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YARNLADY's avatar

Is the Harry Potter phenomenon now over?

Asked by YARNLADY (46748points) September 18th, 2010

There are no new books, and the movies don’t seem to have much hype. Is it over already?

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25 Answers

Whitsoxdude's avatar

As far as I know, yes.

rangerr's avatar

Technically, once the next two movies come out, the production of Harry Potter will be done.
But the if I may magic will not be.

Kids are still just getting introduced to the world of HP, and us “kids” who have stuck around since the beginning, are still loyal fans for the most part.

Universal Studios just opened the Harry Potter section of their park in Orlando, too. It’s been a pretty big hit. I don’t see it being “over” anytime soon.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

What do you mean by “it”?

Gamrz360's avatar

I’ve heard that there is going to be a making of the last Harry Potter movie which is going to be cut in to two movies, because of its length.

Seek's avatar

Well, I was the same age as Harry Potter when the first book came out – eleven years old. I’ll be 25 this year.

For a pretty poorly written set of stories, I’d say it had a good run, and I’m glad to see the hype is over, apart from some Potter vs. Twilight blog battling.

YARNLADY's avatar

@papayalily The hype, hoopla, brouhaha, and overall constant commentary about it/them.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I liked both the Harry Potter books, and the Twilight books

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It may be winding down, but only time will tell. Personally, I’m fond of the effort. J. K. Rowling did a good job of strategically plotting out a children’s series that captured the hearts of the youth of the time. She developed the stories to accommodate a generation as they grew older. And it may be a way to introduce a reader to better quality literature. I would rather support an effort that encourages a child to read than watching television.

keobooks's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr—I read children’s book as a huge part of my job, and I have to disagree that her writing is poor. I think one of her weaknesses was too wordy of endings—too much time explaining how exactly the plot went. But the meat of the story was very well crafted. She was very good at visuals. world building and hooking interesting little details together to get people hooked. You are entitled to your opinion about the books, but I think the writing itself is sound.

I can tell decent writing even if I don’t like the books. Like Brian Jacques is an excellent writer, but his Redwall series—talking mice—bleah. It doesn’t do a thing for me. But I can’t deny that his stuff is well written in and of itself.

If you want to see what Harry Potter would have looked like poorly written, you could try reading the Charlie Bone series by Jenny Nimmo. Nice little stories, and kind of a knock-off of Harry Potter—but not compelling enough to capture anyone’s attention long.

However—Twilight, sorry @YARNLADY but that was very terribly written. Not just because I didn’t like it. She had some major plot holes and very poor characterization—and it got repetitive. There also wasn’t much in the way of description. YUCK! I can see how people had fun with it, but the writing was absolutely terrible.

I think Harry Potter is going to please people for generations. Twilight isn’t going to be much remembered after the last movie comes out. That’s just my personal prediction.

Nullo's avatar

Pokemon is still around, and like it (as mentioned above), it can always be introduced to the new generation of readers.

YARNLADY's avatar

@keobooks The one redeeming feature of Twilight was the author’s ability to express the feelings of the teenage girl who was the major character. I felt myself identifying with her feelings throughout the book. Plus, the story line was interesting to me. I read the last book on the airplane through a grueling six hour flight, and it kept me from having a major breakdown. I don’t really critique the writing style of books I read, but rather if they make me feel I can identify with the characters.

keobooks's avatar

@YARNLADY I sometimes wonder if I’d enjoy books more if I just read them for fun more often. Because I just couldn’t get into those books, but so many other people have. I do remember loving books like “Flowers in the Attic” as a kid—which were TERRIBLY written but the plot was fun to think about. Unfortunately for me and people around me, it’s hard to turn off that critic part.

amazingme's avatar

I don’t think Harry Potter will ever really be over.
The next movie comes out Nov. 19 and then the second half of Deathly Hallows comes out in summer 2011.
The Orlando theme park just opened this summer. And they are going to expand it. (May I say, it’s amazing! Every HP fan should go)
And recently it has been announced that the HP sets will be open for the public and they will add rides and such to make a ‘mini’ park.
Also, there are the Very Potter Musicals on youtube :]

My mom started reading me the series when I was five. And now I am seventeen. Harry Potter has made a huge impact in my life – I know I sound dorky – but it really has. It encouraged me to read at a young age and inspired me to write when I was young,- and still does.

