Social Question

Girl on girl rape or just sexual battery?
The scenario is a teen girl’s (mostly Jr. high) sleep over. “Jill” (in the 7th grade) who is not sexually savvy wakes up to use the toilet. She sees “Hanna” (a junior) in the den watching TV. Hanna tells Jill she couldn’t sleep and offers to have her watch TV with her and share some popcorn she was eating. They chat and such on girlie matters then a bedroom scene comes on, Jill is somewhat embarrassed. Hanna tells her not to be because it is no big deal. Jill ask Hanna if she had ever kissed a boy. Hanna said she had but it wasn’t as good as kissing a girl. Jill doesn’t believe it and Hanna talks Jill into a kiss. Jill is bewildered but left with many questions, do you have your eyes open or closed, when to breath, the best place to put your tongue, etc.? Hanna talks Jill into more kissing under the guise of teaching her how and that makes it “OK”. After Hanna’s hands start roaming about Jill’s body she says she wants to go back to bed but Hanna insist she stay. When Jill presses more to going back to bed Hanna tells her she would not want word to get to the boy she likes that she kissed a girl, so Jill stops her protest. Hanna gropes Jill and performs oral sex on her, as well as masturbating Jill with her hands. At least twice Jill ask to be allowed to go back to bed because she don’t feel they should be doing that. Hanna doesn’t stop until sounds are heard from another girl using the toilet, “Trudy”. Trudy see the TV glow and goes into the den, but by that time Hanna told Jill to put her panties and sleep shirt back on so all “Trudy” saw was the two girls sitting a couple of feet apart with the popcorn. When Trudy sits down to watch TV with them Jill makes her escape after a few minutes.
When Jill’s B+ average takes a nose dive a young aunt gets the story from her on what happened. Though there was no arm twisting, hitting, choking or threats made with or without a weapon, did Hanna rape Jill? In a truly clinical or legal sense did Hanna rape Jill, especially since Jill did not physically resist? Jill’s older brother confronted Hanna but she says Jill made it all up because she was not on the inside of the clique.