Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Will the proposed New York City mosque ever be built?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) September 11th, 2010

Lets face it, this proposed mosque is facing some heavy opposition and rightly so. why build the mosque within two blocks of the deadly twin towers attack? Is this to be a shrine, to reward certain people, for the accomplishments of killing innocent people? And, not to mention the many surviving cancer patients caused by debris from the attacks? Also, how can President Obama endorse this building? Should he not stay out of the situation? American blood comes before a foreign regions religion. Question: Will the surviving family members of 911 ever let the New York City mosque get off the ground? Should we expect sabotage?

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8 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

American blood comes before a foreign regions religion.
Shocking. You do know that Islam is the religion of many Americans, yes? That makes it an American Religion, too.

jaytkay's avatar

I’m just glad it’s not a Christian church which would obviously be intended only as a reward to boy-raping priests, Tim McVeigh and the Klan.

It’s not a mosque. You might want to read up on the facts before you get outraged.

And the outrage is not from the families, or even New Yorkers. The featured speaker at today’s anti rally is neofascist Dutch member of parliement Geert Wilders.

MissAusten's avatar

This is what happens when politicians and the media decide to sensationalize a non-issue.

@john65pennington You should watch this video. If you do, you may be surprised to learn that the building isn’t a mosque, like @jaytkay said. It is not as close to Ground Zero as you might think, and is not even slightly visible from Ground Zero. There is another Muslim prayer center much closer, but no one ever mentions a word about that.

While I can understand and sympathize with the emotions this issue brings up, especially among New Yorkers and people who lost loved ones on 9/11, I think the way it’s being presented and dramatized is disgusting.

woodcutter's avatar

I’m pretty sure they will get it done. There isn’t a law against it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

What do facts mean in the face of righteous indignation?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Also there already was a “ground zero” mosque. It was on the 17th of the WTC.

chaz's avatar

even if does get built it will be a high bomb risk it’s self.

woodcutter's avatar

from what i have learned there, the leader is of a mellower kind of Islam which is the extreme opposite from the hate Islam associated with terror. This can be a good thing or we can at least hope. If there is any bomb the infidels hate speech emanating from the center it will be publicized and then we will have something to be concerned about.

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