General Question

Steve_A's avatar

Where were you on 9/11?

Asked by Steve_A (5130points) September 11th, 2010

I was in 5th grade at the time. Regular day of school. Was still morning I remember sitting at my desk that were in unison of 4–6 tables creating small groups of students.

Suddenly the T.V. turns on. A rare thing unless it was for a certain purpose, and the teacher had not announced anything. Strange I thought….Another teacher walks into the room, they seem to be frantic about something as they conversed and watched the T.V.

Out of nowhere as a couple minutes pass and a girl directly opposite of me—I remember her face 100%, starts to cry.All I could think was, why? The girl then starts a conversation with the teacher saying she has family in New York.

I did not even know what New York actually was at the time, much less the Twin Towers. You can feel the tension it the air though through out the day.

Alas the day went on and I came home to finally grasp what had happen. Still even then I did not understand the full impact and what would come of it all. A war. A war that is still happening and I am now an adult.

Where were you on 9/11?
How did you react and others around you react?

On an ending note of this question, I would like to pay my respects on this day for everyone involved and thank all military,police,firefighter and any other people that had to endure this and those who still are.

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54 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I was at school. When I got home it was all over the news. I was quite annoyed. It was interesting though.

marinelife's avatar

I was in Washington State. It was early in the morning there. My husband had turned on the radio, and he heard what was happening so he turned on the TV.

We sat and watched amazed as the buildings just turned into dust. All those people inside.

It was very terrifying. When we heard about the planes in Pennsylvania and Washington, DC, we didn’t know how widespread the attack was.

That was the day that changed how I react to the sound of an airplane overhead forever,

Facade's avatar

Sixth grade English class.

JilltheTooth's avatar

At home in Connecticut watching it live on the news. I spent the rest of the day coordinating with friends (with much difficulty, as most cell phones based in NYC were no longer working) to have someone who could not get back home to Manhattan) stay at my house til the lockdown was lifted, and trying to discuss such a horrible thing with my 12 yr old daughter.

Cruiser's avatar

In a plane on my way to Orlando…United Flight 1258…

React? How would you react finding out scumbags are flying planes into buildings when you are in a plane!! I/we all freaked! I will never forget it.

MrItty's avatar

I was a first-year grad student in upstate New York. I was watching something my TiVo recorded the previous night in my living room. My computer was in my bedroom, and was connected to a chat program from my college. It beeped, so I went to check it during a commercial. Someone posted “HOLY SHIT – A plane just flew into the World Trade Center!!”. I came back to the living room and turned to CNN. I sat there staring until about 8:45am, when I left to go to class.

I got to class and got on my laptop, and kept trying to refresh So was everyone else in the world, so it didn’t work too well. 10am, class was over, and I walked back home. My three roommates were all glued to the TV. None of them said anything when I walked in. I’d sent an email to the professor of my noon class, asking if he was cancelling. He replied no, but 10 minutes later, the college president emailed everyone saying SHE was cancelling all remaining classes for the day.

By random coincidence, the 2nd Tuesday of every month, the Red Cross held a blood drive on campus. I’d donated a month ago, but I thought in extreme circumstances they might make an exception. I went to the donation center, and saw the line wrapped down the Great Hall, out of the building, outside to the next building. Never felt so much pride in my student body. The Red Cross nurse told me they couldn’t make an exception even today, and didn’t let me donate. I sat in the Great Hall with my laptop, refreshing as best I could.

3pm, my mother emailed me. She said my baby sister, in 7th grade, came home from school crying. She didn’t have a good grasp of New York geography. All she knew was that I lived in New York, and “New York” had been attacked. Mom had to convince her I was a good three hours away from the attacks.

That evening, my friends and I (about 10 or 12) got together to go to dinner. We wanted to go somewhere we’d never been, as we didn’t want to treat it like any normal day. We went to a restaurant we’d never been to, and have never been back to since.

birdland33's avatar

I was in Wildwood, NJ on business, with my bags packed and driving up the Jersey shore to the Atlantic City airport for a 10:30 flight back to Providence.

