[NSFW] out of the three (Vaginal, oral and anal) which do women like the most?
Okay No I didn’t have sex yet, I’m still a virgin. But I was wondering since I know one of my online friends and he has a Girl Friend, and he says that she reallly enjoys Anal sex and doesn’t like oral that much. So it came in my head which do women prefer most? Pretty straight forward. I guess guys can answer on their own opinions and what they think. Mostly wanting women answers.
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22 Answers
It really depends on the woman and the person she is with. I’ve been in relationships were I liked the oral better than the vaginal and vice versa.
Out of the three (red, yellow and blue) which do women like the most?
Hmm, eenie meenie minny mo.Thrusting forwards to & fro.If she squeals don’t let her go. You’ve hit the spot she’s good to go :¬)
It entirely depends on my mood….i love all three!
I’ve found very few who like anal, very few who dislike oral, but i’d say vaginal was most popular with the majority of females.
The one that allows you to climax the most.
Everyone is different. ‘Women’ don’t agree on anything because no one does.
All women like pleasure, the form that is most satisfying will vary based on the person.
From what I understand from my daughter’s friends in high school, and from a high school youth group director at a Christian church, it’s not uncommon for Christian high school girls who are sexually active to engage in anal and oral sex rather than vaginal sex because of the mistaken idea that if they don’t have vaginal sex, they are still a virgin when they get married. I am only throwing this out there as a caveat to your online friend whose girlfriend “likes” anal sex. She may like it because she likes sex, and sees anal sex as “safe.”
@BarnacleBill I have worked in HIV for over 20 years and you are absolutely dead on in your assessment. We see girls as young as 15 with HIV because of this mistaken belief that oral and anal sex are somehow not sex and that they are still virgins.
For selfish reasons, oral. For both our pleasure, vaginal. I’ve not plucked up the courage to try anal yet.
Dollars to donuts, if you did a survey (a real one; not one here), vaginal would come out on top, hands down!
Any double entendres you can find in that sentence are absolutely on purpose ;-)
All three – at once.
I’m kidding. What @asmonet said.
@BarnacleBill, @Kayak8 – thank you for your contribution – considering the apparent youth of the OP, I feel like that kind of information, genuinely from a place of concern and really important to hear, needs to be brought out.
@Vincent_Lloyd – you really can’t generalize about things like that. When you decide to have sex, try to be as open and as honest as you can with your partner about what you want to do and try (although remember comfort zones! you don’t want to freak anyone out).
Realize that, although the anus is an erogenous zone for women, it is much moreso for men, as anal sex stimulates the prostate. It also can be pretty taboo so you might get a lot of misinformation about it. I would wait to explore something like that generally until you really know the person you’re with if it’s early in your sexually active life (but remember – it’s difficult to generalize and frank discussions, although embarrassing, are best practiced early – I know that it’s a fine line and you don’t want to sound like a freak about it).
90% of female porn stars prefer anal! Yeah, baby!
Still a virgin, I’ll tell you when I’ve done it. Though I think I prefer oral and vaginal sex. Cause anal…if you do it too much, you´ll have to buy yourself a napkin.
I’m female and I prefer vaginal for my orgasms. Oral is great for getting hot and also orgasms but I like the interactiveness of vaginal. Anal is something female friends have told me they either do for their partners and enjoy it in a limited capacity or not at all. It’s something of a mystery to me still and while I can see some pleasure, I can’t yet imagine it feeling anywhere as good as the versatility of vaginal.
I love vaginal sex, i love giving oral (and i know i am good at it) and of course, i love receiving oral, and on occasion, if someone really takes their time, i like anal. anal can be painful if not done with care and foreplay.
It is most unusual for heterosexuals to prefer anal sex. It is often painful, and the orifice is dirty. Speaking as a woman Yucchh. I am really not interested in much but good ol’ insert part A into part B. Clitoral manipulation I find frustrating instead of arousing. And I don’t relish a mouthful of cum.
I was forced into having anal sex for many years. Unfortunately, I felt that if I didn’t put out in that area I would be considered frigid and indeed was whenever I objected. It was not totally unpleasant but all too often became about the man’s pleasure rather than mine, which was painful. This saddens me now because it almost seems fashionable for girls to be into anal, although the responses to this question might suggest otherwise.
I think with someone who truly loves you and you them sex must be a beautiful, colourful and wonderful experience and I would imagine in that scenario, vaginal and oral both have their place on the podium.
It depends on my mood. Usually, I prefer vaginal. Oral is more of a foreplay thing for me. There are occasions that I’m in the mood for anal, but they are few and far between. I’ve had a couple absolutely amazing anal sessions, and I’ve had a couple bad ones (a simple mistake can make anal pretty painful).
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