How much snow in feet or meters have you seen from one storm and how long did the snow stay on the ground?
Just trying to get a feel for how much snow your area gets at once. I have seen over 3 feet of snow from one storm. That year it started snowing in late October and we never saw the ground again until late March Early April. How is it in your area?
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17 Answers
17 inches. First day of spring 1967! In the South, it doesn’t stay there long.
I would move….not for me my friend.
@BoBo1946 It makes me appreciate Spring and Summer that much more. At least that’s what I tell myself :)
My area does not see any snowfall. If I want to even see snow, I have to go out to Big Bear. I am sad to note that I have not once been out there. I swear I will go eventually. According to Wikipedia, Big Bear sees an average of 61.8 inches (157 cm) per year and the highest recorded accumulation of snow over a 24-hour period was 27.0 inches (69 cm) in 1991.
Well, we saw this overnight last year.
This was my patio table after just a couple of hours.
@TheOnlyNeffie I’m honestly jealous. It was sweltering hot here yesterday. Any chance you’ll trade?
@muppetish sorry, not on your life. I wouldn’t give up the snow for anything… if it weren’t for tornado season, I’d take the snow year ‘round. You’re welcome to visit us in Ohio, though. ;)
@TheOnlyNeffie You should put a warning label on that for anyone who’s seen one of those. :)
That storm produced some gorgeous icicles , too, also illustrated on my very dead mandevilla.
Winter 2007–2008 was terrible in Spokane. Didn’t think it could get worse. Then winter 2008–2009 happened. Record breaking snowfall with 3 feet on the ground. Everything was shut down. But this was from multiple storms over a month. I believe the most that fell from one storm was 14”. It didn’t start to melt until March.
Over the course of 3 days, we received 3½ to 4 feet. It never really stopped snowing during those three days, so we remember it as one snowstorm. That year we got a total of about 10 feet.
That was in Park City, Utah in 1991.
The blizzard of ‘77—‘78 put over three feet of snow in our yard in about six hours, then it snowed on and off for another week just to lay the groundwork for the next large storm which gave us anothe four feet in a sixteen hour period. The snow seemed to last forever! It was great!
In 1979, my town got 2 feet with drifts up to 5 ft. But the actual worst I’ve been through was in Madison in December, 1987. 5 feet with 10 foot drifts. We coped at my dorm with hot toddies, Irish hot chocolate, SoCo and Coke, and going tray-ing down the hills in the immediate area with the big carrying trays we “borrowed” from the dorm cafeteria.
That stuff didn’t melt until May.
When I was a kid, probably around 1975 or so, we got it about 3ft deep, with drifts even deeper. I don;t remember how long it lasted. These days, it takes three inches to bring the nation to a grinding halt.
Don’t know what the official snow depth was, but about christmas of 77 we had drifts to the top of the garage doors. It was about a 3 day blizzard and took about a week to dig out all the emergency snow routes.
The most over a winter was the first year we moved to N Wisconsin. The official total for the year, where we lived, was 289 inches.
Last winter we had a thirty inch storm and a 27 inch storm, I think. Two biggies, anyway. That’s as much as I’ve seen at one time. That would be nearly three feet, in the terms of the question. It was fun. I’m one of those weirdos who loves shoveling snow ;-)
22 inches of snow Fargo, ND. Fargo ND is very cold and very snowy. Lived there on and off . It is my hometown.
In Columbus Ohio a few years ago we got hit with low 30 inches, largest on record there.
I’m from Toledo Ohio, and the most I’ve seen in one fall there was probably mid 20’s, but there have been times when it snowed 10 inches one day, 15 the next, 10 the next, etc…. to the point where I’ve seen up to 4–5 feet at once.
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