Needless to say, that didn’t happen and I spent an additional three days in Jersey. Ironically, the day I was leaving Wildwood, a national fireman’s convention was scheduled to begin, so there were plenty of additional rescue workers coming to town.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Inspecting a hotel in South Carolina. We were in the lobby when the news came on the large-screen television. I thought, “What yahoo flew their Cessna into the World Trade Center?” Once we found out what was going on, I offered to stop the inspection, but the manager said to continue on. They watched the updates as we moved from room to room.

Once it was done, I jumped in the rental car and drove to home base. It was pretty surreal being alone and listening to the news reports for 9 hours straight.

Seek's avatar

Junior year, American History class.

Sitting in the back of the room (we had random assigned seating that changed every month), next to my best friend James. Eckstein was lecturing about the events leading up to the American Revolutionary War. The bell was going to ring soon so we started to pack up. Eckstein says “And tomorrow we’re going to talk about ‘The Shot Heard ‘Round the World’.”

Then the teacher from next door slammed open the door and said “Turn on the news – a plane just hit the twin towers.”

Eggie's avatar

I was in school at the time and it came over the news. I was so shocked at the whole situation. I remember how shocked I was when I also saw how the people in afganistan were celebrating at the tragedy.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

In bed. I got a call from my Mom right after the first tower was hit. She told me to turn on the t.v.. While watching it, I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut (when the second tower hit), and I couldn’t get anything out. I was in shock. I continued watching for the next few days.

It was the same for Princess Diana’s funeral. I stayed up all night to watch that.

laureth's avatar

I worked second shift at the grocery store at the time, so I was still asleep that early in the morning. Mom’s phone call woke me up, and she was frantic, saying, “Oh my god, this is it, they’re invading!!” just as if there were troops marching up the main street of my town. By the time I was awake enough to think, she’d told me to turn the TV on, and I saw the second plane hit.

I sat there with the TV all day and (of all things) processed some wool and silk for spinning, because I felt that I ought to be doing something constructive. (I still have the sweater I ended up making from that fiber.) Eventually I had to go to work (3pm), where I dealt heavily with the public. Every customer I helped was in a low mood, and asked me if I had heard or seen the news. Yes, yes, I know, they’re invading. <sigh> And while I know it’s wrong and bad of me to say this, there’s only so much of this a person can take in the course of a bouncy cashier shift, so I started pretending that I hadn’t heard. “No, was something on the news? What happened?”—no one bothered to explain it after that, and I guess I can’t really blame them.

I remember watching the TV that day, though, and wondering how it would all pan out in the end. I’m really sad that we haven’t kept that sense of purpose we had right afterward, when we had the sympathy of the world, and turned it into this politicized mess.

NinjaBiscuit's avatar

I was really late for school (11th grade) and waiting on my mom to take me. My uncle (who lives in NY) called my mom and told her to turn on the tv asap. We were watching it and I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was in school already and every class I had had the tv’s on. I had found out my mom’s cousin was on the 38th floor but got out luckily and ran for 10 city blocks straight before stopping. I was in my American History class (watching American History unfold) when I saw the second tower fall live. I remember the reporter freaking out as it started to fall. We all started crying and gasping. It’s so very, very sad still to this day…

Seek's avatar

@NinjaBiscuit I had a cousin who worked there, too. I later found out he just happened to be on business in Orlando that day.

RomanExpert's avatar

I was living and working in New York City. I remember I had a follow up interview that day…on Cortland Street, adjacent to the World Trade Center…true story! And, of course I was there the day before, my birthday!

cockswain's avatar

I was driving to work in Madison, WI listening to the Howard Stern show, and Howard was sort of bragging about how he’d been partying with Pam Anderson and she’d been flirting with him. Then someone said a plane hit the towers and people in the building Stern’s studio was in could see it. They started getting alarmed, and someone called in and started saying bad stuff about Arabs. They do lots of pranks on the show, but this seemed kind of extreme. I was sort of bewildered when I got to work and was going to see if it was on the news. As soon as I walked in the lobby I could tell by the receptionist’s face it was real.

