Social Question

janbb's avatar

Will you tell me something great that happened today, Part IX?

Asked by janbb (63346points) September 19th, 2010

This is a continuation of an ongoing thread. whose eighth incarnation was here. It was taking too long to load. Feel free to post positive snippets and epiphanies about things occurring in your life. Newbies more than welcome to join in!

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559 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I took a great walk with Alex and Ark to the store and back – it was refreshing for all of us. And I’m watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo after reading Larsson’s series and it’s doing the book justice! I’m really enjoying it as we speak.

janbb's avatar

I, too, took a great walk – with my best friend – to the ocean and back. She and I are getting closer and closer. It’s a gorgeous day out. And I had the time to start the new thread!

MissAusten's avatar

I have the house all to myself for a little while! My husband took both boys with him to my kindergartener’s soccer practice, and my daughter is spending the afternoon with her Nonni. I’m about to sit down with a cup of coffee and a book and just enjoy the silence!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Someone just added me to their Fluther. I feel loved. Awwwh, shucks.

tedibear's avatar

It’s not specifically today, but semi-recently. My externship is going very well and I love it. It’s nice to do something where I get to go to work instead of having to go to work. Sadly, it’s only two days a week so the other three I still have to go to that paying gig! Soon, though… soon.

partyparty's avatar

1. My SO brought me a delicious coffee in bed.
2. Took the dogs for a long walk… even though it was raining… it was enjoyable
3. Had a long chat with my daughter on the ‘phone.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Today (and all recent days) I can take the dog for a long walk (it’s finally cool enough) which really centers me and gets me on track to get other (less pleasnt stuff) done. Hooray for the change of seasons!

Seek's avatar

I took my son with me to the fabric store. I got a gagillion coupons in the mail, and managed to get all of the materials I need (save my jewelry and makeup) for Ian’s Conan the Barbarian Halloween costume, and my Artemis costume. For $16. Because I’m awesome, and stuff.

I just lined his leather codpiece thing with fake fur, and I’m waiting for that to dry so I can line the belt. Then his is pretty much done, unless I decide to try to make those shoe-cover things that look like boots.

Coloma's avatar

Yay…cool and cloudy with a chance of rain today!

Bliss out to the 10th power in my little bungalow, maybe enjoy another brownie this afternoon as the creative tornado of this week winds down. ;-)

I can’t believe I have NOTHING to do, NOTHING! Woo Hoo!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I feel fortunate and hopeful. I think this came over me after the shots of Espresso~

Coloma's avatar



Well, maybe a brownie would balance out that expresso high. haha

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Coloma: uhm chewy yum yum. I’m going to go eat some protein now and maybe nibble a pice of York Peppermint Patty after :)

Berserker's avatar

Managed to not drink too much yesterday, so as a result, I got some normal, healthy sleep. For me that’s awesome, anyway.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I got together yesterday with a bunch of theater buffs, and we helped our master carptener—the man who builds all our sets—clear his house of a lot of old set pieces, lumber, costumes, and theater junk. We worked hard, had fun, and I only bonked my head once. What’s better is we’re doing it again today to hopefully finish the job.

faye's avatar

It’s raining here, a lovely slow rain, so it’s blanket and book day for me.

nebule's avatar

noticed today that some people really notice you and that means everything to me

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got to sleep in for the first time in about 2 months!!!

chels's avatar

Had my cousins christening thingy today.
It was really awkward since half my family doesnt talk to the other half and I’m in the middle of it all.
I had wine though sooooo… all is well :)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Spent some time with a young marine that just came home from boot camp. We missed him very much, it is good to have him home. That definitely made my day.

stardust's avatar

Had a walk around the beautiful grounds of my new campus.
Received a lovely email from my mum.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It’s Sunday! That means the end of another week and football! Miami won their game today and now I’m watching the NE/NY game. We’ve made it through 36 weeks of this deployment so far and are getting closer and closer to R&R!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds : I’m almost as excited about his leave as you are! Can’t wait for you guys to be together!

Seaofclouds's avatar

@JilltheTooth Thanks! I can’t wait either.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I started a blog today. Link soon in my profile, when I have a few posts up besides the one.

A woman I met at a Shooting People meetup got me a full-fledged, one-year membership to IFP as payment for some blogging I’ve done on behalf of one of her clients. That’s going to certainly be more valuable than $100 cash.

So now comes the crash lesson in networking and reminding myself that I’m the equal to any other filmmaker at any events.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I so love it when this question shows up!

Frenchfry's avatar

@worriedguy I added you now feel extra love
@Seaofclouds That’s wonderful.
I cleaned by daughter’s room and organised things on my computer.(pictures, favorites, dumped unused programs, defragged. I am so glad there is a new one.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I had a sorta bad day today…..My family was just grumpy all day. But I had a wonderful nap and that made the whole world better. It was wonderful.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

I saw Roger Water’s and company to The Wall in Toronto, and it was awesome.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

Aaaand, as you can see I am extremely tired and hungover. Sorry for the typos above.

SamIAm's avatar

this sun dried tomato pesto isn’t the best thing that’s happened but it’s the most appropriate for me to mention here ;) and it’s damn good

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Samantha_Rae: If you’re talking about sex, by all means, mention it here! The only thing we object to is explicit detail. ;)

AmWiser's avatar

Enjoyed the sunny day. Just enjoyed being alive.

SamIAm's avatar

@KatawaGrey : the implication was enough for me to admit to :)

Coloma's avatar


Sounds like my kinda day. ;-)

casheroo's avatar

I went BLONDE! so happy about that. lol And got to catch up with a good friend whom I rarely see.
Went to the zoo and my boys (minus the baby baby) went on a boat ride, my boy was so happy he turned to his daddy and said “Daddy, I’m so happy. I lub you” melts my heart!
And then we had dinner at a local Italian restaurant that just opened up..I love being able to walk to new, delicious restaurants.
Today was an overall great day :)

chyna's avatar

@casheroo Can you post a pic? I bet it’s gorgeous.

le_inferno's avatar

It’s a beautiful evening and I had a very pleasant walk home from the library. September weather in Baltimore is fantastic. Also, I stopped on the way home to get some chicken tenders that were pretty delicious.

casheroo's avatar

@chyna Here it is!
I just did highlights all over, and in a couple weeks I’ll go back for a single process to get it lighter. It’s a little bit of a process to get it to the blonde that I want. My hair appeared dark in prior pictures..but that’s what pregnancy did to me. I do actually have blonde hair just comes in blonde then gets darker as it gets long.
I also had three inches cut off…I could have donated to locks of love if I got it cut to my neckline, but I wasn’t prepared for that!

chyna's avatar

@casheroo Very pretty! It looks great on you.

Austinlad's avatar

I took a friend and his wife out today to buy a new printer and keyboard, hooked them up, and gave them instruction on both the new printer and their computer (which I also helped them buy a couple of years ago). I just got an email from them thanking me and saying they love their new purchases.

This is a British couple I’ve known for eight years who, in spite of my mentoring, just have never been able to “get” computers. It’s always a pleasure to help them, and the email made me feel extra good about all the time I spent with them today.

Sarcasm's avatar

I’m meeting up with someone on Tuesday. If all goes well, I’ll have found a place to live! and within biking distance of my school, too! if only I had a bike.

YARNLADY's avatar

We made it back safely from our trip, in spite of more challenges than usual, with mechanical trouble – one extra day and car sickness – another extra day and an extra passenger.

My second grandson decided to come back and live with us again, and his stuff filled up the car very tightly. I often schedule the full two weeks, but this time we decided to spend a few extra days at home, which were shortened by two.

kenmc's avatar

I have to get up in 3.5 hours, but I’m in such a good mood that I don’t to go to sleep :l

tragiclikebowie's avatar

I don’t really want to say what it was, but just know that something happened and yeah, to me it was pretty damn great.

DominicX's avatar

I moved from the watery eyes/runny nose stage of my cold to the coughing stage. :)

I consider that a good thing because this cold has been very fast-moving. I should be over it very soon. Also, I hate having watery eyes and a runny nose. I couldn’t even taste anything yesterday. :(

I was also able to salvage most of my music from my iPhone after my Mac’s hard-drive crashed. And I talked to my friend at Berkeley that I haven’t talked to in almost 2 months. :)

augustlan's avatar

I got half of my girls’ bedroom painted (it’s a tiny room, with TWO sets of bunk beds, so I’m doing it one half at a time.) They picked out a nice shade of grey, with a wide horizontal stripe of semi-gloss raspberry all the way around the room. Can’t wait to see the end result. It should be done in time for Shrubbery’s visit (in less than two weeks!). I make no guarantees, as I have to pace myself, but fingers are crossed. ;)


[mod says] Link fixed via internal edit.

nebule's avatar

@casheroo you are truly beautiful!!!

@augustlan raspberry and grey sounds absolutely adorable!! xxx

partyparty's avatar

@lynneblundell Hi I noticed you also :)

augustlan's avatar

@casheroo I swear, you’d probably look great with any hair color at all. So pretty!

@nebule Hi! I’m noticing you, with your new name, too. :)

nebule's avatar

@augustlan @partyparty thank you sweet peeps xxx

janbb's avatar

After a sleepless night, I think I’m on the cusp of some realizations and personal growth.

marinelife's avatar

I went for a walk with my husband and dogs. I only was able to walk for 18 minutes (then I sat on a bench while they finished up) but it was the first time in a million months that I had been on a walk.

casheroo's avatar

@nebule I’d recognize your face anywhere! Nice new name :) And thanks

@augustlan thank you :)

@chyna thank you!

partyparty's avatar

@marinelife I can imagine you really enjoyed the walk though!?!

SamIAm's avatar

i got a last minute job for the day!

ru2bz46's avatar

My lovely bride-to-be and I are going to stay over with my best friend for Thanksgiving. She’s so excited now, planning a menu and some excursions.

chels's avatar

@casheroo You’re so gorgeous.

