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Pandora's avatar

Big businesses actually get away with murder. Should some of these people face the death penalty?

Asked by Pandora (32601points) September 10th, 2010

I was thinking today about how big businesses get away with actual murder and you never hear of any of them being charged with murder for doing dangerous cut backs that result in deaths. They basically get fines that they can well afford and that still doesn’t hurt their bottom line. Maybe someone goes of to jail but probably not after getting their big pay check. Or the person who goes to jail is a little nobody who was told to cut back and save the company money or lose their jobs and they will find someone to do what is needed.
I’m not saying they aren’t responsible as well. But if I hired a hit man to kill someone for me, then I am equally responsible for murder.
So why is no one ever charged? Companies will continue to do dangerous cut backs just to collect those big bonuses so long as they know they can order it and still get away with it.
Isn’t it about time someone was made accountable where they will think twice before being reckless with lives.
In China a company president killed himself because he knew his government was going to be harsh with him after several American pets died from their food. So why are human lives devalued so much?

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16 Answers

mammal's avatar

in China they do, remember the contaminated baby food scandal, i believe two low grade managers were executed, interestingly not the CEO.

Whitsoxdude's avatar

Depends on the states laws, and if they have committed a capital crime.
I won’t get into weather or not they actually get away with murder though…

aprilsimnel's avatar

There is a warrant out for Warren Anderson’s arrest in India. He was the head of Union Carbide when Bhopal went down, and was aware of the problems going on at the plant before the accident, and of the band-aid methods being used to shore up those problems prior to the catastrophe.

Pandora's avatar

@mammal Yeah, that figures. :(

Coloma's avatar

Contracts, agreements and integrity are broken every minute of every day in many different capacities.

Look at the marriage contract.

People lie, cheat, run away from obligations to children, spouses and the consequences are mild to moderate if any.

If a Hollywood actor/actress broke a contract they would be blacklisted in the industry.

” Oh, well, I just feel like dropping out of this movie halfway through the filming.” lol

Look, it’s no secret that corporate america, the government and many other big industries are corrupt.

The world has always had it’s corruptions, old news.

Just lead by example, your own example, that is all anyone can do.,

Pandora's avatar

@Coloma Its just I’ve noticed that BP keeps getting lectured about the damage to the gulf and peoples lively hoods, but its been months and I haven’t heard about anyone facing actual charges for the deaths of the men on the rig.
I know these guys sign contracts and know the risks, but I would think most of them only took the risk thinking that everything was done right to make this as safe as possible.

plethora's avatar

@Pandora The crime first has to be proven.

Bernie Ebbers, CEO of Worldcom, is in a federal prison in Louisiana. Bernie Madoff is in a federal prison in NC. At least one Enron exec is in prison and the CEO would have been had he not died. I have no love for corporate America (being a decidedly non-corporate businessman and having spent time in the corporate world). Anybody you know of who ought to be in prison other than all the BP execs?

@Coloma Best approach to it.

Coloma's avatar


It is unfortunate, for sure, but…when you take into consideration what it takes to keep our world afloat ( no pun intended ) the risks and potentials for this sort of situation are really a given. A sign of the times. I’m not saying it’s right, just what it is.

I think so.

Pandora's avatar

@plethora Yeah, all of them would do fine. :D
@Coloma Unfortunately it is something that has gone on for hundreds of years. Just wondering if justice will ever catch up. I just think if they were harsher on these crimminals there will be less people willing to risk other peoples lives needlessly, just so they can afford there BMW’s and 200 foot yaughts.

Coloma's avatar


Justice is a slippery slope, sad but true, while it may be ultimately served, at times it is often too late to really make a difference.

Nullo's avatar

“Dangerous cutbacks” fall under negligence, not murder, perhaps with a side of manslaughter.

laureth's avatar

First, you would have to convince people that a business’ job is to keep people employed and alive, and not to make a profit. If you say this loud enough lately, people will call you a nazi fascist socialist communist atheist.

tranquilsea's avatar

What @Nullo said.

When it is negligence the fallout comes under the umbrella of contract law unless a manslaughter charge is proven. So when something comes under contract law what is ultimately settled is just how much money the negligent party must pay the victim. It’s better for the negligent party if the victim just dies as it costs way more to settle a disability case (sad but true).

thekoukoureport's avatar

Funny how business’ have the rights of the American citizen but not the responsibility. Companies can redress congress, can participate in our political process, and can also bring about lawsuits, but are not responsible for many of the ills that have befallen our economy. We like to blame the government for our problems but its always been the carpet baggers who seem to get all the profits while the government has to continually nationalize the debt.

but at least there will be tort reform to protect these sad companies, and bankruptcy protection so they wont be subjected to the “Free market”.

and the people will once again suffer. Unless of course you understand the changes that President Obama has made for “We the People”. Consumer protection agency, universal healthcare, Equal pay act, heck even ⅓ of the stimulus went directly to the people through cash for clunkers, energy tasx credit, middle class tax cuts, unemployment extensions.

All of those and many more where for the people. Vote republican and you will see it go back to “small business”. The republican term for rich.

Coloma's avatar

The real ‘suffering’ comes from buying into the lie.

Bottom line, we the people, are powerless in the grand scheme of things.

I choose to not suffer at the hands of illusion.

sleepyhead2712's avatar

The amount of money in your bank account determines the penalty you will receive in return for the crimes you have committed.

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