Happy 25th birthday Super Mario Bros! How will you celebrate?
Today (September 13th, 2010) is the 25th birthday of the Nintendo video game Super Mario Bros.
Do you plan to celebrate in some way? Perhaps bake a Mario cake or play the game all night? What significance do Super Mario video games have on your life? What are some of your favorite Super Mario memories? Have you ever beaten Super Mario Bros.? What effect has the Mario franchise had on the video game industry or even society as a whole?
Oh, and how about that Super Mario Bros. movie?
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19 Answers
I don’t plan on celebrating this momentous occasion but I stand in solidarity with your celebration.
“What effect has the Mario franchise had on the video game industry or even society as a whole?”
I will burn them in effigy.
They started the destruction of the appreciation of youth. A trend that has turned an entire generation into isolated, introverted zombies. With an unrealistic understanding as to how to properly cope with the real world. Especially one on one and face to face.
I love Super Mario Brothers! My brothers and I bonded well because the main thing we had in common was video games. I was the only girl out of three brothers, and so watching them play and getting to play with them was fun for me.
I did not know it was the 25th birthday, but man am I excited to have found out! That means that two of my brothers have been playing Mario since the first one came out!
We own the new Wii games and play them with my niece and nephew.
and we also own the Super Nintendo versions! (:
I play the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube versions with my friends, so you could say I’m a Super Mario Brother fan!
I will now celebrate with you (: haha
I actually own a Super Ninetendo mint condition still in the box with forty games. All of Mario.Maybe Ill plug it in. Aww the memories.
@ChazMaz You get a guy like you (or a hundred) per every generation, saying the same thing. What’s this ‘real world’ like and why is there a single reality?
So you say, and keep fighting the fight.
Unlike you. I have been there before the change. And it was better, and it was worse.
I am not looking for a revolution. Just stating a fact from experience. I like a good video game too.
I will not be ignorant to what negative effect it has done and will continue to do.
But, you have to have seen both sides or at least understand, to understand.
That bitterness is going to eat you up one day. ;-)
@ChazMaz You say ‘before the change’ as if there has only been one. Bitterness? You’re deluded but thanks for the pointless smiley face.
I’ll break out my nintendo and kick some ass on that game.
I’ve beaten it before. :)
<<prepares herself for a ChazMaz beating….
My son plays Mario Bros, he loves it…I never got to as a kid – we didn’t have a Nintendo, but we did have Sega Megadrive…which I loved. At times it was the only joy I experienced in my life.
I shall salute the Mario Bros and give them a cheer!!
Didn’t know today was the 25th birthday – thanks for sharing this post with us :) I told my older brother (who is just a couple months younger than the video game) and he thought it was quite impressive.
Video games have played a role in my life. Our Nintendo Entertainment System was not purchased for my brothers and I – it belonged to my dad. He was a hard-working coordinating director of the cafeteria in a hospital and wanted to unwind while playing Mario (and later Zelda – his favourite series to this day.) My uncle, his brother-in-law, also bought the system. They would call each other to brag about beating new levels.
I more or less grew up with these characters.
My favourite memory… hmm… one of them is when Yoshi in Super Mario World ate a blue koopa shell, he could fly. I was amazed by this. Instant love for Yoshi. Seriously. It also blew my mind when Yoshi’s Island was released because the colours were vivid and the game play was changing in subtle ways.
My favourite branch of the Mario franchise is the Paper Mario series. The writing is fantastic. It’s one of the few games that I have played specifically for the dialogue. If I could get a job writing video games, it would be a series like that.
I’m glad kids still enjoy playing Mario games because I want the franchise to stick around. The Mario Galaxy series has beautiful graphics and is an innovative step forward in terms of level design. But the movie… yeah, that was shit.
seems like @ChazMaz may not have gotten a nintendo for christmas when he wanted one ;) LOL
I for one had every Nintendo that ever came out growing up (up to and including Wii, and also an X360). I was also an A student and athelete in High School, and I was/am extremely social in college and now in my grown-up life. So are all my friends who play video games. And I think I handle my problems just fine.
I personally have never met the kid that a few people (like chazmaz) like to stereotypically describe as that child gamer.
My bud’s dad saw him playing Zelda one day, he yelled at him ranting about how he’s going to grow up stealing cars to support his habit . . . no point was made in that rant, but everyone who hears the story laughs at how out of touch with reality the comment was.
I lold at the movie reference. That was the most epic thing I have ever seen.
I don’t plan to celebrate, BUT WATCH THE MOVIE!! AND PLAY MARIO 3! Yeah Mario is awesome had a big influence along with Zelda.
Playing the game! though it’s not like I didn’t play it yesterday :P
Old Nintendo was awesome!
I guess playing Mario 3 or 2 on my SNES.
Happy Birt—- Oh, I’m late. Just as well. I preferred Mario when he was a carpenter chasing a gorilla up a building.
I’m late but I celebrated playing Super Mario World with some friends. ♥
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