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KatawaGrey's avatar

Feminists: What kind of feminists are you?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) September 14th, 2010

I’m taking a class entitled “Women in the Criminal Justice System” and the class covers how women all women, cops, criminals and victims are treated in the criminal justice system in the United States. One of the big questions we have discussing at great length is whether or not equal treatment is fair treatment. This leads me to my question.

Apparently, there are two main schools of feminist thought. the first is that women must be protected a certain amount in American society because only then will they (we) be able to get over the discrimination against women today. The second school of thought is quite different from the first. The second school thought basically says that women should be treated equally in all ways because special treatment is not equal treatment.

I am firmly in the second main school of thought. So, fluther feminists, where do you stand on this?

Also, I recognize that these are not the only two schools of thought, but they are the most common. Please feel free to add to them.

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