Have you ever gotten a second chance in life?
I hear and read accounts of people who were saved from drowning or got out of a rip current, escaped a jet crash with their life, or a hostage situation, or even beating a deadly disease and they talk about being grateful to have a second chance. Have you had a second chance in your life? How close were you to not making it out or passed it alive, if you even knew it? Did it make yu treat life different at all?
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23 Answers
Mope. I’m still taking advantage of my first chance.
I almost died from septicemia when I was 22. The doctors gave my mom a very low chance of me surviving it and she was about to meet with a lawyer to see what she had to do to get custody of my son. She even told me that she thought she was going to be planning my funeral at one point. Luckily it all worked out and I survived. I appreciate life and what I have a lot more now. I try to keep negativity out of my life as much as possible and focus on the positives around me.
My first husband was a dam drunk and abusive. I am lucky I left when I did.
I was dragged out of a river as a kid, nothing really changed other than I knew then day dreaming while crossing a footbridge could be quite dicey.. :-/
I was very lucky my brother & some friends were with me that day!
Not really. I was in an accident once where i may have been killed if i hadn’t been wearing my seatbelt. But i did wear it and so i don’t feel i’ve used up one of my lives, heh heh.
I’m still working on my first chance.
I survived cancer 11 years ago and it did rather change my outlook. I sweat a lot less of the small stuff, I am much less tolerant of fools and people who make no effort correct their ignorance, and I’m delighted to bitch about pain because it beats the hell out of the alternative.
Well, I used to think that I’m living my second chance out. Now I believe that it has and is unfolding just as it’s meant to be.
My outlook has changed dramatically. My values, beliefs, ideals, etc have all changed.
No, but i’m doing the best i can with my first chance!
The Hong Kong Flu took a good swing at me and I got so sick I was given last rites and spent 3 months in a bed to recover and had to learn to walk again.
I lost 2 quarts of blood from complications from my tonsillectomy and was again given last rites in the emergency room as they tried to pump blood back into my dying 10 yr old body.
My most fearful time that had me praying was being “diagnosed” with a pretty serious disease that thankfully turned out to be a misdiagnosis but I went through 3 very trying life changing days.
1966. 6 am. gunfight that lasted 32 minutes with a wanted criminal. i was a green rookie and this was my first day to be in a police car by myself. spotted a vehicle parked in the woods. thought it was stolen. advanced to check it out. male subject asleep on the front seat. a pile of clothes on the right front floorboard of vehicle. asked for id. during record check, subject opens fire on me, while i was sitting in my police car. i grab police microphone and yell for help. before the first car arrived, 32 minutes later, we exchanged gunfire. suspect finally asked if i would let him escape. said “no”. more shots exchanged. heard police sirens in the background. backup was getting closer for me. suspect runs into woods and escapes. captured 3 days later.
Guardian angels surrounded me during this gunfight. the only reason i was not wounded is because the angles deflected the bullits from hitting me. i learned two lessons from this incident. one, never take anything for granted. two, gurardian angels are there for us IF you believe.
I believe and thank them everyday.
@john65pennington Amen to the Guardian Angels as mine stepped up for me 6 other times. I simply should not be here.
@Cruiser and @john65pennington ; 3 cheers to your Angels! I often don’t agree with you guys, but I feel you both have a high “Value Added” quotient here. :-)
I’ve almost drowned, fell off of ladders, came close to electrocution a few times, been in several car wrecks (one where my truck was completly mangled but I managed to walk away with just a few scratches), I even had a hydraulic scissors lift collapse on me (while in it). I must have guardian angels looking out for me.
Yes.I certainly have and my outlook has definitely changed because of it :)
My second chance came early in life. I almost choked to death at 6 weeks old. Our neighbor was a registered nurse and she administered infant CPR to me and saved my life.
Every person in this video has gotten a second chance at life. Be warned – this video contains footage of extremely close calls with death. Nothing graphic, just very heart pounding to watch.
As a kid about 6yrs old I drowned in a river but was brought up in time to be revived. While under I had visions of seeing my body in front of me sinking and all the river water stuff going by like crawdads, sticks, leaves, pebbles, etc. I remember looking up through the water to see my rescuers treading water like frogs to come down a bit, go up and then come down again. They remember the water being near dark and found me more by feel, they said I was unconscious when they reached me. Because I was so young I don’t recall feeling any renewal or feeling lucky, life just went on.
Yes and my life completely changed. I died and then was revived things after that have been very different and difficult for me.
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