On a side note, management decided to lock the building down “as a safety precaution.” I still think that was a ridiculously egocentric, self-important thing for them to think our business was so important as to be a target for a meaningful terrorist attack.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I was taking a bath and my hubby called and asked if I was watching the news. I had to hop out and flip the TV on. I stayed glued to the TV the rest of the day, and surprisingly my daughter who was only 8 months old at the time, didn’t really give me any fits. She happily played and gurgled in my lap all day.

My stepdad and I watched in shock and mostly silence through that day, then the following day he took care of my little girl so I could go stand in line to donate blood. There were so many people there that it literally took all day. I got there about 10 am and didn’t get to donate until about 8 pm. It was a long day but I was happy to see so many people giving their blood for those that were injured.

dursus's avatar

I was sitting in my third grade class when it happened. All I remember was being pulled out of class by my mom. I took the NYC trains home and since it had just happened, the ride home was delayed and long. I didn’t know what was going on until I got home and we watched the replays over and over again on the small badly reception TV. I remember just standing bewildered, and what happened didn’t hit me until I was much older.

mammal's avatar

i was working in England and heard it on the radio, my immediate reaction was to assume it was an accident with a light aircraft, obviously when i heard about the second strike i realised something was terribly wrong, i didn’t realise the aircraft was a passenger jet straight away. i was completely incredulous and totally stunned. Later on i kind of thought well i guess America had it coming, but that was shameful really. it has preoccupied me on an intellectual level ever since. But all i would say is that however much people wish to jab the finger firmly in one direction, i think it is well worth taking a good look at some of the people doing the pointing. Quickest response ever `We didn’t deserve this, lets get the fuckers.’ Well hold on one cotton picking moment Cowboy. does the world go to war every time there is a terrorist act? To me that is disproportionate. it is more than disproportionate it is beyond the scope of rational comprehension.

My enduring reaction was that it was something beyond dramatic, it was epic it was biblical, but mostly it was the opening salvo to a terrible human tragedy, that may conclude with an even bigger explosion.

Jay484's avatar

I was 9 years old at the time and my mom pulled me out of school because i was sick, when we got home my dad called and told us to turn on the t.v thats when we saw the second tower fall. My dad saw both the towers fall in the staff room t.v at his school

RareDenver's avatar

I was at work, I had a friend who worked at BBC News and I got an email off her saying a plane had flown into one of the towers of the trade centre in NYC. I mentioned it to the rest of my office and we all assumed it was an accident. I then got an email from her saying a plane had flown into the other tower at which point I realised it can’t have been an accident. We turned on a TV in the office and watched them fall and I can’t really remember much of the rest of the day.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I was about 40 meters away from where I am now, I was just over in the woods with a friend, smoking some weed and doing other stuff when I was interrupted by another friend who had just turned up on his dirt bike. he said that there had been an accident in america that an aircraft had crashed in to a sky scraper.

I went inside to turn the tv on, I saw about 10 minutes of it before the next aircraft hit. it was at that point i realized this was no accident. I suspected it was probably some kind of crazy suicide pact, or that perhaps the aircraft had been hacked in to some how and had their radar messed about with. the last thing i suspected was terrorists, as until then terrorists only hijacked aircraft to go some place.

It was quite a strange event for me, not living in america, not having any family there, I did not really have much of an emotional reaction to it. more than anything I was wondering if what i was seeing was real. I remember I changed channel to as many news stations as i could just to confirm that it was indeed happening.

Before then I had never really understood (and still dont really understand) why some people tended to remember the dates of certain historical events, but on that day I found my self repeating the date over and over in my head, as if to try and memorize it, even before they started talking about the date.

As more information came out and they started to talk about terrorism and afganistan, I honestly thought I would wake up the next day to hear that nukes had been dropped in retaliation. I really did not think the army would hold back.

I remember it was the only thing on the news for at least two weeks, and even though everyone who died in the attack was a complete stranger to me, and I really did not have much of an emotional attachment to any of it, I found that as more information came out I got angry. the magnitude of the attack and the people who where targeted was just so unjustifiable to me that I rooted for the troops and hoped to see bin laden’s head on a stick every day. if they ever find and capture him, he should be drawn and quartered in public.

heresjohnny's avatar

I was in my living room (or, I guess my parents’ living room, they had both gone to work) about to leave on my bike for school, when the phone rings. It was my good friend, with whom I rode to school every morning. He just told me to turn on the news. I asked him what channel, and he said “any channel”. At that point, I knew something was wrong. I could hear it in his voice, I had never heard him sound like that.