I am currently writing a letter to one of the guys at the startup that I reaaaaaally want to work for in SF. I am shaking. This would literally be my dream job. Though if I don’t get it, that’s fine too. More motivation to keep on working at what I’m doing and to find something even better!

marinelife's avatar

@partyparty I did. I even enjoyed sitting in the woods. I was listening to a woodpecker.

@chels Good luck!

chels's avatar

@marinelife Thank you much <3

JilltheTooth's avatar

Today I been making buckets of different soups and dividing and freezing them, dinners for weeks! I love soup season! Everybody’s invited over for a manic soup fest!

Seaofclouds's avatar

@JilltheTooth Are you making any potato soup by any chance? That’s my favorite and I would love to have some right now (or just a really good recipe for some).

JilltheTooth's avatar

Alas, @Seaofclouds , potato soup doesn’t happen for me til the temperature drops a bit more. I’m trying to track down my favorite potato soup recipe that I’ll PM to you.

Coloma's avatar

Mmmm soup! :-)

janbb's avatar

I had a very productive day doing course prep and getting ready for a trip next week. Many things fell into place quite nicely.

Frenchfry's avatar

@JilltheTooth That is a good idea. I wonder how long soup lasts in the freezer. Hmmm

Coloma's avatar

I broke into my frozen spaghetti sauce last night, was going to save it for a dinner party again, but, too late, HAD to have some! lol

I am planning on a soup, sauce and chili making day soon to stock the freezer. :-)

MissAusten's avatar

I just ordered a new oven! The downside is that I HAD to order one because ours died, and the new one won’t be here for a week. I hope we don’t starve! It’s not my dream oven, but one of these days I’ll have that double oven with all the bells and whistles!

Also, I had been worried about my 7 year old, who kept getting an itchy rash that looked like hives. I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, and was worried he was allergic to something that we’d drive ourselves crazy trying to identify. I took him to the pediatrician today, and it turned out to be poison ivy! The poor kid has it in so many spots that he has to take an oral steroid. :( But, at least we know what it is and he isn’t allergic to his own sweat or something crazy like that! And, he loves soaking in an Aveeno bath while I read him Goosebumps stories!

Coloma's avatar


Cooking and aveeno baths, sounds fun!

A great day and now, in happy brownie land.

Yep, my ‘mini-vacation’ week since I haven’t managed to take a real vacation this summer. Having all sorts of productive fun around the house, and it’s a beautiful evening coming, full moon in the hot tub.

I am going to build a fire outdoors in a few minutes.

Right after I eat the giant BLT I am making. haha

janbb's avatar

Marina’s and my co-interview is up on the blog.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@janbb ; Saw that, read that, love that!

janbb's avatar

Thanks, Jilly!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I got my new dryer yeaterday, no more cardboard towels! No more bird poop on my laundry! (But I will miss the smell of outside-dried stuff…)

janbb's avatar

I still hang clothes outside when I can, but not the towels.

ru2bz46's avatar

My fiancee’s yoga studio is over halfway to breaking even after only two months! August is always tough for fitness-related businesses, but September has doubled our class sizes.

Sarcasm's avatar

I would’ve posted this last night, but my internet connection has been unreliable, to put it lightly.
I met up with the guy, my potential new housemate/landlord (er, can he be called that if he doesn’t own the apartment?). Nice guy, really nice place. I just wish the parking situation was better (1 assigned spot per apartment? That’s way too few).

He broke the ice by pulling out his SNES. We played Super Mario World while chatting. I purposely messed up a few times and he didn’t show signs of being an impatient jerk, so he gets my approval.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I noticed my bf trying to smoke less. It’s a big deal to me since he’s a heavy smoker, a pack a day and I know he’d like to not do it at all in order to improve his health. My fingers are crossed he’s got a plan, I don’t want to call attention to it and make a big deal or add pressure but I sure like his efforts.

chels's avatar

I ordered a purse and some tights today. That should cure my shopping-craving for a while.

shego's avatar

I got my cast off my arm today! Yay! No more dry itchy skin.

faye's avatar

The sun shone!!! It’s been a month. Gonna bring the garden in with help, have some beer, food and a fire! if I can find some dry wood

Frenchfry's avatar

I got a bad tooth and I am drugged up spent the day yesterday in and out of sleep and pain waiting for payday to come around so I can pay for the extraction yesterday. Lucky we get paid tomorrow. So one more day.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Frenchfry : Wow! You’re not even slurring your words! ;-)

Frenchfry's avatar

@JilltheTooth The dentist gave me antibiotics and painkillers. The pain meds make me sleepy. Lucky my husband is home for the next few days.

janbb's avatar

I’m managing my anxiety about teaching tomorrow.

marinelife's avatar

@janbb You will be great! (I know that doesn’t lessen the anxiety much.)

janbb's avatar

Thanks guys! (Sings – “You’ve got a friend” – badly.)

Coloma's avatar

Oh, back to the reality of ‘stuff.’ lol

Sent off my car reg. but forgot it was a smog year, sooo, the paperwork was returned ‘incomplete.’ Off to get a smog and then come what may. haha

Gorgeous morning, a nip to the air, my cat had her breakfast as usual on the landing in the garage and is now back inside dozing where it’s warm. How quickly things change, the sun now feels good on your back in the mornings!

Tally ho….

tragiclikebowie's avatar

My class was unexpectedly canceled due to a power outage! And now my mother is going to take me out to brunch. Score.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m back on Fluther missed you guys after the best holiday ever. I miss America so much right now but the trip ended on the best high imaginable for me, Cher in Vegas.

picante's avatar

I shared dessert with my lunchmates, and I’m anticipating a great evening of moon-wathcing, star-gazing and the scent of rain on the new-mown grass.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I had an amazing dream last night! I dreamed this guy from summer camp was in town and we were doing somersaults down the bridge in my town (which was perfectly normal for some reason) and we went on a nice date…. It was strange but nice to see him again!

Jude's avatar

I finally caught up on my sleep. Time to tackle the world.

Coloma's avatar

I am gathering up all kinds of stuff for a yard sale with a friend on Saturday. Unburden the burdomesome.
( I actually have some really cool stuff, lol )

Should be an awesome day….fun and lighten the load.

chyna's avatar

@Leanne1986 Sounds fantastic. What better way to end a great vacation than with Cher.

muppetish's avatar

My best friend just called. We haven’t held a long conversation since his father passed away in spring. I’ve missed him terribly. Now my stomach is knotted up tight, and I feel a long cry coming on, but it feels so good to hear from him again.

I also got my contract stamped today. I’m officially an employee of my university.

janbb's avatar

Taught my first class of the Fall series. It was a great group, lots of discussion and the class went well. Wish I didn’t get so nervous before it starts!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@chyna The only way it could have been any better is if Barbra Streisand was there too!!!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I won the draft last night. I even beat my boyfriend in the finals. :)

We decided to split the prize pool and each got 7 packs of the new Magic set. Yay!

Frenchfry's avatar

I got my tooth pulled.I could of saved it with a root canal and such. Hundred dollars later. Instead $70 pulled the dam thing. I am no more pain that is what counts! I have alot to catch up on Fluther. LOL. Hope all is well.

Seek's avatar

@KatawaGrey Nerd-win score!

@Frenchfry Damn straight! Glad your toofs are all better. ^_^

I am three days into eating a strict low-fat diet to prevent causing my gallbladder to explode. What a pain. in. the. ass. But, I haven’t caved and eaten anything deep-fried, dairy-related, or otherwise delicious, so… yay?

Jude's avatar

Feisty self is back.

MissAusten's avatar

My husband and I went to the fair with our kids and had so much fun! My husband was out of town during the fair the past two years, and I forgot how much easier it is to go with another adult! Whew!

We saw all the barns full of cows, sheep, rabbits, goats, llamas, chickens, and pigs. We saw chicks that had just hatched and rabbits that were the size of dogs. We drank slushies, ate fried dough and gyros, and bought cotton candy for the drive home. We saw the wine my brother-in-law won a ribbon for, and the sweater my sister-in-law won a ribbon with. There were pumpkins weighing over a thousand pounds! My daughter tried the rock-climbing wall and made it all the way to the top, even though she was scared. All three of our kids are finally tall enough to go on most of the rides, so we did bumper cars, the tilt-a-whirl, the tornado, and that big boat that swings so high, back and forth. I felt a little sick after all that.

My husband took two of the kids off to play games, bragging about what he’d win for them, while my son and I tried to win something at that squirt-gun game. I actually won him a huge stuffed dolphin, and the look on my husband’s face was priceless! The rest of them only managed to win tiny little stuffed animals. ;)

It was one of those rare outings that goes like a movie or TV commercial, with everyone enjoying every minute and nothing going wrong! Unlike last year, when I lost a kid for a while….

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten: Yay for a fairy tale outing! I love those, they’re all too rare. And nobody threw up? Wow!

chyna's avatar

@MissAusten But hey, we don’t have to remember that wee, small, missng kid incident now do we? :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My best friend’s wedding engagement party is this afternoon.

Coloma's avatar


Sounds like a great day!

Had great fun over this way having a fall cleaning yard sale up the hill at my good friends house all day. We set up last night and posted about 10 signs and 2 ads on Craigslist. Had a pretty good turn out, made about $200 ! Between the two of us and her husband we had a lot of really nice stuff, we are women of taste of course…hahahaha ;-)

Had a blast with our ‘customers’, dressing them ( mostly the men who bought a ton of mens clothes. Hawaiin shirts, cool shorts, lots of brand new items that were gifts that didn’t work, fit.

I sold an Alpaca wool hat, a set of cool curtains, a really nice vase and lamp, a wicker trunk, my daughters old disco ball ( she got it when she was about 11 and is now almost 23) thats been in MY closet for the last 4 years! haha

We had/have a lot of cool stuff, virtually no junk, a yard sale junkies dream! lol

Had one fellow drop in with his dog and he ended up sitting on the porch talking with us for 3 hours, gave him lunch, dog water, boy could this guy TALK!

It was quite amazing. haha

People scored on the clothes scene!

Frenchfry's avatar

@Coloma So was the guy cute and single?

free_fallin's avatar

I went to an amusement park yesterday for a “family fun day”. It was 97 degrees out and I ended up fainting. Other than that, it was a great day.

