Klingons versus Romulans?
Who are the better aliens? Not necessarily who would win in a fight, though feel free to go that way if you want. Just in general. Who’s cooler, more interesting, or has better tech? This is an ongoing debate between my fiance and I.
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25 Answers
Klingons fight with honor. Romulans fight with guile. Their tech is about the same, although the Romulans developed the cloaking device before anybody else did. In terms of cooler? Klingons, hand down.
Klingons. They’re made for fightin’.
Romulans have no honor. Klingons have blood pie, blood wine, and the bat’leth.
Tough one. I suppose it would depend on what era Klingons/Romulans, since there was little difference in the original series, but if I had to chose, I would go with Klingons overall.
@thomascruz Yeah, I would be talking about the new Klingons, since the TOS ones were more of a conglomerate of stereotypes than a fleshed-out species, IMHO.
Finally a serious question here.
I think Romulans – not that Klingons aren’t cool with their worms and dragging women around by the hair and stuff; a part of me likes the neanderthal aspect of Klingons, makes life simpler. The problem I have is that they are the Hamas suicide (or homocide, rather) bombers of the galaxy: they actually want to die, and don’t mind killing or just being killed – if it’s in battle. 72 virgins, or just a plate of bat’leth – whatever – I don’t think there’s any honour in dying for death’s sake. That’s where the Romulans are superior; sure they’re a sneaky bunch who developed the cloak – but aren’t we just jealous and would use the technology if we could get our hands on it? Look at today’s B stealth bombers.
Yep, we’ve advanced beyond the Klingon – and though there’s a little bit of Klingon in each of us, we are 3 parts Romulan to every one part neanderthal.
If you are reading this, meet me in the Sibling: which fan is more nerdy…
@zen_ I can see that. But I’ve always seen Klingons (most, not all…) not as wanting to die, but knowing what they are willing to die for, and having standards for what life has to be. I don’t always agree with their exact rules, but I respect the idea of not wanting to live if it means x,y, and a lack of z.
But Romulans (who at no point are supposed to be heroes, I know) fail to have any semblance of a moral code that goes beyond a sense of superiority and xenophobia. If they weren’t a warp-capable race, they’d appear to have very little morals.
All’s fair in love and war, dear. Morals? I think the US and Israel, respectively and sometimes together, have the most moral armies in the world. I know it’s oxymoronic, but it’s the truth. I’ve seen it first-hand. How do you fight against an enemy that wants to die, and doesn’t mind how many innocents they take with them?
If Bin Laden had targeted, say, a South American country like he did the twin towers, and they had the fire capability the US does, oh boy: Afghanistan and even Iraq would literally cease to exist.
There is always collateral damage, but while the enemy is cooking up new and improved ways of brainwashing its suicide bombers (look up the term “terror” – this is the main problem of the war we’re fighting) we are trying to find ways to avoid collateral damage. Smart bombs, leaflets, and ultimately helping to resonstruct and rebuild the countries involved in the battles.
Klingons want to die in war. Should I link you to scenes in Youtube? They literally want to, just as the Palestinian suicide bombes belive the afterlife is a better one.
Romulans just want to take over the galaxy. They do not want to be killed in the process. Like America. Just actually admitting it.
@zen_ Wait, did you just declare war on me? And are we talking about Klingons and Romulans, or Palestinians and Israelis?
The Romulans, because they are so beautifully backstabbing and treacherous. Just like the USA.
I think the Klingons are modeled on bull dogs. Snarling and muscular, they try to power their way through any conflict. But the Romulans, like their Vulcan cousins, think things through and consider different approaches. When a more potent enemy like the Borg comes along, my money would be on the Romulans.
That is funny though, because Klingons are not stronger than Humans, while Vulvans, and by extension their Romulan brethren, are 7 times as strong as a Human, and thus, Klingons.
@zen_: “plate of bat’leth” is that like “eats nails for breakfast”?
Klingons are funner.
I’m very, very fond of Romulans.
Klingons kind of bug me with their self-righteous “honour” bullcrap. Their laws are barbaric, and they have no respect for life – not even their own. TNG: “Ethics” – Worf has a paralyzing injury, and it’s all the entire crew can do to get him to consider treatment before committing suicide. At least the Romulans realize they’re no good to anyone if they’re dead.
The Romulan Empire is cold, calculating, and knows what it wants and how to get it. They do not form alliances unless they benefit from those alliances. And yet, for all their perceived evil, they have a sense of logic. They assist the Federation when their own people step out of line and violate treaty. They make deals and respect the terms of such. We certainly cannot say the same for the House of Duras.
@Seek_Kolinahr : But who couldn’t love the Duras sisters? All that boobage and arrogance, I mean really… ;-)
I don’t think anyone cheered louder than me when they got blown to pieces in Generations.
Romulans win hands down for me. They are super bad-ass. I do not like the neanderthal ways of the Klingons. I like the look of Romulans better, also. @Seek_Kolinahr summed it up nicely.
I have to throw my hat in for the Klingons. Although I do love me some guile, the problem with the Romulans is that we never really get a deep, personal view of their culture cause they’re all secretive and stuff. Plus, they’re kinda just like super-flamboyant Vulcans anyway, and they’re tech looks like a flamboyant offshoot of Klingon tech.
They really are like the children of Klingons and Vulcans, but ones that got the most annoying characteristics of both.
That…my friends…was my nerd rant.
I never had the impression that Klingons developed their own technology. It seemed more likely they’d steal what they need, and likely forget to change the oil on the stolen ships as they run them into the ground. Like Hells Angels… you don’t see the necessary respect for great engineers and mechanics; a culture of heavy drinking and chest thumping doesn’t leave a lot of room for deep though, invention and craftsmanship.
They did have a totally different culture in the past, but during the course of history, it was lost and replaced with this battle and honour obsessed culture.
The Klingons had more than a few scientists and mechanics represented in the shows. They definitely made their own tech.
I go with Klingons. Romulans dress like David Bowie, whereas Klingons dress like KISS. I prefer to listen to Bowie most of the time, but I’d rather dress like KISS.
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