So, I turned on the TV, and flipped to some news channel, and the first thing I saw was footage of one of the towers with smoke billowing out of it. It took me a few seconds to realize that it was the WTC. Like other people have said, I thought it might be an accident, but I was too dumbstruck at the sight to think of much. I had been to the top of one of the towers only a few years back.

I only later (at school) heard that the pentagon was hit. My mom was in D.C. at the time, but we got a call from her saying she was nowhere near the pentagon.

I was 11 years old, and I had no idea the significance of what I had witnessed. I also remember how much they replayed the footage of the planes hitting, and the towers falling in the coming days and weeks. Today, I can hardly watch it.

Arp's avatar

I was in First Grade, and it was about halfway through the day. Kids suddenly started leaving, which confused me a lot. Then my mom came to the school and picked me up. I was just glad I got out of school early, it was a few years until I understood what had happened…

filmfann's avatar

I was having breakfast, watching the news talk about the first tower being hit by a plane.
I was trying to figure out how bad a pilot had to be to hit the tower on a clear day.
Then the second plane came in the picture.
Before it could hit the tower, I thought “terrorists!”.
I went to work, and did nothing for half a day, while my company tried to figure out what to do. I work for the phone company, and they didn’t want us blocking streets, or in any way interrupting phone service. They released us just after noon.
During that morning, my wife was sending me text messages to my pager. I remember reading her tell me about the Pentagon, the towers falling, and a carbomb near the Capital. (some of the early information wasn’t correct).
My immediate impression was that this was our Pearl Harbor. People at work didn’t believe that, but it has shown to be true.

wenn's avatar

9th grade gym class. Badminton tournament I believe.

I remember a girl coming in and telling the teacher and we all changed and went to our next classes, and ended up watching the news all day.

christos99's avatar

A day I will never forget… I was in college sleeping in (UMass), got up and turned my tv on at the exact moment the 2nd plane stuck the tower. I couldn’t absorb was was happening so quickly… Born and raised in NYC, it still bothers me to this day :(

cazzie's avatar

I was back in the States after a 15 year absence, helping my mother go through chemotherapy. I was visiting with an old boyfriend from Norway. His flight back to Norway was delayed….

Aster's avatar

Sitting in the den watching it live and thinking, “am I dreaming?”

rangerr's avatar

5th grade. We were in reading groups I can’t remember the book, but I know we were on page 97 when the lockdown alarm went off. We assumed it was a drill, but then the announcement that nobody was to leave or enter the building without a police escort came on.
The teachers were a bit confused, but we didn’t think much of it. Then another teacher came in the room asking my two teachers to check their email.

They started reading the email and the assistant just looks up and says “Oh my God, Sarah..” then ran out of the room. That’s the one part of my day that I remember the clearest.

I ended up going home early because I got sick. There were teachers standing guard at every door and corner of our school we are close enough to DC that they were worried about anything happening here. I got home and started watching some of the news footage, but I didn’t fully understand what happened until I got to high school and went back and watched footage and read stories.
I did cry that day, though. One of the news feeds started showing the people forced to jump from the towers. I cried for hours after that. I barely slept for a week and that was before I understood what was really going on.

Noobie's avatar

I was in my home country – Iran. I was at my dorm in college. We watched that on TV and I had no idea we would be eventually hated/blamed because of what we had no idea who did LOL