Coloma's avatar


He was a young guy, and, rather strange, haha
Nice but strange! lol

MissAusten's avatar

Today is our 12th anniversary! My husband and I are going out to dinner tonight, but making sure we’re home in time to watch the season premier of Dexter. I think the people at Showtime picked today for the premier in honor of our anniversary!

Seek's avatar

My husband’s band played an industry showcase in front of several record label representatives last night.

The record label reps loved ULCER!

It’s still to be seen if any contracts will be drawn from this, but holycrap, I wish I could have recorded the judging. Hopefully J-Rock will have the audio on his website soon. Jason had a good chat with the label reps afterward, but only time will tell.

Still, I’m totally stoked!

Oh! And at some point Jason ran across the street to use the (considerably better) bathroom at another bar, and Ben (the owner) handed him a Guinness and said “Hey, when you’re done over there, wanna play over here?” So they did.

10:40 – 11:15 they played one club, and 12:30 to 1:20 they played at the bar. It was great. And Ben kept the free Guinness going all night. Good times!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : Congrats on your dozen! Good job!
@Seek_Kolinahr : WooHoo on the good show(s)! Fingers crossed…

Sarcasm's avatar

I turned 21 yesterday. My plan was to sleep the day away. Luckily, my 3 friends weren’t going to let me do that.
We went to a restaurant and I had a goblet of beer.
Then we went to a bar in town (at 4pm. Yeah, we’re major party people) and I had a shot (The kind you have to lick the salt and suck a lime. I still don’t get the purpose of that), and I had some weird energy drink/alcohol mix, and a Jedi Mind Probe just for @rangerr, and some other kind of shot (The “I just lit this on fire” kind).
Then we went to the store, and went back to my parents’ house and drank some more.
And I threw up! I threw up so many colors. It was impressive, I expected it all to mix together, but no sir.
And I didn’t wake up feeling like shit. I’m hungry, but otherwise feel fine.

MissAusten's avatar

@Sarcasm At least you threw up at home. I was out with a friend on her 21st, and she threw up after lots of alcohol and red velvet cake. In the middle of the bar. It made for some interesting color combinations as well! And happy birthday!

Seek's avatar

Okay, so I’m assuming Tequila, jagerbomb (jagermeister and redbull)... the other two are lost on me.

Jager is never a good idea. I’d rather drink Robitussin. Blech.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Sarcasm : Happy Birthday! Happy interesting vomit! WOO HOO!

Jude's avatar

My Dad is away for the weekend camping. I went over to his place last night (at 11:30) to pick up a few things and as soon as I walked into the door, I could smell must. I went into the basement and as I was walking along the carpet, I was leaving footprints. Water was gushing up in between my toes. You see, my Dad went to fix his toilet (in the basement) two days ago and you have to know my Dad – he is not handy atall. Everything that he works on, something ends up going wrong. Well, we’re guessing that he overtightened the main water valve and damaged it somehow, causing water to spray (yes, spray) all over the place. I went ahead and turned off the valve. The wetness in the carpet was about 8 feet by 8 feet. There is a drain under the carpet, so, thank Heysus it didn’t flood. Although, with carpet, water travels along (spreading) and it was two feet away from a guitar, leather chair and a flat screened t.v. that he had resting on the ground.

At one in the morning, I had the Shop Vac out and was sucking up the water. I also had a fan going as there was a stinky smell. My brother and I went over this morning and checked on it. Now, there is just a drip-drip by the valve. We have no way of contacting my Dad (he didn’t leave us a number where he is at, nor does he have a cell). He should be home tonight.

The good thing would be, that I stopped by and shut all of the water off before it got worse. Water could have kept seeping through the carpet and up the walls (dry wall). Also, it could have damaged the furniture. The wall where the valve is though is wet and I’m thinking that there is probably some damage to the drywall underneath. It could have been worse, though.

rangerr's avatar

I woke up to some ridiculous yet hilarious texts from @Sarcasm.
It definitely made the fact that today’s plans got rained out less stressful.

In exactly one week, Shrubbery and bluemukaki will be in my car, headed towards my house. I am beyond excited.
And I’ll be on the way back from a wedding and hanging out with @tragiclikebowie

In two weeks, I’ll be at the end of New York Comic Con. I’ll have an exhibitors badge this time, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to be busier than what I was at Celebration V.
I can’t explain how awesome this entire comic thing has been for me.

Edit: OH!!! And I got the approval of my parents to go to Calgary for a week around New Years to be with the boy. I might be crazy, but it’s okay. I’m entirely too antsy.

Jude's avatar

@rangerr I love your life. :)

janbb's avatar

Just got back from an overnight visiting with son and daughter-in-law and doing some baby sitting for Jake. It was great!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I just found out that my nephew’s deployment inAfghanistan is done and he’ll be stateside on Thursday! YAHOO!!!!

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth A really hearty Mazel Tov!

Coloma's avatar

Busy morning and no time for food.
Now, I just made the BEST snack!

A really good raisen toast with extra sharp cheddar and a bowl of blackberries! Mmmm…..

janbb's avatar

Just had a great phone conversation with Son #2. It gave me a much needed lift.

faye's avatar

My youngest daughter is visiting from Calgary- good hugs.

MissAusten's avatar

I had a really nice time with my husband last night! He took me to a fantastic local restaurant, and every part of our dinner, from the appetizers to the martinis, was perfect. Instead of ordering dessert, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up strawberries and whipped cream. When we got home, I made a balsamic glaze for the strawberries, topped them with whipped cream, and dished them up while we watched the season premier of “Dexter.” We’re always so busy, it was wonderful to relax together all evening!

Frenchfry's avatar

@MissAusten I am glad your Anniversary went well. 12 wow. Fair ,anniversary your life is just a hopping! Mine seems to drab compared to that. Lately it’s wake up, clean ,cook, and watch alittle TV go to bed. Woowee!

MissAusten's avatar

@Frenchfry You just described the majority of my days! It was an exciting weekend, but my typical day is much more mundane!

chels's avatar

This week is taking entirely too long to end; I head back to England on Sunday.
I have a four hour flight to Iceland, three hour layover in Reykjavik, a three hour flight to Gatwick and then an I-don’t-know-how-many hour train ride back home.

Richard has his medical exam in a few weeks which means he can get his visa interview date at the consulate soon. I’m definitely excited for that.

chels's avatar

ALSO: There was some weird noise coming from the chimney that was just freaking me out. Then randomly the doorbell starts going CRAZY and scared the fuck out of me. It was my brother. And the chimney noise… I still don’t know what it is.

augustlan's avatar

@chels I’ve had birds trapped in my chimney twice. If the sound keeps up, get a sheet and hold it over the fireplace opening while you open the flue. Gently catch the bird in the sheet and release it outdoors.

chels's avatar

@augustlan I probably couldn’t open the flue if I tried. I don’t know what/where it is :\ Also, I don’t hear it anymore so hopefully it was just a squirrel running around on the roof near the chimney.

KatawaGrey's avatar

If the noise starts up again, call me and my mom. We are expert friggin’ bird catchers.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@KatawaGrey and @chels ; Yeah, the “bird in the flue” season should be starting any day, now…Goody!

chels's avatar

@KatawaGrey @JilltheTooth I’ll keep that in mind. <3 You guys aren’t toooo far away.. ;)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chels ; We also can talk you through it… :-)

chels's avatar

@JilltheTooth I don’t think it helps that I’m a big wussy.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chels: I do it without touching the bird, or even getting too close. I have, unfortunately, had enough experience with this to develop a system.

janbb's avatar

@chels We’ve had birds in the attic that I’ve caught in a hat and released. Not easy.

My mood has lifted!

Frenchfry's avatar

@chels Are you sure they are not bats? Just saying..

MissAusten's avatar

My oven was delivered and installed this morning! I have a couple of sugar pumpkins baking in there right now, and later this afternoon I am going to make Mini Pumpkin Whoopie Pies!

janbb's avatar

@MissAusten Yeah, yeah – that’s what you say but I bet you’re really baking….

Frenchfry's avatar

@MissAusten That is one of my favorites sites.! I actually just got off of it looking for a split pea and ham recipe. That is what I am making.Those look delicious.. Congrats on the oven.

Coloma's avatar

Well….going to look at an adorable 7 month old kitten this afternoon as a potential new pal for myself and my Mia after the tragic loss of Gizzi to the Coyote family a few weeks ago.

I am hoping that this next kitty will be a long term addition and will not fall prey to the same fate after the appropriate indoctrinations.

Mia learned her lesson and now does not leave the yard to wander into the woods. I am hoping she will be the teacher for the new guy after his initial confinement.

chels's avatar

@Everyone the noise is gone so I’m guessing whatever it was, left :D

janbb's avatar

@chels As long as you don’t now get the smell!

shego's avatar

I got three phone calls today for three interviews scheduled for tomorrow. Yay!

Coloma's avatar

Here he is, the new cat I adopted today!

He is 7.5 months old, very sweet, playful and personable.

No name yet.

So far so good, he is exploring, not paranoid, talking a little….Mia is annoyed, of course, but curious too. Aaaah…starting over, definitely the year of the cat over here. lol

chels's avatar

My brother came over again today. He’s younger than me, 19, and we don’t see him much since he moved out and I’m not usually in Jersey. Him, my mom, and I shared drunken stories while sitting out on the porch enjoying the late-night weather. It was really nice.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Coloma Awwwww how cute

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A friend of mine told me that even if I don’t get what I want out of my present situation that my life is tons better than a few years ago. She’s right and I feel humbled suddenly and grateful.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Neizvestnaya You cannot change the past, and the future is not guaranteed. The only time you have any control over something is right now. Make each moment a good one, and your life will be the best it can possibly be.

faye's avatar

I was able to get new tires much cheaper than I had thought because my dil is a member of costco and took me in.

chels's avatar

I got some new stuff I bought from Forever 21 today. Hells yes new purse and tights :D.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend paid me a surprise visit and drowned me with compliments! Who doesn’t need that every so often?!?!

