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Jeruba's avatar

Have you ever tried an "oxygen pillow"?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) September 16th, 2010

I’ve heard advertisements on the radio for this pillow from European Sleep Works and would like to know what kind of experience users have had with it.

Do you know anyone who has used it?

[Edit] Obviously a person wouldn’t contemplate using it unless the person had severe enough problems to think some relief would be worth the price. This question pertains to whether the pillow delivers the promised relief and not to why a person who didn’t need one would buy it.

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8 Answers

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Rarebear's avatar

It’s another snake oil product. The claims on the page make no medical sense. I’ll go through them one by one for you if you like.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m with @Rarebear on this.
They are talking about positioning your head in differently. That’s all. You can try that yourself with by adding another pillow or trying a towel under the one you have now. Try a firmer pillow.

The other discussion about Oxygen flow “Oxygen deprivation during sleep can have lasting negative effects on our health and general well-being. For those with snoring issues or chronic sleep apnea, they can include:...” while true, is just obfuscation.
They imply that you get more Oxygen from the pillow (hence the name) but the physics does not work unless they are using a membrane oxygenator with all the required pumps. They’re not.

It is nonsense. Sorry.

zophu's avatar

lol, it’s an overpriced product, but if it positions the average person’s head in a better way than the standard pillow does, there’s nothing super fraudulent about it. Head position can affect breathing in sleep. An older guy I know was prescribed a neck-supporting pillow for that function by his doctor. The ad harps on about the benefits of not being oxygen deprived, and it’s full of the standard marketing bullshit, but that doesn’t reflect the product directly. It would be foolish to buy it without better information, but I don’t see anything to debunk here.

MissA's avatar


I use a pillow of that nature…different brand.

I will make no specific claims for the pillow except for what I have personally experienced. Not scientific – but, I don’t believe that is what you’re asking for.

Before I began using mine, my physician wanted to place me on oxygen at night. A struggle for oxygen was interupting my sleep and I was waking tired and groggy. I did an overnight oxygen test with terrible results.

Purchasing the pillow was totally unrelated. I bought it for comfort. Well, I’ve used it for nearly two years now. My oxygen level is usually 97–99, sometimes 100.

Is it the pillow? I guess that I couldn’t say definitively…but, I don’t really believe in coincidence.

I hopes this helps. Also, I might add…learning to breathe properly is a huge deal as well.

smajoros's avatar

I am involved with the sales and design of this product. (Just to get that out of the way).

We do quite a bit of positional therapy work for customers, both with orthopedic and pulmonary needs. The O2 Pillow was originally developed to help provide adequate elevation and support for facilitating side-sleeping in clients with sleep apnea. It also demonstrated excellent torsional support for the head and tended to reduce pressure on the down-side shoulder, as well as relaxing the next and upper back. Originally we wanted to find a pillow (from another company) that we could recommend, but couldn’t find anything that satisfied our list of needs and wants.

We spent 3 years in design, working from our knowledge base as well as feedback from physical therapists, pulmonary therapists and sleep clinicians and physicians. We gave out over 200 pillows and had at least 10 failed prototypes before the final design.

Results range from “I hate this pillow” to “I don’t know how I ever lived without it”, but in general, responses are overwhelmingly positive. The pillow comes in 13 different height and firmness options and is fitted at our store (also available online from some retailers—a little more risky). We offer both exchange and return for any reason.

The name “Oxygen Pillow” admittedly caused us pause and was the working name during the design. It stuck due to high retention and a premature mention in a newspaper article. I originally thought it was cheesy but if it works, we aren’t changing it. Sometimes accidents can be beneficial.

As far as the price, what else do you use as much as your pillow or mattress? (Eight hours a day, seven days a week.) We easily plunk down $100 or more for a pair of running or walking shoes (and usually have more than one pair). The ergonomic complexity of the neck and upper back coupled with the fact that you don’t tie your head down to one place (like a shoe) makes the pillow an equally important concern. I would actually like to have less expensive pillow, but do not want to switch to polyurethane or polyester materials, reduce the quality of the components or get it made overseas.

We aren’t Home Shopping Club and this isn’t “snake oil”. There are realities to positional benefits just like there are realities to any “treatment” and not everything is possible but often we make a difference. We treat our customers with respect and honesty (even recommending against the product if it isn’t appropriate).

All this being said, the reaction to our marketing as baloney concerns me. Maybe we should overhaul the copy, does it come across as B.S.? Anyway, thats my 2 cents.

MissA's avatar


Is yours made out of the same material as the “NASA foam”?

I appreciate your explanation and that you said straight up your affiliation.

smajoros's avatar

Thanks. No “NASA foam”. We use a natural latex pillow and a natural/synthetic latex frame for the support structure. The cover is an organic cotton knit. All the components carry an Oeko-Tex certificate for volatile chemicals (A testing board that tests textiles and foams for various toxins). Some people actually buy the pillow just for the ecological health aspects. We don’t use NASA foam for temperature and chemical reasons as well as the fact that the latex shows lower contact pressure for ear and cheek support.

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