I came to the US a couple years later to peruse my graduate studies and in these years I realized how much we do not understand each other. I know this is highly offensive to some but I am gonna say it anyway: I remember a few days after 9/11 I discussed the 9/11 terrorist attack with a mid-aged lady who was working in our library at college (back in Iran). I told her this was a horrible act of terrorism. She responded “yeah, I agree but let the Americans see how horrible it is when they kill innocent people.” I apologize in advance as I do not want to offend anybody, but the whole thing shows how much people in the US and Muslims do not understand each other. That lady was thinking the act of American government could be responded by killing innocent people…the same way that most Americans thought attacking Iraq was justified because somebody who had no business with Iraqis had attacked their country.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I remember I was in elementary school and we were dismissed early. I didn’t know why at first, there was a lot of confusion and panicking. On the drive to my grandma’s house with my cousins, they couldn’t stop arguing about what just happened. All I could grasp was that a building exploded in Manhattan, which frightened me because my mom worked in Manhattan (Back then, I didn’t know Manhattan was such a huge place and my mom’s office was far away from the towers). I remember being in my grandma’s house on that day, terrified that I might not see my mother ever again. Fortunately, she was safe and to this day, I’m grateful that she’s alive.

cazzie's avatar

Noobie…. thank you for sharing that. I think it’s important.

RareDenver's avatar

@Noobie It’s always to good to hear views from all sides and I can’t speak for anyone else and certainly not for any Americans as I’m British but I wasn’t offended by what you wrote.

DominicX's avatar

I was in 5th grade as well (I had just turned 10); it was a school morning and I was getting ready for school. My dad not there and my mom was watching the news. I remember only knowing the gist of what had happened and I remember being angry about it. When I got to school that morning, I was waiting in front of the classroom while this girl I still know today was telling everyone who arrived about what had happened. I don’t remember too much else; but those few things I can see vividly in my mind and I do remember the feelings I had at the time.

kenmc's avatar

I was in the hall in middle school (7th grade). I was heading back to class after getting a drink from a water fountain when I heard one teacher say to another, “Did you hear about the World Trade Center Towers? A plane hit them”. I remember being skeptical and thinking it was a hoax. I wish it would have been.

After that, we had our normal school day, except we didn’t do any schooling. All anyone did was watch the news. For the rest of my classes, when I got home, even driving places that day, all we heard was the news. A random memory I have is of Dan Rather warning people about profanity in a recording directly from the buildings as the plane hit. The screaming was horrific.

Katexyz's avatar

I was in 6th grade. Had a 100% normal school day, nothing out of the ordinary. Didn’t hear about it until after school from my mom. Only the 8th graders were told about it. She basically asked me if I had heard anything, I said no, and asked her if I should have. She proceeded to explain it and tell me she tried to get us (my sisters and I) out of school, but wasn’t allowed because the faculty didn’t want any kids hearing about it while in the building. Got home, watched the news for a while. Eventually I really didn’t want to see it anymore, so I stopped watching and went about my day. No clue what I did after watching the news.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I was on my way to work in Delaware when the first tower was hit. I was listening to the radio and they had someone call in and report it. The radio station I listened to always did prank calls in the morning, so I thought it was fake. I got to work as the second tower was being hit. My manager had the radio on at work and we listened to the events unfold throughout the day. Everyone that came in (I was working at Wendy’s) was really quiet and treated each other really nicely. No one was rushing to get their food and get out. Everyone that came in was talking about what was going on. They asked if we had heard the latest and we talked about what we heard on the radio and they would tell us what they had heard.

After work, I went home and watched everything replaying on tv. I sat glued to the tv, holding my belly, and crying. I was 4 months pregnant at the time. My brother turned 18 the next day.

octopussy's avatar

Living in Australia it was around 11pm and I was in bed, my husband had the TV on and came rushing in to tell me a plane had hit the WTC and to get up and watch the TV, he didnt say it was a passenger jet so I thought it was just some idiot who had crashed by accident so I didn’t get up.
The next minute he rushes in again to say a second plane had hit and that America was at war, well I jumped out of bed after that and we sat there glued to the TV for hours watching in disbelief, we talked about how the world would never be the same again. Even today when I see repeat footage of the WTC coming down it never ceases to amaze me what a horrific event it was and I hope we never see it happen again.

Plone3000's avatar

Before I got to school, I was to young to really know what was going on.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I was in Oregon. I was in 9th grade. I woke up for school and every channel had the same thing on it. I think I saw it before the second plane hit the second tower. I was just dumbfounded at what was happening. One thing I remember was the news said it was a terrorist attack. Then, in the next minute, they were giving me the exact places where Air Force One was flying. I thought, how dumb are you guys for telling people that.

