Would you, could you divulge your real first name..... I wonder?
Asked by
ucme (
September 11th, 2010
Whoah, wait. Before you drop a hissy fit, it’s just a simple request, isn’t it? Oh come on it can’t don’t no harm. I mean some of the usernames on here are good yet very impersonal. Wouldn’t mind knowing some real first names. Who amongst you are willing? I’d tell you mine if you tell me yours :¬) It won’t hurt, the big bad wolf aint coming to get us. Go on….I dare you! Now naturally I respect anyone’s right to privacy & am well aware that the internet can be subject to issues surrounding identity. I don’t excpect many of you to comply just curious that’s all. I mean some of you may already have your first name within your username, I dunno.
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82 Answers
My name is my real name :-)
Well, you have mine. I was always told to not say things that I’m not willing to stand by and anonymity is a way hide from the truth. So when you cuss out Ron, you are going right to the source.
My – err, Jewish name is (wait for it) Jan.
Lisa… the “L” in augustLan.
@janbb Yeah the nice kind lady above^^ informed me that christian name may not sit well with some. Genuinely thought it was the generic term for first names. All fixed now. @augustlan Thanks again.
@ucme Not uncommon here, but more of an English term than American now. Not to worry.
Wunday. But I prefer to be called Mr. Atta.
Sorry….no. A.M. Wiser%*%$ is all you get XD
Quite a few of the old-timers here already know my name because it was my username for a long time. However, I had to compartmentalize Fluther and real life after some unnecessary drama, so I changed my username. I’d be happy to tell anyone who wants to know via PM, but posting it here is counter-productive to my compartmental efforts. :)
Sometimes,I’ll answer to Lucy,but not that often ;)
Lindsay, but I prefer Lyns.
no WAY! how could i. ugh. just too dangerous.
Go ahead, guess. (Hint: it’s not “Fido”)
@worriedguy : I thought your real first name was trepidacious.
My first name is Jessie, I used to have it on my profile but took it off for some reason. I don’t know why though. xD
This may come as a shock, but, my name is Dominic.
I’ll give you all some time to digest that.
I’m not going to “drop a hissy fit;” I’m just not going to do it. That’s that.
My name is Gisèle, and I’m an alcoholic.
Wait this is a girl scouts meeting? Or is it that you girls can’t admit you have a problem?! XD
Neffie. Or, for people that don’t know me… it is Stephanie. I actually posted this somewhere else on Fluther tonight.
@zen_ Is that really your name lol?
@Symbeline I have a sneaking suspicion the answer is no. ;)
Well, it isn’t Zen either.
I see you as a, a, hmmm….a Dick. lol ;-)
Leanne are you surprised?
Rhonda – I hate my name /:
I have occasionally shared my real first name as a username on other sites and nothing terrible happened, so I have no problems telling you my real name is Lewis.
Thanks all. Now to you cheeky buggers who suggested (with a hint of sarcasm) that your name can be found already in your username. I mean I said as much in the details you know? As I intimated I really couldn’t see any problem with knowing each others first names but this being fluther, thought I better tread carefully. I mean there are those sensitive types who need to be taken into account. Anyway got more replies than expected, happy with that overall. Interesting :¬)
@ucme so now you know all our real names, what’s yours?
@downtide & the mystery 4…......Already gave it, it’s in the link in my post. Come along pay attention!
My name is Chelsea.
Surprise, surprise.
It’s a plain Jane name…Lisa. (No offense @augustlan) And now you have both of them.
@Coloma (Insert effulgent profanity here)
Awww..my cats name is Mia. lol
Humor, humor, too good to pass up! hahaha
Lauren. My close friends typically call me ‘Ren’
@ucme ah I missed that post. But I love the song. And it’s definitely the first thing that comes to mind when I hear that particular name.
No-one ever wrote a cool song about a Lewis. :(
No one else on the planet has my name (way to go hippie parents!), so I almost never share it over the internet. I have shared it with a few flutherites via PM’s, though.
My name is not very common so I rarely share it.
@tranquilsea not very common things should always be shared…it enlightens and enriches the rest of us boring common as muckers ;-) xx
Oh, I was totally kidding, too *&%&$#
Yeah, after we put down the baseball bats we might find each other kinda cute.
It’s so… hard to… swing the bat with… arms… in this damn… jacket.
@lynneblundell People didn’t know my real name for years as I used a very short version of it. I went back to my full first name about 4 years ago. The reason @Whitsoxdude gave is the reason I don’t usually give it out. I’ve been stalked and it wasn’t fun.
@tranquilsea ah I see… yes I have often wondered and worried about being so open with my name…alas no stalkers yet… (holds breathe and touches wood) actually I must get onto that…I did ask to change my name a while back…<off to find augustlan!>
@nebule That stalking was a long time ago but it left an impact on me. This was pre-Internet but he followed me home, followed me around, peeped in my windows, spied on me at work…all without me knowing about it. Then he went suicidal and wrote pages and pages about me, what I did, who I saw and how he was going to kill himself and me. The only reason I found out about it was because a bus driver turned over his binder to me at my school (it had my name on it).
I can’t imagine how much easier that process would be now.
@tranquilsea :-/ o.m.g,
well watch out peeps… the photo is going soon too!
@nebule New photo? New name? I think I’m going to lose you and wonder who the nebule person is. Oh well. It’s happened before. And I’m guiltier than most.
Of course I will tell you my name. But I would then have to kill you I’m afraid.
^^ oooh, okay Osama whatever you say!
Okay, this is an older thread, but I’ll play.
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