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ucme's avatar

What do you still see through a child's eyes?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 13th, 2010

Oh you know what it’s like when you’re a child. Certain things we see fill us with wonder & amazement. Something that if not lost, certainly dulls when we grow into adulthood. So as asked, what is something you see that fills you with childlike wonder & innocence?

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20 Answers

CMaz's avatar


Truth and reality is not a bad thing, if you understand it.
Actually, it is better.

I do miss the lack of responsibility that came with innocence.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I can’t think of anything. That makes me kind of sad.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

Space (the cosmos)

muppetish's avatar

Not too long ago, I was in the park with a friend around midnight and we stopped to watch the stars. He was going on and on about how we cannot see very many of them in the city and you have to drive out to the desert to really see them, but I was in awe. I said something along the lines of, “How are you not amazed by everything?”

Butterflies in motion, the way branches sway in the breeze and make it look as though the tree is breathing, droplets of rain sliding down window panes, the first glance of light sparkling off the ocean when you get to the beach, watching children view these things for the first time, the tinkling sound of wind chimes…

I still look at the world with some kind of wonderment. I don’t believe in innocence, but I don’t think that I have – or ever will – completely relinquish my childhood self.

iamthemob's avatar

The sky. The Empire State Building. The ocean. Not every time I look at them, but a lot more than I should think would be the case.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Truth and Reality…

harple's avatar

So many things! The wind, that we can’t actually see but only see the effects of…
Rain – I always look up when it’s raining rather than hunching up in attempt to avoid it…
The way the sunlight shines through a cloud…
The beauty of a life well lived apparent from the lines on their face…
Oh, and Christmas – I still take such joy in the magic that surrounds it sadly, as the only person in my family who hasn’t had the fortune to have children, I find myself sidelined at this time of year, but I take joy in their enjoyment

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The stars. They amaze me, and what we are discovering about them now amazes me even more.

picante's avatar

Much like muppetish and harple, I feel a strong tie to my inner child. I am able to look with wonder at many things.

Beautiful sunrises and sunsets always move me; lightning dancing on the horizon, rainbows and many other atmospheric phenomena cause my child’s heart to flutter; animals at play and the laughter of children make me feel childlike again. And the “magic of Christmas” is still magical to me—yes, I do believe there’s a Santa Claus.

Couples in love—most especially those who love each other after the weight of a lifetime—make me feel a childlike happiness.

I hope to be a grandparent someday and experience childlike innocence and wonder through their eyes.

janbb's avatar

Thunder storms, rainbows, dolphins gamboling in the Gulf, Great Blue Herons, penguins and grandson Jake’s enjoyment of his supper.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Winter wonderlands.

Seaminglysew's avatar

My father, he is still my hero.

Artistree's avatar

Whatever I discuss with my 3yr old nephew. He’s very wise. Our latest topic was portaloos.

Saun's avatar

Snow, Rainbows, Rain, Sprinklers. Everything looking big.. I remember playing in the dirt like it was normal, playing random sports with friends.. just.. knocking on a friends door and saying “Can he come out and play?” Childhood was a happy time. No responsibilities, no (really bad) drama… I remember vividly the fear of small things like shots, the panic of a bug over my eye, being chased by a small dog. Climbing on the air machine.. boxes at my old appartments, my dog, which I loved, but was cruel to because I was afraid to hold it close to me. (I retained that fear until I got a cat.) Toys. My insatiable love for toys, and running around the house, pretending my toy dog or horse is galloping on the wall. Wind, Rain, Christmas… the sky. (I spend a lot of time on the computer now. I have to squint to really look at the sky. It didn’t interest me much when I was young. Only the night sky and the moon did.) Adventures in the back alley, picking up things.. the smell of encroaching summer, the running around and playing tag. The thrill of games like that… having many friends that were guys and being a tomboy. Being afraid of pink and dresses (xD) Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Barney, Barbies… my parents being together. Them fighting. Them trying not to use bad words around me. Innocent happiness. The first time I mouthed off to an adult, when my friend was unjustly being yelled at. She called me a bitch. I told my mom, and she was very mad.

All of it. All of it fills me with wonder when I remember how I saw it through the eyes of a child. Everything was simple back then. The fights would pass, the good times would come again.. the pain of a shot felt like hours of endless pain, when it was only a moment.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Quite a bit :)
life is too short

liminal's avatar

Elevators. They make me feel like plucky duck. “Elalator go down.” “My turn, not your turn!” “I wanna push da button, again and again and again…” That and nature.

Fairylover78's avatar

Mmmmm… Almost everything…I’ve seen a few posts that come close to how I feel most of the time. I think the kids we were are the True Selves that we are no matter the years….Even at 32 I find myself skipping from time to time ( although my knees protest alot more than they once did), or giggling just because I feel giddy… I see beauty and wonderment in everything and most of the time I am in Awe. Maybe it’s because I’m really small (well short anyway) but everything is so Big and mysterious….Even with the knowledge I have gained over the years , although I may know more about things and understand them more than when I was a kid, as I see and question the ugliness in the world my child self never would have fathomed…Even then, I can still smell a flower or feel a warm breeze on a nice summer night, see the twinkle of a lightning bug and be mesmerized by the beauty of it the same way I did when I was little…. I see alot of people loose that imagination and well, care freeness? that they had when they were young and wonder to myself, how do you let something so precious go… I know things get tough as we get older, I have had my fair share, but it doesn’t mean that you have to loose your true self, the person you were born to be… I still strive to learn new things and enjoy the wonder of it all… I even still rinkle my nose at most green vegetables and liver…. I’m keeping that one too….

Austinlad's avatar

Thank God I haven’t lost the ability to suspend adulthood, if only briefly, and play. I do it in all kinds of ways. Brainstorming creative ideas with my staff. playing with my cat on the floor, doing that wonderful few minutes of fantasy thinking before falling asleep, going to the movies, looking up at the moon, writing a poem, laughing over lunch with friends, opening a package from Amazon, looking forward to my birthday, hearing Christmas carols, the list goes on and on.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

The Atlantic Ocean.

iammia's avatar

The Snow and Christmas time in general, i revert back to a 6 yr old every year.

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