Seaofclouds's avatar

My husband is making some of his chili for dinner tonight and we are having some friends over! He is sitting next to me at his computer looking at a new game he just bought while I’m on my computer doing some work for my sister-in-law and checking up on Fluther.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@Seaofclouds YAY HE IS HOME!!!!!!!

Seaofclouds's avatar

@tragiclikebowie Yes he is and I’m loving it! I am enjoying my time with him while I have it!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds : Glad to see you here, Darlin’! I was hoping you’d get a minute to check in!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations on your time together @Seaofclouds!

free_fallin's avatar

I managed to smile today thanks to the person I love even though it was a terrible day. It’s still terrible and for however long I am not going to be a super cheery person.

faye's avatar

Yay, leave, hope you have a wonderful time together!

MissAusten's avatar

This was not great but kinda funny…

My husband told me, in these exact words, that he would be “working all night” and would “leave [the job] early” to “be home in the morning.” So, when I went to bed I locked the house up tight, including the security chains on the doors.

About 5:00 this morning, I wake up and realize the phone was ringing. I could barely hear it, because the one in our room is always set to silent. No one in their right mind would call our house that early, so I had to get up and see what the problem was. It was my husband, and with a lot of worry I called him back. I said, “Are you OK?” He said, “Yes, but I’m locked out of the house.” Because I wasn’t really awake, instead of letting him in from the pouring rain I started to question him. “Why are you in the driveway? I thought you were leaving in the morning…you must have left in the middle of the night!”

Once he finally got into the house, he told me he’d been home for an hour and had been sitting in his car, trying to get me to answer the phone. :D I told him he needs to work on his communication skills.

free_fallin's avatar

This happened last night but it helped improve my mood completely that I felt I should mention it.

I watched the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox with @gggritso and @petethepothead. Over the internet. Maybe one day in person. It’s a fabulous movie and I was able to laugh. Talking with them shortly after the movie also brought smiles. It definitely helped take my mind off the bad thing. Looking forward to the next time.

After that, I was able to talk with my love, which always makes things better and tonight we will watch Zombieland together. I look forward to next month when we can watch movies together IN PERSON!

I welcome happy distractions until I am able to overcome the bad thing.

Coloma's avatar

The new cat ’ Marley’ is a real character, whatta nut!

Constantly purring, chirpping, playing, he promises to be quite quirky and does this funny little ‘huffing’ thing when he is excited. lol

On a bummer note I finally severed ties with my biz. partner, it’s been a long time in coming, but, still feels really crappy.
Sigh…always sucks when someone you trusted lets you down, but, in finally making the break it frees us both from any more negativity arising, so, is the highest choice for the greater good. Hurts though, yes it does. :-(

Jude's avatar

My hives cleared up.

faye's avatar

My new kitten had gotten outside and I worried for a day but she came back- just like the song that will now be stuck in my head. I wish I hadn’t used that phrase!!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My mom put together a menu to cook for my bf’s bday and set aside all the serving pieces needed to make a fabulous dinner for him. He’ll be working that day and day so it’s not like I can take him out and this will be very nice for him, cake and all.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Sounds like you have a sweet mom.
My child’s bike was on recall spend about half hour in line at Walmart returning it. She could not find it right away. I brought a bag to Goodwill to return it . and then precede to buy more junk. Lord help me.

Coloma's avatar

Hehe….making my bed this morning and found the kitty toy cache! Mia hid all of the cat toys at the foot of my bed! lol

The new guy sleeps in the bathroom at night for now so she is still the princess of the bedroom kingdom.

Very funny that she found and hid all of the cat toys, 3 ‘mousies’ 2 puffy balls and a ribbon in my bed. Jealous a little Mimi? haha

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@rangerr has touched down in New Hampshire and I get to hang out with her tonight and tomorrow night! Yes!

muppetish's avatar

It’s pouring outside today! And I’m wearing sandals! Oh California… :) What strange weather you are having today. My textbooks are a wee waterlogged, but it was worth waltzing through the rain.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I put out the word about my new writing/photo blog on all my usual social networking places and already people are telling me that they like it. Yay! Also, I might be getting 2 part-time jobs early next week. I hope these pan out, because I really need the dosh ASAP!

marinelife's avatar

I am stepping in as a substitute hostess for @augustlan so will have @shrubbery and @bluemukaki with me tomorrow night and most of the day on Sunday! Hooray!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@aprilsimnel I’m totally going to check it out!

chyna's avatar

I’ve been having a blah week. Today I had to take my mom to a doctor apt. at the hospital and I was pushing her down the hall in her wheelchair. A man was getting ready to walk into the men’s room and stopped until we got up to him and he said to mom, “you’ve got a very pretty nurse there.” I turned around to see who was behind me (no one) and by the time I realized he meant me, he was already gone. But it put a smile on my face.

rangerr's avatar

@tragiclikebowie is on her way to kidnap me RIGHT NOW. She’ll be here soon, then we are heading out to Salem to go hunt some witches. :D

Coloma's avatar

One of those rare but amazing days of PERFECTION! lol

Yep, waaay too many little cool things to list, but, a sampling would include….

Sad after letting go of my friend/biz. partner but…woke to 2 other friends wishing me a great day and another that randomly left a message saying he wants to bring me my early Xmas present this weekend, a deluxe, top o’ the line juicer!

A banner day at my little store, made a HUGE profit and it is borderline, officially the ‘off’ season for rafting and Kayaking and other stuff.

Had the BEST interactions with my customers, folks vacationing from Arkansas, and numerous others that were all in happy, chatty mode. :-)

Allowed a bunch of trail riders to park their huge horse trailers in my shady parking lot while they lunched at the local diner/saloon and got some great laughs out of a guy getting in his car and not noticing the giant gray horse head hanging out the trailers side window. His startled reaction when he turned around and was face to face with the horse, he literally yelped in surprise and launched his body into his car! lolololol

Got my store water checked for free by a really nice engineer guy and….he left his private number on his biz. card with hints of a get together perhaps. He was kinda cute and very nice! ;-)

The local feed store left me a #50 lb. sack of grain on the porch to be paid for later as I was going to miss their closing time.

Oh, and…the deadbolt on the stores door actually locked on the first try! Always a struggle!

I was stunned! haha

Came home to happy cats and Corona in fine spirits…..a GREAT DAY!

augustlan's avatar

I had my faith in humanity restored by @marinelife and several other jellies who offered to pinch hit for me and comforted me in my time of need. :D

nebule's avatar

I received some really comforting and uplifting comments from some Jellies that made me realise how important it is to listen to the good stuff and ignore the bad x

OpryLeigh's avatar

I cleaned my flat today and, although I’m not a fan of cleaning, I felt good when it was all finished.

Coloma's avatar

My friend called at 7 a.m. and is on his way up to my place with my juicer!

I was going to clean my house, but…it can wait. ;-)

Going to play with the juicer and then we are going to take off for the day, destinaton unknown, into the great wide open!

I am bit fuzzy after having 4 Coronas last night and a peach for dinner. haha

Hey…I’m feeling skinny this morning! lol

chels's avatar

Today = Finishing a bit of packing except for a few things I need to pack before I leave tomorrow. I’m actually a bit sad to be leaving Jersey. I’ve had fun with my parents this time around, which was really nice. Buuuuuut I’m so excited to just go back to England again.

I’m trying not to get too anxiety-stricken before my flight tomorrow, though it’s not working very well. Luckily I’m legal now so I can have a glass or five of wine before my flight.

Other than that I’m helping my stepdad put up some Halloween decorations. My parents are seriously obsessed.. Here is about ¼ of their decoration. It’s kind of ridiculous, but hey, it’s their favorite holiday.

free_fallin's avatar

@chels I would love to see pictures of their decorations after everything is up. Maybe they can send you pictures since you won’t be there. :)

Jude's avatar

I finally got to see my main squeeze and we got some alone time. Off to check out some art in Grand Rapids, Michigan and to listen to some blues.

I am living off of two hours sleep.

chels's avatar

@free_fallin Yeah for sure :D I’ll make them send me some. My parents are kind of crazy.

Sarcasm's avatar

I am moved in.
You have no idea how relieved I am.

The guys I’m living with (A son and father, the father is moving out once we get another college-aged 3rd person) are completely awesome. It’s a 2 mile drive to my college.
This place is nice, orderly, clean. Which is such an amazing change from where I’ve been living for the past year.

After a disgustingly stressful 2 weeks, the past 2 days have been just so amazing.

kenmc's avatar

@mama_cakes You’re freaky close to me.

chyna's avatar

@Sarcasm What a really nice room a tad messy you have! I’m glad things are finally coming together for you.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Night #2 with @rangerr! We are going to Canobie Lake Park for their Halloween stuff!

rangerr's avatar

@tragiclikebowie You beat me to it! I love you, though. Now get in the damn car and come get me! :)

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@rangerr Imma comin! I’m just gonna stop on the way to get the coupons!

chels's avatar

Went to a ummm wine fesetiveal today. I just got home we also went to my parents friends and i had some gunineness cuz it’s my favorite beer. I hope eeryone had a great satudarysay. :D I love you all :d :D

Frenchfry's avatar

@Sarcasm Nice.messy room. I am glad your finally happy and stress free.

augustlan's avatar

Chels’ drunk fluthering made me smile. :)

Coloma's avatar

Had a great time yesterday picking apples for my new juicer up at Apple Hill near my home.
An awesome 10’s of thousands of acres of local apple, pear, and pumpkin farms in the Sierra foothills.

Came home and loaded the juicer with fresh golden delicious & Fuji apples. Mmmmmmm!

My ex biz. partner is coming this morning to take her giant oriental console back after storing it here the last few years. Soooo, I am going shopping for a new piece to take up that space under my living room windows.

Out with the old and in with the new!

marinelife's avatar

Had a lovely time with shrubbery and bluemukaki!

MissAusten's avatar

I saw an update about Cak on Facebook! She is in remission! It made me so happy to read that.

rangerr's avatar

I have Australians in my bed!
And I met @marinelife!

