Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

With 9/11 how long is it going to take Uncle Sam to get over with PTSD?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) September 11th, 2010

How long is it going to take for Uncle Sam to get past PTSD? It is as if 9/11 happened months ago and not years. 9/11 was nothing like the Bombing of Dresden, the Blitz of England, the fire bombing of Tokyo, or suffering through 7 years of fighting in your back yard as Vietnam. It is almost like Americans are such shrinking violets if we had to go through half of what others have there would be mass suicides.

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21 Answers

Ben_Dover's avatar

Who is Uncle Sam? If you mean the citizens of the USA, they got over it long ago. If you mean the politicians, they will milk it for as long as it gets them votes and/or money.
911 was an incredibly personal attack on the USA..akin to Pearl Harbor. Of course some people will not get over it even ten years later.

Nullo's avatar

We still commemorate Pearl Harbor Day, if that helps any. I’d be surprised if the Blitz et al. wasn’t commemorated in some way.
It’s also worth noting that both Pearl Harbor and 9/11 (and none of the rest that you bring up) were unprovoked peacetime attacks.

marinelife's avatar

The violation of our borders was a shocking thing.

As @Nullo points out, these were not wartime acts, but unprovoked attacks.

I do not think there is an overreaction in the response.

Austinlad's avatar

If by “get over it” you mean when will we stop remembering and commemorating with sadness the violent loss of almost 3,000 innocent lives, I hope and pray we never do. Nor should we ever stop guarding against the possibility of future attacks on U.S. soil by avowed foreign or domestic enemies.

mammal's avatar

@Nullo prepared to be surprised, very little formal commemoration of the Blitz. Or any of the many cities bombed in Britain and Northern Ireland. The reason, America seeks fit to commemorate such attacks on America is simple, they are so infrequent as to become all pervasive in the National Psyche. In Britain we couldn’t distinguish one bombing raid from another, or pick out specifically, one IRA attack from another, except maybe the Brighton Bombing of the Conservative Conference.

muppetish's avatar

Quite frankly, I think it is childish and inconsiderate to compare travesties. They are all horrible. The lost should always be commemorated.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t know, but I hope it happens quickly. It’s already annoying.

Austinlad's avatar

A lovely sentiment, @tinyfaery, for one of our country’s great tragedies. Thanks for sharing.

rangerr's avatar

Are you saying we shouldn’t be upset about what happened?
Like @Austinlad said, it was one of our greatest tragedies, and you’re acting like it should be no big deal because it was years ago.
You sir, are a dick.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have no idea what you mean by my country; I have no allegiance to piece of land. And I refuse to succumb to the pressure that insists I have to be affected by 9/11. I am and was not affected. If you were and are, I’m sorry for you. But don’t judge me because I am not. I have more sorrow over the oil spill, Katrina, Haiti, Pakistan…

muppetish's avatar

@tinyfaery It’s one thing to not feel personally affected by 9/11, but could you clarify what it is you find “annoying”? I never view the tragedies of others, or their expressions of mourning as annoying. I too still feel shaken by the oil spill, Katrina, Haiti, Pakistan, not to mention the earthquake in Chili, the reports on the war (which I wish was no longer in place), and a slew of other tragedies that crop up in the news on what feels like a daily basis. I may have an opinion about how the media handles these tragedies, or disagree with how people channel their emotions (especially when people use these events for political agenda, removing aspects of humanity and global aid), but I won’t dismiss those who mourn the loss of people, or acknowledge the devastation.

I’m not judging you. I’m just trying to understand where you are coming from.

Ben_Dover's avatar

I agree @tinyfaery… I was apalled when I saw those jets fly into the Twin Towers. But later that day I had a kidney stone and so my own personal grief for me far outweighed anything I might have felt for a few thousand people misfortunate enough to work in those buildings.

Pearl harbor doesn’t faze me, nor does the Oklahoma bombing or the Jimmy Jones Kool aid murders.
Actually, i don’t get worked up much over these alleged tragedies. Earthquakes and hurricanes, tsunami in Phuket…
Oh well…life goes on. Get over it.
However, for those who decide to take on the grief personally and need to wail and moan…well, I don’t find them annoying.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I bet you would be thinking differently if one of your beloved family member or friends died that day. This was one of the worst attacks on our country. You have no compassion at all. Something might seem easy to bear to you, but tell that to the people who lost someone that day. Their problems are real to them and you need to understand that. An attack on America is an attack on all of us. Grow a heart! Bye…

eden2eve's avatar

Kind of reminds me of when someone is adressing a victim of sexual abuse or a race or sexuality-motivated hate crime and they say… “why don’t you just get over it?”

