Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

"Priest sex abuse linked to 13 suicides in Belgium," says a headline. What's to be done?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) September 10th, 2010

The article goes on to state that there were probably more, but the church couldn’t finish its internal investigation because the police siezed the documents.

What’s to be done about the sexual abuse of minors in the church?

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2 Answers

Mamradpivo's avatar

Arrest the people who have spenb the last few centuries covering this up?

Start treating the Church like any other giant corporation, subject to laws and taxation?

wundayatta's avatar

Apparently it’s going to be a long battle. But the publicity should help. Every pederast in the church should be shaking in his cassock. Or better yet, confessing—not in the confessional but in the police department.

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