YARNLADY's avatar

@MissAusten THANK YOU for sharing

shrubbery's avatar

Had an awesome time with marinelife and am now with rangerr!

chels's avatar

I’m in ICELAND bitches. Waiting for my plane and then I’ll be off to lovely London to see you know who :).

augustlan's avatar

Seeing Cak’s facebook status was fabulous. I’m also finally feeling a little better. Still totally bummed that I missed all the jelly fun this weekend, but relieved that everything worked out for @shrubbery. All in all, pretty damn good! :)

marinelife's avatar

I also loved seeing @cak’s update!

nebule's avatar

Yay for Cak!!!

I got my last assignment result back last night – 82% which means I’ve got a distinction a across the assignment component of my course…now I’ve just gotta pass the exam!

Jude's avatar

I hit a low this weekend and seeing Chris posting on Facebook brought me out of it. Gives me hope.

chels's avatar

I just woke up after 16 hours of sleep (I REALLY needed it). I’m super excited to be back in England :)

Seaofclouds's avatar

I have a secret! I took a home pregnancy test this morning and it was positive!! We aren’t telling anyone yet because there’s a risk of it being ectopic because of the tubal reversal I had. I called my doctor’s office and now I’m waiting for them to call me back so we can get an ultrasound scheduled to be sure it’s in the right place. I’m so excited though, I just had to tell someone!! Shhh! Remember it’s a secret (so those of you that are my friend on FB, please don’t say anything on my page about it just yet!). Thanks!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds : Yahoo! I know that was one of your goals during this leave…I am so happy for you! Fingers crossed and green light sent so that all goes well and tiny Nimbus grows into healthy Cumulonimbus!

MissAusten's avatar

@Seaofclouds How exciting!!!! Congratulations! Keep us posted, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed too!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@Seaofclouds !!!!!!! Sending good thoughts and much love your way, lady

Coloma's avatar


Congrats….oooh, baby clothes shopping! ;-)

Enjoying the view from my newly arranged living room this morning.

I am sitting at the table under my living room window looking out over my crazy plants and the ravine of death. lol The creekbed at the bottom of my little canyon where the coyotes roam.

It is Marleys last carefree day before he goes in for his neutering tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. haha

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thank you everyone! I am getting ready to head in for a blood test, then once my Hcg levels get to about 2000 they will do the ultrasound. I’m really excited!

@JilltheTooth I’ve been trying to figure out what to refer to the baby as at this point (you know how some people say it’s their little bean or peanut) and you just gave me the perfect thing (my little nimbus)!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds ; Glad I could help! :-)

faye's avatar

@Seaofclouds Best of luck!!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I was caught in a heavy winded hailstorm on the way to work where I was watching cars on both sides of the freeway skid, pull off to the side and then be rearended, all kinds of stuff. As I was stopped and blocked in awhile a text came in from a friend of mine asking me if I was on my way into work and ok on the road. It felt good to know someone was thinking of me at that moment and it distracted me from a panic attack.

MissAusten's avatar

I got several books in the mail, some free advance reader copies and some from a trading website. Books make me so happy. :)

Jude's avatar

There are some pretty helpful jellies here. I am grateful for tinyfaery. She’s a good one to talk to when you’re feeling down.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thank you so much everyone. My beta hcg came back at 46 so far, so we’re definitely pregnant. I’m only 10 dpo (days past ovulation for those that don’t know what it means), so it’s still really early. I’ll be going to get my beta rechecked next week and get scheduled for the ultrasound (since they wouldn’t really see anything yet since it’s so early).

Frenchfry's avatar

@Seaofclouds Congrats! That is wonderful news.

augustlan's avatar

@Seaofclouds So exciting! I’m sending positive thoughts your way. :)

Coloma's avatar

7:04 a.m. and off to the vet in 30 minutes for the new kitty’s neutering.
The Coyotes probably prefer their cats intact, but one must proceed as if there is a future. lol

Since I am now $400 in on cat stuff in the last 3 months, I am skipping the micro-chipping.

They ought to invent a scanner for pet owners to track their own cats, even if the end result is finding the little pile of poo that used to be your cat. haha

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Jeez, I missed five incarnations of this question.

Coloma's avatar

Marley came through with ease, but a wee bit high still. lol

He is currently napping on the big ottoman in my living room and Mia is ‘hiding’ behind a shinto screen, looking pissy.

Ahhh, I swear, I hope this is the last cat integration for another 15 years. lol

free_fallin's avatar

I will be seeing @timtrueman in THREE WEEKS! I am super excited.

Frenchfry's avatar

My husband and I have been fighting the last couple of days because he went and bought another piece of shit boat for $250. Fix it up. THAT we could not afford. I told him don’t do it, and he did it anyways. I told him to wait for tax refund, but NOOOOOO. Did he? NOooooo.Thanks I feel better now . Kinda.

augustlan's avatar

@aprilsimnel That is something great, indeed! Thanks for alerting us. :D

I got tons of sleep last night, and boy did I need it. Feeling a lot better today, even though I missed a whole day/night of Fluther work. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@augustlan : Yay for a good night’s sleep and feeling better! Now go bake your daughter a cake!

muppetish's avatar

Woke up to learn that a paper I wrote was accepted for publication and presentation at a conference :) Still have to work out the details with my travel buddy, but if all goes according to plan we’ll be treating ourselves to a scholarly getaway in Hawaii.

chels's avatar

Yesterday was suuuuch a long/rough day.

However last night was quite the opposite. @richardhenry and I took a walk up some mountain (he says it’s a hill, not a mountain.. he’s wrong). It was kind of muddy so I got a piggyback over the puddles. We sat on a cute little bench overlooking the most gorgeous view. We talked for a bit…
Then we walked back home and he properly asked me to marry him.
And of course, I said yes.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@chelsOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@chels Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yayayayayayayay I love you both! <3

tragiclikebowie's avatar


free_fallin's avatar

@chels Fantastic Fluther Foursome!!! :D I love when the people I love are happy. @tragiclikebowie that includes you!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@free_fallin Find me my own RH/Tim then :P

chels's avatar

@tragiclikebowie I’ll post a picture here soon ^_^
@free_fallin FFF!

Sarcasm's avatar

Can you get me an RH/Tim too?

free_fallin's avatar

@Sarcasm and @tragiclikebowie Hmmmmm. We’ll see what I can do. Maybe a clone? No, if I cloned Tim I would want both for myself. Maybe we’ll use their DNA and create someone new.

MissAusten's avatar

@chels CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! So happy for you guys!!

chels's avatar

@MissAusten Thanks lovely!

faye's avatar

@chels Congratulations!

MissAusten's avatar

Today is my birthday! :D I’ve been enjoying all the birthday greetings, and am looking forward to a yummy dinner and cake with my family tonight. My dad sent me some ginormous, gourmet chocolate-covered strawberries, and my sister-in-law sent me some things I’ve been coveting from the King Arthur Flour baking catalog!

I know the kids have been building Lego sculptures as presents for me, but I’m pretending I haven’t noticed so I can be surprised later!

It’s a beautiful day, I feel spoiled, and I am ignoring the fact don’t mind that I’m 36 whopping years old now!

Jude's avatar

Aww, Congrats, Chels!!!

@MissAusten Happy, happy! Joy, joy, lady!!!

chels's avatar

These pictures don’t do it justice.

This picture (which isn’t mine) shows exactly what it looks like.. though mine is nicer than the one in this picture ;)

Jude's avatar


KatawaGrey's avatar

It’s so beautiful!!! Wow!

chels's avatar

Thank you, ladies!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Just remember, Kate is a great name for a daughter. ~

JilltheTooth's avatar

Congratulations, @chels ! (I’m @KatawaGrey ‘s mom and she kept me apprised of all things Jelly before I joined) This is lovely! and deserves its own thread…

@MissAusten : Happy Birthday! You and Austinlad share the day! Eat Cake!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Ah. Before my time here, so I missed it. Well, again, official YAY!

MissAusten's avatar

@mama_cakes and @JilltheTooth Thanks!

@chels Fantastic ring! It is exactly what an engagement ring should be!

Seek's avatar

Yay! Mazel tov! What a pretty ring.

aprilsimnel's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar

@chels: Congratulations and yes, the ring is lovely. You and RH make a lovely looking couple.

@MissAusten: Happy Birthday to you :D

My mom made a delicious bday breakfast, my favorite cake and my bf got me gorgeous striped flame roses. I’m spoiled. Another best friend says she might be able to come visit over Thanksgiving holiday.

augustlan's avatar

@chels Beautiful!
@MissAusten 15 years ago today, I gave birth to @mangeons. Happy birthday to two great ladies!

shrubbery's avatar

@chels eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

chels's avatar

@JilltheTooth @MissAusten @Seek_Kolinahr @aprilsimnel @Neizvestnaya @augustlan THANK YOU GUYS <3 I lurve you all very much!
@shrubbery Bahahahahha. ahahahahahah. Exactly the response I’d expect from you.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Congratulations @chels and Happy Birthday @MissAusten :)

I had a lovely meal tonight with a really good friend. We had a good catch up and watched Animal Planet we’re both animal/nature programme geeks!

rangerr's avatar

I didn’t get engaged, but I did spend all day with @shrubbery and the other kangaroo looking at fish in Baltimore. There was a jellyfish invasion too!

We sang along to Aqua and the soundtracks to Grease and The Sound of Music.
It was a successful day.

Cupcake's avatar

I took my midterm exam, came home and vacuumed the whole house, washed all of the dirty dishes, baked banana bread with chocolate chips, and cooked dinner.

Thank goodness all of that is done.

casheroo's avatar

@chels @chels yay!!! I saw your gorgeous ring, he did good! haha

Coloma's avatar


Lots of cheers & congrats to everyone for everything!
Birthdays, weddings, births…pretty much runs the gauntlet of life happenings. haha

Making a big pot of veggie beef soup right now, mmmmm, smells delicious!

Friend dropped over for a couple of cocktails and a hang out and now I am about to make the garlic bread.

