General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Has anyone who loved the iPhone been able to switch back to a plain ol' smartphone?

Asked by tinyfaery (44306points) September 16th, 2010

Yeah, yeah. I know. The iPhone sucks. I don’t need to hear it. I want answers from people who LIKE THE IPHONE!

I’ve had 2 iPhones now. Sometimes I think about downgrading to a Blackberry or Droid because I know I won’t be on it as much and therefore it will be cheaper. But, I feel like I might go through withdrawals or something. I am always on my phone. Fluther, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Trivia… I think if I got rid of it, I might be a more productive human being.

Have you successfully quit the iPhone? What phone do you have now? Do you love your new phone as much as the iPhone?

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15 Answers

prolificus's avatar

I have the iPhone 3G3. I upgradred from the Blackberry Curve. My workphone is also the Curve. Whenever I have to do anything with my workphone, I feel like I’m having to chisel out something with hammer and stone! So archaic!! I have my work emails and calendar synched on my iPhone so to avoid the Curve as much as possible.

Once ya go iPhone, ya never wanna go back!

Lightlyseared's avatar

I tried a palm pre for a while and am looking forward to giving windows phone 7 but I’ll still like my iPhone.

janbb's avatar

I’m stickin’ with my iPhone like a stamp to a letter….

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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

The Droids do pretty much everything the iPhone does, just as easily. There is no downgrade to Android, just a horizontal move. Droids are also just as expensive. If you want to spend less time on your phone get a dumbphone or use some other method.

- typed on my Droid in a proper browser as I wait for class to start in 7 minutes. As I play a crossword, a jigsaw puzzle, and shop for shoes. Seriously, it won’t change a thing.

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tinyfaery's avatar

He had an ipod touch not an iphone and neither did you. Thanks for nothing.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@tinyfaery But isn’t your entire premise based on the entire idea that Droids can’t do what iPhones can, and that they are cheaper? I may not have had an iPhone, but I can point out errors so that you don’t waste any money needlessly.

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Dog's avatar

[Mod Says:] This question is in the General section. Please respect that the asking party is seeking input from those who have had an iPhone and all quips must be on topic.

Thanks for understanding!

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