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janbb's avatar

What part of yourself that you were unhappy with before are you happy with now?

Asked by janbb (63308points) September 12th, 2010

I was just thinking how unhappy I was with my thick curly hair for a good part of my adolescence and how lucky I feel now to have it. Is there some part of yourself – body, mind or personality – that always gave you grief but that you have come to appreciate now that you are an adult.

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35 Answers

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I used to be uncomfortable with how academic I am. I was never unhappy with it, but I did get self conscious when my classmates would ask me questions about the work that I thought were quite obvious. I have now embraced this part of myself, and plan on a largely academic career path.

I also used to be very self-conscious about my lack of coordination. As I grew though, my double-jointedness disappeared and I gradually became more coordinated so now I am about average for a guy my age.

marinelife's avatar

For me it was my hair too. It was always as fine as corn silk and had no body. (I always wanted thick, curly hair.) Also, ti was brown unlike my sisters who had thick, auburn hair.

But now I am happy with my hair. I have inherited my Mom’s late-graying hair. Every one of my sisters has gone gray, but I have very little gray.

nebule's avatar

As a child I was very unhappy with the way I thought about things so much…very very deeply..I thought there was something really quite wrong with me… I am now happy that I think about things so deeply and have come to learn that it is the art of philosophical thinking.

wundayatta's avatar

It would be easier to name the parts I was happy with….. but I guess I can’t really think of any. Sigh. I felt… I wasn’t strong; I was fat; I was unable to pull myself out of depression; I didn’t have enough stick-to-it-iveness; no ambition; no talents that were good enough to please anyone other than myself; no friends; no one who wanted to be my friend; no redeeming qualities that I could think of….

Yup. I was a mess. Par for the course, I guess, when you’re depressed. Nothing is ever good enough when you are depressed.

Frenchfry's avatar

I was very uncomfortable with having been blessed with breasts at a young age. I remember covering them up with jackets and sweaters.When I turned a adult I found out what a asset they are . I don’t mind showing alittle cleavage now. :)

NinjaBiscuit's avatar

I wasn’t a fan of my hair either. It’s wavy thick and frizzy. I used to keep it really long and complained on how heavy it was and could never do anything with it. But now that I keep it cut short and funky I love it and it works so well with the short look. I just had to figure out how to work with it and what cut/style goes best with it. =)

I also hated the gap in between my two front teeth growing up, and I got made fun of for it. But now that I’m older it’s a part of my smile that makes it unique. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

ucme's avatar

I’m going to assume you meant, “What part of yourself. Hmm, let me think… it. My fashion sense has improved immeasurably.

janbb's avatar

@ucme Yes, I caught the mistake too late and have e-mailed the mods to edit it.

ucme's avatar

@janbb Yes & who among us has that never happened to? Not many that’s who!

muppetish's avatar

That I cry. Over. Everything. I thought this gave me the appearance of being an incredibly weak individual. My mother, who was concerned with my sense of self and how others perceived me, tried to get me to stop through tough-love (which I resented then and now… it’s one of the few things I am disappointed in regards to how she raised me.) It was recent as a few years ago that someone told me they admired my display of emotions and that it showed strength, not weakness.

I don’t cry nearly as much as I used to, but I’m not ashamed of it any more. It hurts far more to keep my emotions bottled up than to freely let them go.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Physically? My hair and breasts. My hair has gone from board straight to naturally wavy. No more coloring and curling and what used to take almost an hour to coif now only takes a few minutes. The breasts used to seem so small compared to blossoming friends, but now at 47, they are large enough that no one mistakes me for a male, show no signs of sagging, and elate my fiancé.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@muppetish Thank you for sharing that. Many of us, male and female, need to take a leaf out of your book.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I am still uncomfortable with how I still have baby fat….sometimes I feel really pretty and sometimes I feel llike shit. – Though I ‘ll nevver go for plastic surgery.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Thesexier Well, I for one, find you beautiful from both your picture and answers you have posted on Fluther.

OpryLeigh's avatar

When I was younger (a young child) I was convinced that I looked like ET. I used to look in the mirror and see a face that looked very alien to me. Now, I am at ease with the way I look and I no longer cringe when I look in the mirror.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer , aww that’s so sweet of you to say :P I feel better while procrastinating instead of packing for Sweden Camp trip which is tomorrow am on FLuther :P

TexasDude's avatar

All of them.

faye's avatar

Physically I was unhappy with small breasts, but, as said above, they’re still up there, no man has complained and I don’t have grooves in my shoulders. Emotionally, I used to think I must have a boyfriend and now I’m happy to have or have not.

tinyfaery's avatar

I used to hate my 36C breasts and my freckled face, now I love my breasts and I have come to accept my freckles, and sometimes even think they are cute.

TexasDude's avatar

@tinyfaery, freckles are one of the things I am most attracted too

aprilsimnel's avatar

My teeth. I used to have a huge gap between my teeth and they were kinda “bucky”. They’re just fine now, and no braces. Once my wisdom teeth erupted, that took care of a lot of things. Then I had them removed.

Christian95's avatar

I have very big ears and they almost make a 90 degree angle with my head.When I was a child everyone made me feel very bad about my looks.I realized those mean people made me have more confidence and I also learned the great skill of ignoring.Now I’m very happy with my ears and I don’t consider myself an ugly person like I did back than.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Being gay. Now, I think it’s absolutely fabulous.

shego's avatar

I hated the fact that I started developing early. But now I’m perfectly ok with my breast size. Though they’re still huge, they can fill out cute shirts.

NaturallyMe's avatar

My eyebrows. But i pluck them now so i like them more. The rest are still a work in progress and i’m waiting for them to improve.

Facade's avatar

My face

pizzaman's avatar

I don’t know. I am awesome!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

For most of my young life I hated my natural thinness and put up with a lot of teasing but now as an older adult then I feel fortunate not to have weight issues.

deni's avatar

I was unhappy with my overall appearance for a few years as a teenager, because I was looking at COSMO like a dumbass and thinking “why am i not that skinny!”. Now I look at those pictures and think their hip bones look unattractive and I’m so happy I have boobs and a butt and am not bony like a little boy.

augustlan's avatar

My red hair. As a child, it made me stand out and other children teased me about it. As a young woman, I grew to love it. As an old(er) woman, I miss it! Now, it’s mostly a washed out non-color.

ninahenry's avatar

@Facade you have a lovely face :)

Facade's avatar

@ninahenry How nice of you, thanks =)

ninahenry's avatar

@Facade lovely face, lovely skin, pearly teeth, curly hair!

Facade's avatar

@ninahenry Now I’m embarrassed lol

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