Social Question

[NSFW] What would it really be like to be swallowed alive by a giant human?
There are many videos on the internet depicting the kinky fantasy of being swallowed alive by a giant person. Just search for vore and giantess. Here’s some examples [WARNING… Not only are these NSFW, but they’re quite disturbing as well]…
Being swallowed alive by a giant woman
Animation sliding down a throat
Animation of a person being swallowed and passing through the entire digestive tract
And here’s an educational video of the digestion process, this one isn’t NSFW, but it is still a little yucky…
So I’m wondering what it would really be like to be swallowed alive by a giant person. I assume you’d be submerged in vomit and drown within minutes while the stomach acid slowly burned your skin away? Are there any medical professionals here who can describe what it would be like for the little guy (or little woman)?