaaaats sweetie!

ETpro's avatar

@le_inferno This has been done. Hereafter officially I am druthering flunk—er, fluthering drunk I mean.

Coloma's avatar

Congrats to the blossoming sensei called FireMade Flesh. ;-)

I’d love some wine but no vegemite….gak! lol

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Coloma No vegemite? Fine, how about a kangaroo steak?

lillycoyote's avatar

Congratulations! Sorry that I arrived at the party so late.

Coloma's avatar


That would be interesting!

Trade you some kangaroos for some coyotes, at least they wouldn’t eat my cats.

Oh wait, you have Dingo’s…the Dingos ate my kitty! lol

nebule's avatar

Well done FireMadeFlesh, You’re a star xxx Congratulations! xxx

mattbrowne's avatar

And once again, affengeil, astrein, atemberaubend, ausgezeichnet, außergewöhnlich, beachtlich, beeindruckend, bestens, bezaubernd, blendent, brilliant, cool, echt super, einwandfrei, entzückend, erstklassig, exquisit, extrem stark, exzellent, fabelhaft, fantastisch, fesselnd, fulminant, genial, gigantisch, grandios, großartig, göttlich, hammer stark, hervorragend, hinreißend, hip, klasse, knorke, krass, perfekt, prima, sagenhaft, saustark, sensationell, spitze, toll, top, traumhaft, unglaublich, verdammt gut, vortrefflich, vorz,üglich, weltklasse, wow, wunderbar, wundervoll.


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