Oh yeah soups on!

faye's avatar

I have my thanksgiving shopping done (Canada), started to clean my house, and the weather was like a summer day today. It’s supposed to be warm for a few days.

rangerr's avatar

I’m getting ready to drive to New York for Comic-Con weekend!!!
And to take the Australians to the airport. :( It’s been a great week, though! <3333

I get to meet @Michael_Huntington today, too!
See you lovely jellyfish on Monday :D

augustlan's avatar

@rangerr What a great picture! Have fun in NY.

I’ll be picking up my girlies today, for the weekend. We’ll have a mini-party for @mangeon’s birtday. :)

Coloma's avatar


Just got word last night from a neighbor that there is a Siamese cat hanging around another down the road neighbors barn this past week or two.

Could it be my Gizzi? Holy batshit! lol

Maybe the coyotes did not get him, maybe he was chased onto their property and has been confused. Their place is about 5 acres over on the far side of my pasture.

Hoping to go check it out later when they are home.

What a mixed bag of emotion..of course I want him to be alive but crap…now I have Marley, 3 cats…what have I done! lol

Aaaah…sometimes the truth IS stranger than fiction!

We shall see if it Giz the Whiz!

Seek's avatar

Hoping for a not-eated kitty!

Coloma's avatar


Me too! But…not eaten kitty comes home to newly neutered rival. of those situations. lol

Frenchfry's avatar

More cats the Merrier, Coloma! Atleast you have plenty of room.

Cupcake's avatar

@Coloma I can’t wait to hear if it’s your kitty!

Coloma's avatar

Well…neighbors said they saw a siamese in the weeds a week or so back, but not a good enough descrip. to go on. It could have been Mia my female, sooo…thinking the coyote theory still fits.

Waaay too many sound clues over here with geese and donkeys and mules honking and braying for Gizzi to not be able to follow home the farm sounds trail from less than a half mile away.

One never knows….but the odds of him lurking around so close to home and not returning are minimal.

Time will tell and the whole mountain is keeping an eye out just in case.

In the meanwhile cat integration goes on with Mia & Marley sharing the bed last night for the first time.

A few pissy growls from Mia but they worked it out and when I opened my eyes this morning they were both face to face next to me!

Aaaah….my crazy world of cats! lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I woke up to find my night’s dream of my bf and a friend of his sharing a home and living like pigs and degenerates was just a dream. Our home is safe, clean, beautiful, we’re fed, clothed, have jobs and people who love us very much. We’re ok which is worth a whole lot.

faye's avatar

Canadian Thanksgiving celebrated yesterday due to work schedules, stuffing was good, turkey delicious, family and fun. I actually got the house cleaned.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Bf’s kids came to stay over for the first time in the new house, the dogs are happy to see their family, we’re happy. It’s a good day for swimming too.

MissAusten's avatar

My son finally got to have his 7th birthday party (a month overdue), which we had to reschedule at the last minute due to a soccer conflict. It was one of the best birthday parties we’ve ever had! We had it at the nature center for a nearby state park. The highlight of the party was a presentation about reptiles, where the kids got to touch several snakes and see a few different turtles. My son got to “wear” a huge rat snake, and the kids then picked two turtles to compete in a turtle race. They explored the rest of the center, which also had frogs, toads, salamanders, and other snakes and turtles that weren’t part of the presentation. They splashed around in the touch tank, picking up lobsters, crabs, and horseshoe crabs. A couple of rounds of “bug bingo,” some cake, and then they all went home! And considering the guests were all 7 year old boys, they were very well behaved! It was so much fun, and just plain cool.

I’m getting ready to grill some burgers, and later on I’ll watch “Dexter” with my husband and maybe have a martini. :)

chels's avatar

webt out fort drinks with @richardhenry & @cage lolol opmgs too mcug southern comebrtgt adn lempidabade. lolo00o

free_fallin's avatar

@chels I love when you drunk fluther. :D

chyna's avatar

I love when @chels flunkers.

Dog's avatar

Awww Chels… you are too funny!

chels's avatar

I am not hung over.
That’s a great thing, isn’t it?
I love you guys :)

marinelife's avatar

Got back last evening from a lovely visit to friends in Philadelphia on one of the most beautiful weekends of the year! We ate outside Saturday night in their backyard under a canopy of wisteria. Yesterday we stopped at a farm stand on the way home and got some of the best tomatoes we have had all year.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Well, it’s not exactly something great, but my husband left early this morning to go back overseas. Today marks 9 months of the deployment done and over with, so we are in the homestretch now. Just a few more months and then he’ll be home for good!

faye's avatar

I can breath through my nose again so I can taste the Thanksgiving leftovers now!

janbb's avatar

I was away for 10 days and a lot of great things happened. Good on y’all!

One thing that stood out is that @Seaofclouds husband is home! That’s just wonderful!

Had a great trip to central Europe – Prague, Vienna, Budapest – and it’s so good to be home now, especially since I have a cold.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@janbb Welcome back, glad you had a great trip. My husband actually left this morning to go back overseas. It sucks that he had to go back, but we only have a few months left! He left me with a special present though (we’re pregnant)!

janbb's avatar

@Seaofclouds So happy for you about the pregnancy. I thought he was back for good, but soon, soon….

Dog's avatar


(Seaofclouds that is)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yay, little Nimbus!

Jude's avatar

I’m hanging in there. :)

Frenchfry's avatar

@Seaofclouds Congrats!!! That is wonderful. Children bring such joy and laughter into anyones life. Atleast did mine.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thank you everyone! We are excited about it.

nebule's avatar

@chels Congratualtions Gorgeous!!!

@Seaofclouds and to you too… congratulations that’s beautiful news xxx

OpryLeigh's avatar

I start a new part time job tonight in an attempt to boost the income I get from my full time job. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, with the little bit extra I will be earning a month I will be a little less stressed about my pitiful financial state. That means that I might be able to sleep better at night.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Thanks @nebule.

@Leanne1986 I hope the new job goes well!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Seaofclouds Thank you, I’m a bit nervous as I will be thrown in at the deep end straight away but I think, once I have the hang of it, it willbe a very enjoyable job.

Seek's avatar

I was very respectfully hit on by three people in three separate cars while sitting at red lights yesterday.

I’m never the pretty one in the room… so while I was not at all interested (though a couple of them were really goodlooking. ^_^) I was terribly flattered. It’s really nice to be randomly called “beautiful” by a complete stranger, much less three!

janbb's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Which reminds me I received a lovely compliment from a Jelly a few weeks ago than made my day – and a few thereafter.

rangerr's avatar

Not only did I have the best time ever at New York Comic-Con…
Too many stories to share that none of you would understand.. but I did meet @michael_huntington!

But today was the release of Knight Errant. The comic that I’m the model for.
I’ve been waiting for what seems like years for this thing to get here.
I went in costume to pick it up today. :D

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I kept peeking at the TV showing footage of the Chilean miners being brought out from the ground and thought to myself that of all the things I can complain about and be disappointed in, I’m safe, healthy and living well.

JilltheTooth's avatar

All the miners are out and safe!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had chocolate cake for breakfast!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Ooooh, @Leanne1986 , can I have some? I love cake!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth Come on over! It’s the boss’ birthday and I’m sure he won’t mind sharing wih one more person!!!

rangerr's avatar

I made Midtown Comic’s Best Dressed Girls of NYCC list.
Holy. Sith.
I’m #11 with my Zombie Batgirl.

Jude's avatar

I found some motivation. It was behind Au Caramel’s in the fridge.

augustlan's avatar

@rangerr Awesome! I ‘voted’ for you. :D
@mama_cakes Those things look fantastic. I’ve never seen them in the States… is it a Canadian thing? Can you ship me some? ;)

shego's avatar

My boyfriend started his vacation today, and he treated me to dinner and a movie. It was really nice to just spend time with him. He works so much that I really miss him.

Jude's avatar

@mama_cakes They’re a Canadian product and I am pretty sure that they’re only sold here. I’ll ship you some!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mama_cakes : You’re going to ship yourself some? ;-)

chels's avatar

I just ordered my new camera which I’m pretty stoked about. I lost my really cute pink digital camera the first time I came to England and have been without a camera since :(
I’m super excited and bought six rolls of film. Yes, film. Should be here within the next few weeks :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and to Auggie: More weird food for you that we don’t have in the states that we just ate. They have orangey bits in em.

janbb's avatar

My son called this morning and he, Jake and Merlin are coming down for the weekend. I am getting into Bubby mode; baking cookies, cleaning out cabinets…..

faye's avatar

I planted my daffodils, tulips and hyacinths, went to a movie with a friend, and watched Grey’s with my daughter- good day

Seaofclouds's avatar

My ultrasound confirmed our little Nimbus is in the right spot! It was too early to see much of anything yet, but just knowing she/he is in the right spot makes me feel a lot better!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Seaofclouds : Yay, Nimbus! I know about that phase, been there, done that. And then…Katawagrey! I wish you such a blessing!

YARNLADY's avatar

My grandson made a mistake with the brownies (dumped them out of the pan while still hot) so now I get to eat the pile of chocolate crumbs he left.

rangerr's avatar

I got over my fear of dolls kinda by being put in the Doll Factory maze at work last night.
I’m such a doll.
I made a guy scream so loud he threw up.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I broke down and made home made fried taco shells. They’re soooooooooooooooo tasty even though I’ve probably lost 2yrs off my life for each one eaten.

Seek's avatar

Mmm.. Eat another for me, @Neizvestnaya. That sounds glorious.

MissAusten's avatar

My first attempt at homemade bread was a success!

Last night we had a movie night with the kids, piled pillows and blankets on the floor and ate popcorn while we watched the first Harry Potter movie. I’m reading the book to the boys right now, and my daughter just reread the entire series, so they were really into it!

Today is a very blustery fall day, so after shivering through my son’s soccer game (why don’t children feel the cold?!) I am now enjoying a hot cup of coffee and thinking of eating the last chocolate chip cookie…

janbb's avatar

@MissAusten Noooo – save it for me!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oooh! Taco fight!

chyna's avatar

@jonsblonde came back to Fluther!!! Yea!

janbb's avatar

Double yay!

Jude's avatar

Nikki and I did the first part of my coffee table project.