So to me, Harry Potter will never be over. There will be times when it’s not in the spotlight in the future, but just like every great fictional universe (for lack of a better word), once someone slightly mentions HP, it will spark multiple conversations and be real to everyone again just like when they were kids (or to whenever they first discovered it). :D

PS. I hate Twilight. Sparkling…really? Sparkling!? lol. :]

Seek's avatar

@keobooks Same here. I actually screened the Twilight books for my niece, and it was torture. How many times can a person misuse the word “chagrin”? I wanted to go to wherever Stephanie Meyer was, and shove a thesaurus down her throat.


YARNLADY's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Ha, ha, I have absolutely no memory of that word in the book. Apparently I don’t read word by word in a book, but rather idea by idea.

amazonstorm's avatar

To be honest, as long as there are people still discovering the books, the movies and everything involved… Harry Potter will never be over. At least not to me, but only time will tell.

zen_'s avatar

It’s only just begun:


Potter vs. Predator

Aliens vs. Potter


When Harry met Hermione

Something about Harry



Harry the 13th


Harry Potter and the Perpetual Piggybank

Harry Hollywood I, II, 3D

filmfann's avatar

@amazingme got it exactly right. With the new Orlando theme park, and the last two movies, there is still a lot of exciting things abrew. Add to that the possiblity of JK writing the Encyclopedia of Harry Potter, which will reveal secrets no one realized (I suspect Snape was a Vampire), and the quality of the works (despite what @Seek_Kolinahr said), and this stuff will live for generations. I can easily see an anime version, a musical, and more interactive computer games keeping this going.

@zen_ You left out:
Harry Potter & the Electric Boogaloo
Harry Potter: The Wrath of Khan
Harry Potter and the Pillar of Storge

Nullo's avatar

If the Harry Potter brand managers have a few iotas of sense over the Nintendo people, they’ll see that the Potterverse still has untapped potential. If they need help, they can always (carefully) check the fanbase and its productions.

I’ve always thought that Nintendo really dropped the ball when they let Pokemon devolve (ha!) into repetitive monster-of-the-day pap when they could have followed their first audience through their teens. They’d just have to throw in some real plot and some character development, and otherwise let the stars progress in life. Sure, there wouldn’t be the same product tie-in opportunities, but that’s what entrepreneurs are for.
They wouldn’t even have to scrap their present strategy of cranking out more Pokemon to draw in the most recent batch of 10-year-olds. That way, their market would increase in size exponentially, they could rake in more money (the Pokemon TV show basically became an elaborate advertisement for the games), and maybe produce something of lasting value.

amazingme's avatar

@filmfann There is already a fan-made musical on youtube! It’s called A Very Potter Musical. It’s very funny. They also made a sequel. :]

HoBe's avatar

It seems to be over at our house, and we haven’t even seen the last movie! We do want to see it – waiting for it to come out on DVD.

filmfann's avatar

@HoBe Shame! It’s really good!

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann Yes, the latest movie was very good, but I almost hate that I saw it before the last one came out, since it seems only half over. I always hate those “cliff hangers”, although to someone who hasn’t read the books, I guess it seems like an end.

cRazelyCrazed's avatar

In my book Harry Potter will always be my favorite. I love the books, I adore J.K Rowling and wont let my inspiration go. In my opinion it is not over! I still know many Harry Potter Fans and more and more readers young and old are starting the series themselves. I have actually enjoyed the movies.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Not for me, it isn’t. I started getting way more into the books and movies this year thanks to one of my very best friends who is perhaps the biggest or one of the biggest Harry Potter fans I know. I see her sometimes when she has time off her busy schedule from work and/or school and we watch Harry Potter movies together. It’s pretty fun. I even bought her some Harry Potter stuff for Christmas (a Hogwarts wallet and two Harry Potter bookmarks I fell in love with when I saw them that reminded me of her and our time spent together watching the movies). She’s planning to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I think it’s called, in Florida in the New Year. She is really excited about it and promised me she would take lots of pictures. I can hardly wait to see them! ^_^

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