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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What does it say about a country when the opposition to a movement is being led by comedians?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) September 17th, 2010

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are hosting rallies in DC on Oct. 30 this year. Comedians are the opposition to our Tea Party movement led by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

I just wondering what it says about the Tea Party movement, the electorate, and the country in general. What do you think?

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36 Answers

nikipedia's avatar

It says we have some seriously smart and competent comedians.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Satire has always been at the heart of political resistance and opposition.

Juvenal, Roman Satirist.

muppetish's avatar

I agree with @nikipedia – we have some intelligent and concerned citizens in the media. They are reaching a wide audience as a result.

Did you watch the interview Jon Stewart gave on Crossfire in 2004? I think it’s still relevant.

troubleinharlem's avatar

I’m just curious about something. You said that you could not go to the rally, which made me assume that you were on their “side”, but here you said “our Tea Party”.

But besides that, who cares? Glenn Beck wasn’t a politician. I think the point was more that “if they can do it, so can we”.

@muppetish : I love that interview.

Nullo's avatar

Stewart and Colbert are what are known as opinion leaders, and have followings in the millions. That they have been deemed sufficiently influential to head up rallies says that Liberal America really likes its pundits. From this may be drawn many conclusions, some more flattering than others.

wundayatta's avatar

A comedian is a senator from Minnesota. A bad actor was once the President of the United States. You gotta be smart to think fast and do comedic improv. I think it is a proud moment when comedians get up front and center to tell it like it is. Much truth, they say, is said in jest.

Austinlad's avatar

Sad to say, I trust the satirists more than the people who run and want to run the country. Learn more from them, too.

marinelife's avatar

Comedy is one of the bulwarks of a free nation. If we can’t poke fun at ourselves and our institutions, then what is left?

Axemusica's avatar

Life is a joke.

Humorously grim, I know.

Jaxk's avatar

In politics as with anything else, you go with your strength. You don’t expect to get in depth analysis but comedy. We need that too.

Cruiser's avatar

What’s the big deal?? We elected a comedic actor as President of our country!

Ivan's avatar


Considering that Colbert and Stewart have made their entire careers on making fun of pundits, I’m not sure that’s accurate.

Austinlad's avatar

Sorry, @Cruiser, I don’t agree at all that he’s a “comedic actor.” Given the mess he inherited and the enemies he’s made trying to make the big changes domestically and internationally he promised, he a serious and hard worker trying to do his best. And he’s done many good things. Did he over-promise? Probably. Has he made mistakes? Absolutely. Is he a good President or destined to become a great one? Maybe not. But I know he’s trying harder than the I all the “No” people blocking him at every turn. So sad how we set up our leaders and then knock them down so fast.

CMaz's avatar

I find it funny.

Cruiser's avatar

@Austinlad I was talking about Reagan…Bed time for Bonzo Reagan! I had to think about who you were referring to and the jury is still out on that guy!

MrItty's avatar

Stewart & Colbert’s rally isn’t about opposing the Tea Party. At least, not only. It’s about opposing ALL the fringes, on both sides. Watch the announcement again. It’s not only about opposing the “Obama is Hitler” nutcases. It’s also about opposing the “9/11 was an inside job by Bush and Cheney” nutcases. It’s about a desire to return to civility, and realizing that the vast majority of us are not on either of these insanely vocal fringes.

Austinlad's avatar

@cruiser, my apologies. I read your comment too quickly. Guess I’m feeling defensive about Obama because I see him beset on so many sides.

tinyfaery's avatar

Politics is laughable.

syz's avatar

I think it’s a sad statement on our current situation that comedians are more intelligent and thoughtful than the movement leaders.

cockswain's avatar

Al Franken needs company.

Whitsoxdude's avatar

It doesn’t say anything about the country. Who said comedians are stupid? They are people too. It’s just a job.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@cockswain : are you volunteering?

LostInParadise's avatar

Some of the members of the Tea Party movement are sufficiently nutty that it it takes a bit of effort to satirize them. What distinguishes Stephen Colbert from Sarah Palin is that Colbert’s humor is intentional, but sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

If it’s a joke, I missed it.

ETpro's avatar

It says what funny material that movement is constantly providing. It’s gotten to be a content of how can jump the most sharks, who can say the most extreme, obviously over-the-top thing. It’s like a game of upside down one-upmanship. What’s to do but laugh?

Sarcasm's avatar

@Whitsoxdude Amen. I hate to derail this question, but I hate that attitude, that any political opinion of a celebrity is supposed to be ignored simply because they are celebrities.
Stewart and Colbert, regardless of what shows they do, are very well-read men who clearly pay attention to the state of the nation, and the state of politics.
I think they’re a pretty good team to be part of this “Hey, you guys are all kind of crazy.” party.

mattbrowne's avatar

The Tea Party movement is so ridiculous it seems obvious for comedians to take the lead opposing it.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

If it’s a joke, I missed it.

ETpro's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies The movement seems to be dead set against deficits and determined to lower taxes. They hate government programs but want their medicare and social security. It’s just the usual something -for-nothing crowd when they get mad as Hell that they aren’t getting more for less each election cycle. The lady with the “Keep your government hands off my Medicare” sign ata Tea Party rally summed up the joke beautifully.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@ETpro As much as I adore you and you’re comments… seriously… can we really claim that a bunch of back woods devolutionists have anything to contribute to the betterment of humanity?

I’ll take them seriously when they take a serious stance to legalize marijuana and support every little tit and tottel that Ron Paul was preaching three years ago.


kevbo's avatar

A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.

I think this question applies more pointedly to Colbert’s ridiculous attempt to provide testimony during Congressional hearings on immigration reform.

kevbo's avatar

Of interest. Jon Stewart’s brother is the COO of the NYSE. Link

cockswain's avatar

I must have missed where it says those guys are brothers in that link after reading twice. Where does it say that? Or are you just joking?

MrItty's avatar

@cockswain “A bit grayer and world wearier, maybe, but there’s no mistaking the family resemblance between NYSE Chief Operating Office Larry Leibowitz and his kid brother Jon Stewart.”

MrItty's avatar

(I, however, missed the part where this information is “of interest”)

ragingloli's avatar

It is only fiiting that a movement led by jokes is opposed by comedians.

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