Social Question

Do you think the Mexican reporter who dressed provocatively and received catcalls from the Jets' locker room in any way invited that harassment by her clothing?
This morning on the news there was a report of a Mexican sports reporter, Ines Sainz, who received cat calls and whistles from the Jets’ locker room when she was reporting there. She is a very glamorous woman who dresses provocatively. This feature was on the Today show this morning. The reporter has a website where she is dressed provocatively, and she has been featured in Sports Illustrated, i believe. The Jets’ management has apologized and it’s considered sexual harassment, as it is a workplace environment, and they take this very seriously.
I just read on AOL that some are questioning whether a beautiful, provocatively dressed woman who is in a locker room with a bunch of young, naked athletes, should expect any different. Coincidentally, they said this on the radio this morning, “what do you expect, dressing that way in front of young guys?” is the quote from the DJ.
I admit i had that thought myself. I was thinking that a young pretty woman who dresses provocatively seems to invite that from men. if a woman wants to be thought of as professional, then something more conservative might be worn, as it would be from a man reporter. I understand that dressing that way may get her more interviews, but on the other hand, men may think of her as a sex object, more so than a professional.
I am interested on others’ thoughts on this topic.