I’m really glad I got a chance to go to New York a couple years earlier and get a picture of the WTC. That picture means a lot to me.

amazonstorm's avatar

Sophomore English in high school. Rumors were flying this way and that and it wasn’t until I got home that I learned the truth. To this day, I still can’t look at news footage of the towers falling. I feel sick inside.

boxer3's avatar

Eighth Grade Science class

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

@amazonstorm I still can’t watch it either.

TexasDude's avatar

I was in my 6th grade reading class. One of the science teachers came in and told us to turn on the news.

Then he made a bunch of jokes about it which still makes me angry to think about. >:-(

cockswain's avatar

This is one of the most interesting threads I’ve seen on Fluther.

thekoukoureport's avatar

I was at 28th and 8th, living in a bowery style motel trying to survive in NYC and maybe make it as an actor. I had just started my second week with a good job managing a gallery(it took almost 6 months to find any job). I came out of my room and saw everyone standing still looking up. so I turned and saw tower one on fire!.... Am I dreaming is this a movie i dunno but let me get to work.( I also noticed that there was only one cab on the street and it was drivin by a white man) Where are all the cabs?.. Anyway I worked at 19th and 9th(closer but still many blocks away). When I got to work I turned on the radio to listen to whats going on and thats when tower 2 had been struck and there is a plane that hit in PA. Thats when I freaked because my ex and the children where in Philadelphia and the first reports came in that the plane hit in Philly. For the first time in my life I had felt a true sense of loss thinking about my children(I’ll get back to that). Then the towers fell… I didn’t know what to do, my first instinct was to run there and help. But I didn’t because tens of thousands of people were walking towards me. So I sat in the gallery and watched literally 100 to 200,000 people walk past my door trying to get home.(with no transportation on the island and all bridges closed to vehicles it was one of the most incredable sites I had seen to this point). Then night came and what a niight. Imagine walking out of a building to a deserted NYC I mean their where no lights, no people, no cars, nothing. Tell you the truth as I stood in the miidile of the road at 19th and 9th in the actual intersection I was alone, no one, I didn’t know what to do so I went towards the towers.

Empty NYC block after block…..nothing. Then I came upon Washington Square park next to NYU and I heard music, so I went towards the noise any noise in this silence was welcome. It was a sad place cause as you looked through the arch you could see the smoldering of the towers. But again the music helped me and probably 100 other people to keep our sanity on that evening.

Yup 9/11 ruined my second try at stardom but it did bring me back to my wife and kids because for the first time in my life I learned what love lost felt like and I didn’t like it. We have been back together for 7 years now and my kids are now the actors in the family. so I can live vicariously through them. lol

The weeks after where so sureal that its hard to write any of this without thinking of the bagpipes that where played daily in honor of the fallen as they where being buried, the cheering crowds for the first responders as they entered and left the site, the “missing” pictures platered all over the city, and the pictures. One in particular that will never leave me is of a woman who is standing in the hole that the plane made looking down. I“ll never know her name and I hope I’m never faced with that decision. I still don’t want to watch the event.

ram201pa's avatar

I was on vacation in Cape May, NJ. While walking on the beach, I overheard a converstion of how a small commuter plane hit the WTC. My first thought was how could that possibly happen. I went back to the condo to verify the story on TV, and for the next 4 days I sat in front of the TV and cried.

HoneyBee's avatar

I was living with my ex and his mom and was asleep and when I woke up it was all over the tv.

tigerlilly2's avatar

I was in 5th grade and I remebmber my teacher turning on the television and freaking out. All of us little kids saw the towers go down live. Our teacher got in a lot of crap over that and they let us go home early to be with our families.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar


By Hunter S. Thompson
Page 2 columnist
September 11–12, 2001

It was just after dawn in Woody Creek, Colo., when the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City on Tuesday morning, and as usual I was writing about sports. But not for long. Football suddenly seemed irrelevant, compared to the scenes of destruction and utter devastation coming out of New York on TV.

