A dog with kennel - anxiety issues - help is needed.
Asked by
jazmina88 (
September 14th, 2010
I got a rescue dog from a country kill shelter who is very sweet, doesnt know what a toy or ball is, apparently lived outside, and was probably abused by a male. I got a kennel and went to a concert and came back home to torn up carpeting, shuttered blinds, gnawed door, destroyed kitchen with food left (Maggie would never leave food). left him today and he again got out, but someone was home. He chewed living room carpet. I have a call into training.But since this is an issue when i’m not around, how easy will this be? He goes on walks with my next door neighbor and their dog. What are the best dog training books?
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19 Answers
Oh no, you have my dog Molly when she first came to me! haha.
She ate my dry wall, mini blinds, carpet, and peed in the bedroom. I put those hook things, like what is at the end of a leash, on her kennel to keep her from getting out of the kennel. I put 2 at each end because she figured out how to tear the kennel down. Nothing but patience and time will help. It’s been a year and a half now and Molly is great about getting in her kennel when she knows I’m leaving. I used to have to get her and carry her to it. I started putting a kong with peanut butter in the kennel and leaving the tv on. I think it lessons their anxiety. Training will help, but it will take time.
It sounds like there’s a lot of separation anxiety – so I would focus on anything that will help the dog settle in and realize that you leaving isn’t you abandoning him. Training will probably help with that, regardless of the fact that it happens while you’re gone.
Have you tried leaving for short periods and coming back?
Oh my gosh….as you know @jazmina88, Sadie is a shelter dog..her pic is my avatar. The first night, she tore up my wallet, my shoes, and my favorite hat. I picked those up and showed those items to her and admonished her with the tone of my voice. She has never done it again. But, I’m here all day everyday. I’ve spent LOTS of time training her. She wants to do the right thing….and has come a million miles. So, having said that, it’s a process of punishment and reward. I usually always carry my treats in my pocket. It takes lots of patience and love. And, most of all, time. That you may not have..the love part is easy for you as I can still remember what you just recently went through…....so, a good trainer maybe your best bet. I will do some research on a good book on training.
Oh, how old is your new friend?
I’ve got to run…found this… http://www.training-dogs.com/puppy-training.html
Try crating him for short periods while you are still home. Gradually extend the periods of time. My lab does not like being in a kennel. I think the last time he was in one before I got him he was abandoned. He does ok as long as he can see my Golden in her kennel.
The golden I had from a pup and she knows the kennel is her safe place. She can go in there and I won’t bother her except to make sure she is Ok.
Leave a radio or the TV on. I find an all talk station is better than music.
My jellies, I’ve had no internet for a week…..I have barely breathed without you :):)
I needed you guys!!
I’m at home 98% of the time. Today my painter saw him pound against the door then bend the bars and get through, according to the story…...Maynard is a sweet dog who wont leave my side, housetrained, a great watchdog and strong as a horse. Just freaks out when trapped inside.
my pal wants to keep him out, build him a pen in the garage, or tie him to porch. I’m not into those methods. When I came back today he was tied up and had peed in the floor, dude had scared him. It’s been a long week with my pal living here, telling me what to do. I’m tryin not to bite. i told him tonite for him not to scare him, that is going backwards. I want him to know a house of peace, no fear. Am I on the right track?
he is 1 and will be snipped soon. the shelter folks put him in my car for free, a break out.
@jazmina88 loll..love ya girl…
see you guys tomorrow!
Some dogs like wire crates and others prefer plastic kennels (I have one of each at the moment). My previous dog was so good at getting out of the crate, I had to use carabiners to clasp the thing shut (top and bottom—once he came out the lid of the crate).
Probably the easiest book to understand that uses positive reinforcement is called Super Puppy (applicable to all aged dogs). It is available for about $5. I like all the books by the Monks of New Skete but it is hard to do what they encourage if you are not home all day with the dog.
You may want to explore clicker training (this saved me with more than one dog). Karen Pryor is the guru of clicker training but conceptually it is the same training idea they use for the aquatic critters at Sea World etc. I can’t get the treat to my dog’s mouth fast enough for him to associate the behavior with the reward. Instead, I use a clicker EXACTLY when he is doing the desired behavior and he has learned that the reward will follow. Sometimes it is a treat, sometimes it is a ball (I change it up). Using this method, the dog begins to bond with you because he/she comes to know what it actually is you are asking him/her to do. This type of training is explained pretty well here
I agree with the notion of gradually building up your dog’s time in the crate with positive reinforcement (so it is a place the dog wants to go). As long as your dog is destructive, I would not put ANYthing in the crate with him/her unless you are supervising every single minute (this does not mean watching TV etc).
I also never let any of my puppies out of the crate until they are quiet and calm.
A pen might not be a bad idea. Maynard might do better if he can sit outside in a safe environment. especially if you can put the pen in such a place that he can get in and out of either the house or garage if the weather is bad.
If you do make him a pen, make sure he won’t dig under the fence. I had to put patio pavers under my run to keep the dogs from digging out.
just noticed all the jellies responding have animal for avatar…everyone knows where our heart is…
@BoBo1946 – in all fairness – mine is a default. :-)
My chihuahua knows where my love is though.
@jazmina88 You are absolutely on the right track. It is hard to guess who or how your dog was abused and it probably isn’t worth the energy anyway. Feel free to PM me with specific questions.
@iamthemob Perhaps a pic of your dog for your avatar is in order now? :-)
Done – that’s him as of about 60 seconds ago – begging me to rub his belly cause he’s that kind of greedy.
Till you can get him properly trained, maybe you should consider leaving your pet a pet day care while you are away at work.
It does sound like he suffers from anxiety while you are out.
Patience will be needed but you need to be firm and reward good behavior.
If you insist leaving your pet at home, you may want to confine your dog to one room that is essentially bare and make sure to exercise your pet in the morning and when you come home, for at least 20 minutes at a time.
Try to set a routine so she knows what to expect. Dogs are very time oriented and know about what time you should be home. My dog always knew a few minutes before my kids arrived when their bus would be arriving and also when my husband would be home from work. He would wait at the door before they were set to arrive. My work schedule was always different so I don’t think he knew what to expect there.
Leave some music or a tv on that may help to drown noises from outside that may increase the anxiety.
Don’t rush to greet your dog or make a big deal when leaving. Both can actually raise your dogs excitement level that will turn to anxiety. Wait at least 5 to 10 minutes after you arrive to say hello.
Don’t over do it. A pat on the head is fine.
Don’t allow him to jump on you. Just turn and walk away.
After you greeted him wait about about 15 minutes and then take your dog out for a walk.
You want you dog to associate your return with walking outside, but without the anxiety.
In time she will relax once she understands the routine.
Do you have a fenced yard? If you do, install a dog door so he can go in and out as he pleases. That will often work. Also raw meaty bones, give him something to chew on, that often occupies their little minds and bodies for hours.
And as has been mentioned and is Cesar’s mantra, exercise, exercise, exercise. I take mine for runs with me but I can’t go as fast as she can so then I ride my bike. I have a sled pulling harness for her and she pulls me some times and runs beside me others. We have worked up to 15 k that way. When we get home, she is too tired to get into trouble. But she is almost 3 now and until they reach 3, they are crazy kids and we all know crazy kids do crazy things.
Your dog is having loss depression attacks when you leave. dogs do this. my border collies does this. your dog needs medication for when you leave. a vet will help you with this. when we leave, we give our dog a third of a tranquilizer pill and it works perfectly.
Woah, medication should be a last resort.
@delirium Completely agree! I think a visit to the vet to talk about the behavior may be warranted but drugs are not necessarily the answer.
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