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Pandora's avatar

What is the have you sworn you would never do as a teenager and years later you found out you would do it?

Asked by Pandora (32629points) September 11th, 2010

I recently realized that I married the oh, oh, kid. You know the one in class that the teachers and students didn’t like because they always had their hand raised in class.
As a teenager I would wonder who could love such and annoying person. Funny thing is I ended up marrying one. I’ve always noticed my husband is very impatient when a game requires adding. Today he wanted someone else to add. But if they weren’t quick enough he had to tell the person how much it was and then he took over. I laughed and said he was probably the oh, oh, person in class and he smiled and knew exactly what I was talking about, because he was the ooh, ooh, person who always had his hand up.
So flutherites, what promise did you ever make to yourself as a teenager than you realize years later you broke?

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16 Answers

iamthemob's avatar

Smoking. I dropped the ball hard core on that one.

TexasDude's avatar

As a young teen, I was “straightedge” and also one of those kids who was “saving himself for marriage.”

Now, I have a taste for Jim Beam, absinthe, Killian’s, Maker’s Mark, Gurkha and CAO cigars, hookah, and I’m definitely not saving anything for marriage though I prefer to keep that sort of thing in the context of serious relationships only

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Be that person who drops the ball after high school and goes through a certificate program. I’ll give myself some credit, I didn’t sit on my butt and do nothing after high school.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Smoke ganja.

Allie's avatar

Just the tip. No, I’m kidding.

That I’d only get one tattoo and I’d make sure it meant a lot to me. I’m two tattoos in and planning two more.
That I would attend school back-to-back all the way until my Master’s degree. I graduated this past summer and decided I need a break before grad school.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Smoke. Try drugs. Kiss a woman. I’m sure there’s more.

nebule's avatar

I never thought I would be a single mother. I had some pretty bad opinions about them. I guess life has a way of opening our hearts up to people by exposing our own.

shego's avatar

Smoke, drink, tattoos, and sex.
The first three I did as soon as I graduated high school. But I went overboard on the tattoos. I have short sleeves done, and now half my back.
But sex yeah only for serious relationships.

NaturallyMe's avatar

That i wouldn’t have sex before marriage! Haha.
Although, me ending up actually doing it had more to do with a change of beliefs (relgious to not so religious) than anything else.

Pandora's avatar

@NaturallyMe Ha, ha. Yeah! I broke that one too. LOL. I bet that is the one promise broken most frequently followed by I will never smoke. Yeahhhhhhhhh! :(

filmfann's avatar

I always wanted to marry the exotic, free thinking “carumba woman”.
I ended up marrying someone just like my mother, but it took years for me to see it.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When I was 13, I promised my guardian (who was having one of her “moments”, so I doubt she even remembers that she’d done this and would deny it to the hilt) that I would never, ever, ever let a boy touch me. Anywhere.

Sorry, Auntie.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Get married. I did it and will do it again. In fact, I was the first in my group of friends to get married, the one least expected to but also the one with the longest term friendships. Life is kinda cool in these ways.

St.George's avatar

Have kids. Live past 30. Done, and done.

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