Check out the pictures here.

First coat (and wet). It takes a good hour to set. We’re going to do the second coat next week. Then we’re going to sand the sides a bit and apply a coat of Linseed oil all around.

This is a 100 year old tool trunk. Square nails and all.

chels's avatar

Got Richard’s clothes for the wedding. Yay!
Found out more details of a trip he’ll be taking me on. I don’t know when or where we’re going but it’ll be awesome cuz he said it’s one of the top three places I want to visit; France/Spain/Greece.
Had burritos nomnom.
We saw The Social Network. It was fucking fantastic.

BUT THEN WE HAD TO RUN THROUGH THE DAMN MALL TO CATCH THE TRAIN and now my chest/ribs/throat hurts and is all fucked up—even a few hours later. BOOO

augustlan's avatar

I slept. All. Damn. Day. And, man did I need that! :)

nebule's avatar

I had chocolate cake for breakfast too @Leanne1986

OpryLeigh's avatar

@nebule A very satisfying why to start the day I feel. Hope you enjoyed it :)

nebule's avatar

It was lovely… my very own home-made cherry chocolate cake with cherry syrup and vanilla cornish custard… left over from my post-exam party last night, which was also wonderful x

JilltheTooth's avatar

@nebule : <drooling, now>

Jude's avatar

This is the most relaxed that I have felt in awhile.

janbb's avatar

Jake, Merlin and my son just left. We had a lovely time. It’s amazing to see your child become a wonderful parent! He brought Jake down to give his wife a break and also because he wanted to talk to us. Life doesn’t get any better than that!

Coloma's avatar

Woke to a light rain with leaves twinkling down from the trees.

I love my bedroom with my bed right under the windows so I can fall asleep to the night sky and wake to the treetops in the morning.

Cats doing great…Marleys scent must be mellowing and they are now starting to play and chase each other but Mia is a moody girl, can turn in an instant. lol..Still definitetly progress! :-)

Heh!...just up on the hill in my front yard and cats are chasing each other around the trees and having a grand ol’ time, integration attained…yippee!

Marley does that great cat thing of running sideways all puffed up, so cute!

Oh God, I think I need a grandchild! lol

A cozy mellow Sunday unfolding…..nice!

faye's avatar

I went to a great anniversary party last evening with a bunch of my old coworkers. It was great to see them! And one said my hair looks great without dying it. I am au natural now.

jonsblond's avatar

I found this question today. :D

marinelife's avatar

Gorgeous fall day here. Our friends from out -of-town are on the way over. The Huskies won their football games last night in overtime.

rangerr's avatar

I have no voice left and my leg muscles are screaming at me, but I am so excited for another night of the Haunt.
I got a permanent position in one of the scare zones for the last 7 days of the season at least.. which is awesome!

I get to run/crawl around in a unitard screaming and growling at people.
I made two girls collapse to the ground in fear last night.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@rangerr Taking your revenge on the corn people by scaring others?

rangerr's avatar

@tragiclikebowie Yes! OH AND THE MIDGET IS A CLOWN NOW. WHAT THE FUCK I HATE MY LIFE. loljk, he’s a nice guy.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@rangerr hahahahha well at least he stopped being a puppet

nebule's avatar

I realised this morning that I need to spend some quality time with myself and start writing my diary I did

Coloma's avatar


Can’t beat quality time with yourself…so important!

janbb's avatar

My friend who was having surgery today is done with it and communicating.

Coloma's avatar


The 1st feels official, day of fall!

Clouds & sun and breeze and a nip to the air.

Do you know what this means?

It MEANS today is the first day of SOCKS & BOOTS! lol

On my way out wearing my cozy brand new Bearpaw boots! Feels great!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Today was relatively anxiety free for me which is a big deal. I am continuing this relaxed state of mind by watching Michael Palin on one of his travels (New Europe DVD).

YARNLADY's avatar

@Coloma I thought of you when I saw this

faye's avatar

I’m full of pain today, but I’m going to haul ass and go for coffee with my ex coworkers, which I know I will enjoy.

Cupcake's avatar

I haven’t cried so far today.

MissAusten's avatar

It’s sunny, the fall colors are beautiful, and I just made some amazing peanut butter cookies.

janbb's avatar

I have an exciting new volunteer work possibility but I won’t post details until I know something for sure.

rangerr's avatar

My neighbors teamed up with my cousins to get electricity and internet in one of the treehouses we built a few years ago.

We’ve spent most of the day playing video games.
It’s glorious and I’m never leaving again.

janbb's avatar

@rangerr Kin I come too?

JilltheTooth's avatar

@rangerr : Can I move in?

chyna's avatar

^It’s going to be crowded in that tree house what with @rangerr, @janbb me and Molly and @JilltheTooth and her little doggie.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna ; We’ll build a separate tree house for Zup and Molly…

janbb's avatar

@chyna Oh – but we’ll have such a good time!

JilltheTooth's avatar

I can insulate the treehouse with the mass of shred I’ve been generating over the last few days. Hey! I can see parts of the desk!

rangerr's avatar

Not only will I have to accommodate you guys, but I’ve still got 6 boys here.
We have two king beds.. but I’m not totally sure how to fit y’all here.
Not to forget the fact that I have NO idea how one would get a dog up here.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I like boys

janbb's avatar

me too!

rangerr's avatar

They are all under the age of 22. That cool? :D

chyna's avatar

I’ve been called a cougar in my day, so sure! I like boys.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Let the games begin!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Ahem… You forgetting someone @JilltheTooth?

I’ll bring the cookies!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Keepin’ an eye on me, eh?

MissAusten's avatar

It doesn’t matter if they’re under 22 as long as they’re over 18! If there’s room for one more, I’ll bring cookies too!

janbb's avatar

Party in the tree house! Party in the tree house!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@JilltheTooth: Two eyes. As often as I can spare them.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@KatawaGrey : Should I be frightened or flattered?

KatawaGrey's avatar

@JilltheTooth: Be flattered cuz you’re my momma. :)

An appropriate poem for this wonderful idea.

muppetish's avatar

So… an adorable person shares my bus route and I gave them a note once (thinking I wasn’t going to see them again) letting them know I think they have a beautiful smile. Today, I saw them at the tutoring office as I dropped off my attendance sheet. The girl who was assigned to be their tutor was busy so I was, magically, reassigned to work with them. When I sat down at the table they said, “Wait, you’re my tutor?” They remembered my name and thanked me for the note. Much awkward flirting ensued which was unprofessional and a little irresponsible but I couldn’t help it.

I was walking on clouds all day. They said see you on the bus tomorrow. Lalala…

MissAusten's avatar

This is a true story, and it happened to me today. It’s a ghost story, in honor of the treehouse party @rangerr didn’t know she was inviting everyone to. You may want to leave the room if you are faint of heart.

This morning we woke up to the sad fact that our recently acquired goldfish, Party Favor Fish that wasn’t his real name, but it’s better than what the kids decided to name him had passed away. We didn’t know Party Favor Fish very well, since he was (as the name implies) a poorly-thought-out party favor from a birthday party my seven year old attended on Sunday.

Right from the start, there seemed to be something odd about Party Favor Fish. Even though I went through a lot of trouble to get the fish tank from the basement and set it up with fish-safe well water for him, he seemed troubled. He refused to eat, and alternated between darting crazily around his new tank and resting motionless on the decorative pebbles at the bottom of the tank. Sometimes I felt like Party Favor Fish was watching me, even if I was in another room. I tried to tell Party Favor Fish that I was sorry he’d been bounced around in a small plastic bowl at a birthday party, and that I personally don’t agree with the practice of giving live creatures as party favors. Either he didn’t speak English or was too blinded by his scaly fury to see that I was being sincere.

So, Party Favor Fish died. The children were tearful, but I was somewhat relieved, as we said our goodbyes and flushed the little guy away. Little did I know, we hadn’t seen the end of Party Favor Fish. He waited until I was alone, and he struck in the bathroom. He must have watched some horror films before he became a party favor. Anyway, there I was, blow drying my hair (but not in the nude, so I think I might survive this story) when suddenly the cordless phone jumped off the bathroom counter and landed in the very same toilet that had served as Party Favor Fish’s watery grave! At the time I wasn’t very suspicious because it seemed as if maybe the cord from the hair dryer had knocked the phone into the toilet….but…..

Several hours later, after the phone had been cleaned and dried, I made a phone call just to see if it would still work. Success!! My joy at the abilities of modern technology to survive a dunking in the toilet were short-lived. As darkness shrouded the land and the children went to bed, I found myself alone in roughly the same part of the house as Party Favor Fish’s now-empty tank. Suddenly, I heard a strange beeping, over and over. Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep…... What could it be?! I fearfully made my way into the kitchen and saw the cordless phone, which had fallen into Party Favor Fish’s grave, lit up and beeping, as if someone were pressing a button over and over!

With a confused horrified look on my face, I picked up the phone and nearly screamed when I saw the number 5 flashing over and over on the display! That’s only one less than 6, and kind of similar to 666!! And, I was only one room away from the room where Party Favor Fish died! I tried to turn the phone off, but the off button wouldn’t work! Only by unplugging the phone was I finally able to stop Party Favor Fish’s message from the beyond.

Now I’m sitting up with all of the lights on, wishing I had a rosary or some holy water. How does one exorcise a Party Favor Fish? What will he do to torment me next? Possess one of my children? If I never return to Fluther again, you will know I fell victim to Party Favor Fish and was driven mad by his torments.

True story. Next time my husband is out of town I will find a better way to amuse myself. I promise. But that is a true story, pretty much.

Seaofclouds's avatar

@MissAusten I brought home a party favor fish once (three of them actually). I went to a friend’s birthday party and her parents had bought a bunch of goldfish. At the end of the party, they dumped the goldfish into their pool and we (all the kids) jumped in to catch the fish and take them home with us. I caught 3 of them. Two of them died within a week and the 3rd lasted for almost 10 years and grew to be about 7 or 8 inches long. It was huge compared to normal goldfish.

