Vortico is correct; since this is a programming problem, and not your maths homework, I’ll walk you through the algebra.
I’ll assume your original function is correct. The new function will have access to the same global variables (AverageStepsPerMinute & Walking3MphRate) and, in analogy with your function, take EstimatedCaloriesBurned and PersonsWeight as arguments.
You want to find TotalStepsTaken. This variable appears in only the first equation:
(1) TotalMinutesElapsed = TotalStepsTaken / AverageStepsPerMinute
To solve for it, multiply both sides by AverageStepsPerMinute:
(2) TotalMinutesElapsed * AverageStepsPerMinute = TotalStepsTaken
But you don’t know the value of TotalMinutesElapsed. It also occurs in your second equation:
(3) EstimatedCaloriesBurned = PersonsWeight * TotalMinutesElapsed * Walking3MphRate
So we solve for it by dividing both sides by PersonsWeight * Walking3MphRate:
(4) EstimatedCaloriesBurned / (PersonsWeight * Walking3MphRate) = TotalMinutesElapsed
Switch the order of the two solutions (equations (2) and (4)) and convert them into code (don’t forget to swap the left- and right-hand sides of the equality signs), and you have your new function. (This is left as an exercise for the reader.)
P.S.: By substituting equation (4) into (2), you can write more tersely
(5) TotalStepsTaken = EstimatedCaloriesBurned * AverageStepsPerMinute / (PersonsWeight * Walking3MphRate)
But I think your method of using two equations makes it clearer to read and debug.