Meta Question

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What is the minimum age to be a member of Fluther?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31640points) September 19th, 2010

Just wondering because of the juvenile content of some of the questions. Also most of these people are juveniles per their profile.

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10 Answers

zen_'s avatar

I’ve noticed that the 13 year olds here are usually quite mature – the juvenile answers come from me and a couple of other idiots. Don’t mind us; we’ll be in social.

Piper's avatar

It’s 13, right? I made the cut. =)

I hope I’m not immature or anything.

chyna's avatar

@Piper Only your avatar. :-)

augustlan's avatar

Definitely 13, and honestly, most of the ‘juvenile’ stuff comes from folks far older. Some of our teenagers make me feel immature!

ducky_dnl's avatar

@augustlan Yes, they make us seem a bit immature, but we have more fun on Fluther. (:

@Tropical_Willie The age to be on Fluther is 13.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

OK I’ll be thirteen ;>)

MeinTeil's avatar

Chronologically or emotionally?

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