I’m sure that some of you would find that apalling. Are you the same ones who are so blase’ to the concerns of the 911 victims? Hypocritical, if that’s the case.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Not at all @ducky_dnl . As I said, I don’t find those who lost family annoying that they still cry about it. But then, I am a bit different, I suppose. I have lost close family, mourned their loss and continued my life. The sun continues to rise and set, life goes on, within you and without you.
I don’t suggest to victims of crimes to get over it, at the time of the crime. But 9 years later, come on.
We would be far better off trying to change the evil, cold-blooded, heartless system that is America today so as to thwart any future tragedies which we in America actually brought upon ourselves!
What did you expect the people in the MIddle East to do when we disrupted their lives and killed their families? Just roll over and cry. The attack on the Twin towers was a response to America’s nazi-like attempts to take people’s oil without paying them for it. We undermine regimes and topple governments setting our puppets into the new government. Well, when we do that those from the old government and their families are hunted down and murdered by the new guys in power.
All thanks to your tax dollars at work.
So maybe you should think about that when you are mourning today, the anniversary of one of America’s greatest tragedies.

rangerr's avatar

An eye for an eye makes the whole World blind.

Ron_C's avatar

Shortly after the 9–11 murders, I was on the road again. I went to China, Singapore, for sure. I would have to look up the other countries that I visited in 2001 and 2002. It is interesting the speed witch with the U.S. government turned international sympathy to international contempt. My main fear was that people would associate me with our idiot president. A common insult, when you said something stupid or disagreeable was “you are just like Bush”.

It was often meant in jest but I began telling people that I was Canadian, nobody hates Canadians.

The former government holds, keeps, and invents new enemies to divert peoples attention from their disappearing income and rights. The present administration seems reluctant to let go of the powers stolen from the people and congress by previous administrations.

From what I hear that is a common presidential trait. They can go in as a humble, intelligent populist and turn into a power hungry politician, probably because of his adviser’s advice and council.

tinyfaery's avatar

What I find annoying is the continued politicization of a tragedy. If you don’t mourn you are not patriotic. If you don’t hate Muslims today then you are heartless and cold. I will never see the death of 3000 people as a reason to push an agenda, and unfortunately, that is what most 9/11 commemorations are.

muppetish's avatar

@tinyfaery Thank you for clarifying. Lurve because I agree that it should not be used to push political agenda.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Austinlad Nor should we ever stop guarding against the possibility of future attacks on U.S. soil by avowed foreign or domestic enemies. I don’t think I said anything about not being diligent for safety or future attacks.

@mammal America seeks fit to commemorate such attacks on America is simple, they are so infrequent as to become all pervasive in the National Psyche. BINGO!! The US is like some preppy boy who never had a fist fight really and then someone suckers punches him and he is shell shocked. People here don’t have to deal with bombs going off in markets, on busses, having drones blow up your house because you had the misfortune of living next to a high value target, neither as any American city ever been carpet bombed. Germany had so many bombing raids which would they commemorate? Which IRA attack should the UK make special note of? Pearl Harbor was a military base and not even a state when it happened. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not military bases. Some civilians died at Pearl Harbor but I am sure pound for pound more civilians died in Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Dresden, and England when they were bombed.

@muppetish Quite frankly, I think it is childish and inconsiderate to compare travesties. To try to compare a couples of building to a whole city and say that it was in some way greater is lunacy; like sticking one’s head in the sand. Sure it was a terrible event, but it is not a current and on going even. Not all of New York suffered in a direct way, not like Tokyo being fire bombed, or Lebanon being blown back into the stone age. It was a bad, bad attack, but Madison Square Garden was still standing, as was Coney Island, Time Square, and the Island of Manhattan, etc.

@rangerr Are you saying we shouldn’t be upset about what happened?—Slow your roll—I did not say no one should be upset, but like the death of a pet, your favorite uncle or a parent at soe point you have to move forward. I guess one can cry everyday for a loved one lost but what a waste of energy the could be put to better use than using up a box of tissue.

You sir, are a dick.—But I can make a point with out insulting those I don’t agree with. Never knew I had the power to move you that much.—

I bet you would be thinking differently if one of your beloved family member or friends died that day. Let me go out on a limb as say those who actually was apart of or had loved ones that were apart of Katrina, or the jet that crashed in 1979 out of Chicago-O’hare airport, or Columbine High. If you have a personal tragedy sure you will remember it. If the nation had to take pause for every tragedy everyone felt because they lost someone we would be mourning 24/7.

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