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tinyfaery's avatar

Is spit sexy (NSFW)

Asked by tinyfaery (44302points) September 13th, 2010

I had the occasion to watch some porn this weekend. I haven’t watched porn in years (it does nothing for me) and I have to say I do not remember people spitting on other people’s junk so much. I get that it’s for lubrication, but does the spitting have to be so obvious? It goes so far as to show the spit dribbling from the mouth down to the whatever. Do people think spit is sexy? WTF? I don’t get it.

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33 Answers

SuperMouse's avatar

I do not find spit or drool any kind of sexy. I find them rather repulsive actually.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I always assumed the focus on spit (particularly the slow motion, gooey type that they seem to focus on in pornography) was meant to be suggestive of other bodily fluids. Like semen, for example.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure – it is for me.

CMaz's avatar

@tinyfaery – I have always found that odd myself. The need to spit. There are so many “smoother”, pleasurable and covert ways to add moisture. Then blasting a loogie on your partner.

Unless they just dig that action. Some people like to be spit on.

marinelife's avatar

I do not find spit sexy in the least.

iamthemob's avatar

I’m against fluids generally – which makes sex very, very difficult for me…

janbb's avatar

Doesn’t do it for me.

TexasDude's avatar

I’m with @Simone_De_Beauvoir. I like it.

I don’t like it in porn though, because it’s just… well… porn. And mainstream porn is cliche’ and sucks anyway.

syz's avatar


ucme's avatar

About as far removed as far gets.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Nauseatingly disgusting!

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

I hate it.

Watched some with anal (on the weekend, too) and by getting her “ready” for entry, he kept spitting into her ass. Use lube.

CMaz's avatar

@Mama_Cakes – Or just give it a nice wet lick.

iamthemob's avatar

As long as it was given a nice thorough wash beforehand.

prolificus's avatar

It depends on the usage and delivery. Sloppy is gross. Unwelcomed dominance is rude. Gentle is tender – and tender is always sexy. But, then I think about all the bacteria in saliva, and I just can’t help but go “ewwwww!”

mrrich724's avatar

I don’t think people who are watching those pornoes where one spits on another are really watching it for a “sexy factor.” They just get off on something more like “raunchy.”

You’d answer your own question by watching more porn, b/c there is way more disgusting stuff than that. People just need more and more to get off after they’ve been desensitized by the basics.

But no I don’t think it’s sexy, and I’m sure 95% of the audience doesn’t either.

iamthemob's avatar

@mrrich724 I don’t think raunchy and sexy are mutually exclusive.

mrrich724's avatar

@iamthemob I agree with you. And you could apply that statement to many adjectives relating to porn, hehe

But hopefully you got my drift.

josie's avatar

I guess you gotta pick your favorite bodily fluid. Spit, semen, urine, vaginal secretions, sweat, mucous etc. I bet there is somebody who has a thing about every available bodily fluid. It’s what makes the world go ‘round.

MacBean's avatar

Spit makes me gag. True story, I’m fine with blood and guts, and most other bodily fluids don’t make me react further than to maybe crinkle my nose. But saliva grosses me out. I’ve actually vomited in response to baby drool. I don’t understand this at all…

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

Ehhh I see porn and how they spit, but I don’t find it hot or sexy at all…Kinda…Gross to me….But uh…It’s all on everyone’s opinion…

deni's avatar

I find it gross. It doesn’t look sexy, it looks like you’re slobbering. Why’s that hot? I don’t get it either.

ps: @chazmaz: Then blasting a loogie on your partner…...<<that made me laugh so hard

ETpro's avatar

I’m with @Simone_De_Beauvoir & @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard but just spitting doesn’t do anything for me. Like @iamthemob noted, it’s pretty hard to have great, steaming hot sex and avoid bodily fluids. Saliva free kissing ain’t kissing, it’s what you gave your mom before running off to school. You can’t have great sex and be real squeamish.

Saliva makes a great natural lube. But the best way to apply it is definitely not by hawking and spitting. Some deep throat action gets things very slippery. So does a nice long session of muff diving or the flip-side of that.

That’s just my take, though. Everybody has their own yuck factors, and that’s OK.

plethora's avatar

Spit does nothing for me but it does seem to be a new “element” that has been added to porn apparently to rescue it from its current banal state. I’m not sure how the producers of mainstream porn could make it any less sexy than it is.

mainstream porn is cliche’ and sucks anyway. @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I’m all for using saliva for lubrication but spitting seems unsexy and crude. For those who find it exciting, enjoy!

delirium's avatar

The guy I sleep with primarily has a fetish for girls getting messy. He likes me to spit out the thick saliva that is produced when deepthroating instead of swallowing it. He usually likes to rub it on my breasts and use it as lube to fuck them.

It’s not my cup of tea, necessarily, but I will do just about anything to make it even better for him.

tinyfaery's avatar

@delirium Now that’s love.

delirium's avatar

@tinyfaery Not really love… Just great sex.

CMaz's avatar

Sounds like you put too much soap in the dishwasher.

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