Even ESPN was broadcasting war news. It was the worst disaster in the history of the United States, including Pearl Harbor, the San Francisco earthquake and probably the Battle of Antietam in 1862, when 23,000 were slaughtered in one day.

The Battle of the World Trade Center lasted about 99 minutes and cost 20,000 lives in two hours (according to unofficial estimates as of midnight Tuesday). The final numbers, including those from the supposedly impregnable Pentagon, across the Potomac River from Washington, likely will be higher. Anything that kills 300 trained firefighters in two hours is a world-class disaster.

And it was not even Bombs that caused this massive damage. No nuclear missiles were launched from any foreign soil, no enemy bombers flew over New York and Washington to rain death on innocent Americans. No. It was four commercial jetliners.

They were the first flights of the day from American and United Airlines, piloted by skilled and loyal U.S. citizens, and there was nothing suspicious about them when they took off from Newark, N.J., and Dulles in D.C. and Logan in Boston on routine cross-country flights to the West Coast with fully-loaded fuel tanks—which would soon explode on impact and utterly destroy the world-famous Twin Towers of downtown Manhattan’s World Trade Center. Boom! Boom! Just like that.

The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now—with somebody—and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.

It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy. Osama bin Laden may be a primitive “figurehead”—or even dead, for all we know—but whoever put those All-American jet planes loaded with All-American fuel into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon did it with chilling precision and accuracy. The second one was a dead-on bullseye. Straight into the middle of the skyscraper.

Nothing—even George Bush’s $350 billion “Star Wars” missile defense system—could have prevented Tuesday’s attack, and it cost next to nothing to pull off. Fewer than 20 unarmed Suicide soldiers from some apparently primitive country somewhere on the other side of the world took out the World Trade Center and half the Pentagon with three quick and costless strikes on one day. The efficiency of it was terrifying.

We are going to punish somebody for this attack, but just who or what will be blown to smithereens for it is hard to say. Maybe Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan or Iraq, or possibly all three at once. Who knows? Not even the Generals in what remains of the Pentagon or the New York papers calling for WAR seem to know who did it or where to look for them.

This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed—for anyone, and certainly not for anyone as baffled as George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started the war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child-President, has been chosen by Fate and the global Oil industry to finish it Now. He will declare a National Security Emergency and clamp down Hard on Everybody, no matter where they live or why. If the guilty won’t hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.

Good luck. He is in for a profoundly difficult job—armed as he is with no credible Military Intelligence, no witnesses and only the ghost of Bin Laden to blame for the tragedy.

OK. It is 24 hours later now, and we are not getting much information about the Five Ws of this thing.

The numbers out of the Pentagon are baffling, as if Military Censorship has already been imposed on the media. It is ominous. The only news on TV comes from weeping victims and ignorant speculators.

The lid is on. Loose Lips Sink Ships. Don’t say anything that might give aid to The Enemy.

…............................................................ —30—

….The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now—with somebody—and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives….

Cruiser's avatar

I love Hunter Thompson’s writing. @Espiritus_Corvus out of curiosity, why post this now 15 years later?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I found it last night while trying to find his report on the fall of Saigon. I found the above report instead and was so moved by his ability to write and deduce the future so well in the hours after the tragedy that I felt a need to place it somewhere so people won’t forget that he wasn’t just a chronicler of pop culture and sports, but also a very fine journalist who could gird his loins under pressure and under any circumstance write so well. A Gonzo Journalist. I remembered this question, found it, and posted. It’s appropriate. It tells where he was on 9/11.

LOL. I do stuff like that late at night around here.

I found the above article Here where they have 20 other Thompson articles available for cut and paste. Just click the titles in bold to open them.

But I’m still searching for his reports from inside a chaotic Saigon while stranded there by Rolling Stone magazine’s publisher Jann Wenner. No press credentials, an American civilian in a country that is rapidly falling apart and being taken by the enemy. That is a great story in itself.

I’ll let you know and link you when I find them.

Cruiser's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Thanks again for sharing that. It is quite remarkable in how he was able to flesh out what had just happened to our country…put context to what had just happened with very little detail to go on. Quite remarkable in how he read the situation that fateful day.

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