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Remember that television show Sliders?
… if so, that is the total basis of this question!
For those whom have not seen, nor remember the show, it goes a little like this. Briefly anyway, it’s like: A scientist discovers a way to Slide between dimension to dimension, but during his discovery is interrupted by others (who I think were his friends. Hey, it’s been a while). During some sort of “excitement”, they accidentally fall into the worm hole and begin their journey. Each slide (transferring between dimensions via the worm holes) leads them to a different dimension. So they never know if the one they have just slid into is the original one they had started from.
Ok, now that that’s out of the way.
Lets say, you were one of these characters or hypothetically you were in kind of the same situation. If you had just arrived in a dimension where your life was much more successful and more meaningful and so on… Would you kill yourself / your doppelganger (Or dispose of them some other way, such as offering them to take the slider, ect..) to keep their (your) life as your true dimension? Would you continue on, searching for your original dimension? What would you do?
*Bonus question**
What would your “Worst Life” (dimension) case scenario be like?
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