Jude's avatar

My beautiful girlfriend was born today. :)

rangerr's avatar

@mama_cakes Talk about robbing the cradle… :D

YARNLADY's avatar

@mama_cakes What? your girlfriend is a new born baby?

Jude's avatar


was born 32 years ago, today!

YARNLADY's avatar

@mama_cakes Happy Birthday to her.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@MissAusten It’s been nearly 12 hours….are you ok???

casheroo's avatar

Snuggle buggling with my baby while my other baby is at preschool. I love nap time.

free_fallin's avatar

This happened yesterday but I was finally able to run and play tennis without killing my knee. My knee and leg had been fucked up for weeks. I was quite pleased to be able to get back to my favorite things! Also, I see @timtrueman in just EIGHT DAYS. :D

chels's avatar

I got my new camera and stuff today! Just waiting for the rest of the film. Yaaaaay.

@free_fallin I am so fucking excited for you but you already know that but I just felt like saying it again.

Coloma's avatar

Roundup time over here, kickin’ fanny around my space.

The Boot scene continues to unfold by pulling out my winter mudboots and pounding them on the stair rail in my garage to hopefully shake out any hidden black widows or scorpions. haha

Alls well, no sting in my step.

Went to the feed store in my jammies for pine shavings to clean the goose barn and rake and and stake my plants and do the whole micro-farmy shebang today.

Perfect weather and, well…what could be better, tripping around in my own little walden pond, slightly high and working outdoors.

My FAVORITE thing in the world! ;-)

Coloma's avatar


I saw the cartoon, funny, but not sure I get it relating to me? lol

JilltheTooth's avatar

I threatened my computer with replacement, did some research on new ones, and even asked a question here about which one to get. Amazing how that works, now the old one seems to be working fine. I don’t usually believe in giving ultimatums, but hey! it worked!

augustlan's avatar

I saw my girls today, and they made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. :)

augustlan's avatar

Oh, I forgot! It was beautiful here, today. Sixty degrees and sunny. I had a few minutes to kill before I picked up the girls, so I walked at a nearby lake, soaking up the sunshine. I came across a birch tree shedding its bark, and picked a piece. It feels like velvet! Who knew?

MissAusten's avatar

@Leanne1986 I haven’t been killed off by a ghostly goldfish yet, just busy! Maybe our little Party Favor Fish decided he’d had enough fun and swam toward the light.

Today was blissfully uneventful. Ran some errands this morning alone, since my husband was playing Legos working at home I got to leave the kiddo with him and do my shopping without distractions. After the kindergarten bus whisked my son away, I read a book while I waited for some bread to bake, took a nap, had some coffee, and behaved like a slug until the kids came home from school. Then it was craziness again because Wed. is soccer night, but I took advantage of the calm while I could!

janbb's avatar

I love my sons!

YARNLADY's avatar

The weather is perfect, my roomers (two oldest grandsons) are keeping up with the housework, and they have both got new jobs. We just got the news that their mother has gotten hired as well. Now if only the financing comes through on my son’s franchise request, we will have a trifecta.

I put Alfredo sauce on my salmon tonight, without realizing that I had added shredded beef to it, but it turned out very tasty. I make my own sauces and freeze them.

rangerr's avatar

At the risk of being judged:

I survived a very scary drug OD last night.
It was accidental, but I’m very lucky to be alive.

I’d just like to say how much I love you guys.

free_fallin's avatar

@rangerr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( I am glad you are alright!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

JilltheTooth's avatar

@rangerr : I’m awfully glad you’re okay, and I wish I knew how to put that little heart thingy there for you.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@rangerr: Oh no! I’m glad you’re all right!

Are we allowed to ask for details?

rangerr's avatar

@KatawaGrey I’m an open book.

My lovely treehouse boys had K2 which is essentially a “fake weed”, but it’s legal. It’s sold as incense and has a shit ton of psychotropic chemicals sprayed on it and we decided to get high before we all went home for the night.

I didn’t wait long enough between hits of it, and I started hallucinating I can’t explain it, but I felt like I watched everything around me and in my life disappear until I died.
I remember them driving somewhere and pulling over so I could get out and puke. I don’t remember much besides having to convince my mind that I was real before an ambulance got called.
I started seizing and throwing up more in there, so they took me to the hospital for more IV fluids.

Then I went home and slept all day.

Cupcake's avatar

@rangerr I’m glad you’re ok.

jonsblond's avatar

@rangerr How scary! One of our good friends recently lost a son to a drug overdose. He was 19 and left two young children. I would hate to see something like this happen to you. You are very lucky. We all love you. Please be careful! <3

YARNLADY's avatar

After reading the above entries, I guess I can say it’s a great day when I or someone I love doesn’t get killed by anyone driving under the influence. Whew!

Jude's avatar

Jellies, please, send some good vibes and/or prayers my families way. My sister really, really needs help in the next while.

I just got off the phone with her (it’s 2 in the morning) and I am going to take a few days off of work and have my niece with me. I need strength to get through this to be strong for her and my big sister.

augustlan's avatar

Sending hugs to @rangerr and @mama_cakes, and good thoughts to @mama_cakes family. ♥♥♥♥

OpryLeigh's avatar

@mama_cakes Lots of love.
@rangerr So glad you are ok.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mama_cakes : Sending green light to your family, I hope everything works out OK.

chyna's avatar

@mama_cakes Lots of good thoughts to you and your family.

marinelife's avatar

@mama_cakes I am going through a family crisis myself right now. I know how wearing they can be. Much positive energy and love to you and yours!

janbb's avatar

Sending love to @mama_cakes , @rangerr and @marinelife. Very tough things to be going through.

I just wanted to say I slept last night and how much better I feel for having done so, but it seems a bit trivial now.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Spoiler Alert! New Age Crap Ahead!
@janbb : As glorpy as it sounds, I think the general well being of one can help all. I get the sleep thing, it’s not trivial. Helps us to send better thoughts and energy to the Jellies that need it.

Coloma's avatar


So glad you are okay.

A bit of advice from a 70’s girl might be in order.

You know that ‘dying to self’ thing that has made drug use popular as a psychtropic guru and means of enlightenment? can attain enlightenment without drug use, yes you can.

Next time you feel the urge to escape from yourself maybe go to an ashram for guidance.

And for ‘Gods’ sake, stay off the road, foolish little grasshopper. :-(

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Coloma ; She said someone else was driving.

Coloma's avatar


Oh, well…alright, nix the final sentence. lol

rangerr's avatar

I think it’s time for a group hug in here.

free_fallin's avatar

@rangerr huuuuuggggssss for you!

HUGS for everyone. ♥

MissAusten's avatar

Hug me at your own risk. I’ve been waging a fierce battle with the laundry, floors, and bathrooms and haven’t showered yet today.

rangerr's avatar

@MissAusten hugggggggggggggg

Jude's avatar

@MissAusten hazmat suit hugs

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten ; I’m kinda icky myself, today, bare-armed hugs!

janbb's avatar

Well, if we can stop with all the hugging for a mo, I’ve got something to report that I’m excited about. I signed up for training at my college to be an “ally” – that is a resource person or “safe place” where students who have questions about their sexuality and are worried or may be being bullying can come for help. I have become more and more passionate about gay rights in the last few years, and the idea of being potentially able to help is thrilling to me. Don’t know much more about it than that yet.

chyna's avatar

@janbb Sounds like a great opportunity to help kids and I know you’ll be great at it. Congrats!

janbb's avatar

Thanks – Did I mention I was excited?

chyna's avatar

@janbb I think you did. But did I mention I was excited for you?

janbb's avatar

@chyna Thanks.

Y’all can resume your hugging while @chyna and I make out in the corner.

marinelife's avatar

Yesterday I was on my way to lunch when I saw a young Doberman running down the middle of the street in and out of traffic. It seemed panicky and confused. I stopped the car and got the spare leash that I keep in the trunk out. I walked up to the road and called the dog which had stopped. She took two steps toward me, and then ran back out in the road.

A woman had come up with her dog on a leash. She said “Give me the leash. She will come up to my dog and I will catch her.” She caught the dog, and as she was loading it in my back seat, I said “It’s not my dog. I was just trying to catch her to get her out of the road.”

The woman said “Oh, well let’s take her to my house. I live just over there.”

So we took the dog to her yard. She said she would put up flyers. Then while she went into her house to get me her card with her email address, a truck started by the house, and then screeched on its brakes.

A man came running out and ran up to the dog. He was saying “thank God you found her.” He offered to get us flowers. He marveled that we would stop and catch a Doberman and not be afraid. He said that he had workmen doing construction on his house and one of them let the dog out accidentally.

I said, “Well, I would want someone to do it for my dog.” It left me with a good feeling to have helped save a dog and reunite it with its owner.

chyna's avatar

@marinelife {{{hugs}}} You are my kind of friend, neighbor, animal lover.

Coloma's avatar


Yep, more ‘proof’ that most of us are pretty damn good eggs!
Great job!

I was able to scare 3 deer off the road this morning before any tragedies occurred. Yes, a good feeling to help our fellow man, dog deer…...:-)

Bummer though, I have a boiled frog in my hot tub, a not happy discovery last night and have yet to go fish it out and drain the tub. Blech, I don’t want too! lol

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My bf introduced me to his co workers and bosses and his company. This is a big deal for us because for the past 1 & ½ years then we’ve worked for the same companies and kept our relationship on the sly which has meant not being included as a couple for work gaherings, social invites from coworkers even carpooling has been tricky. Yay, we’re an official public couple now. It’s neat to have my bosses and co workers come up and tell me how great they think it is now that they know and to give their congratulations.

chels's avatar

Us Topic Editors got a new feature for topic editing. To me this is like Christmas only waaaaay fucking better. I’m in heaven

Coloma's avatar

Okay…this dog rescuing chit chat….I’ll have you know that I now have a yappy black weiner dog in my garage after almost running him over at dusk.

Oh boy…a great night ahead with screeching cats and shreiking geese and a yappy little weenie. lol

Neighbors are on thier way down with a big kennel.

Jude's avatar

I got to spend the day with this awesome kid (my niece). Here we’re playing school and she is the teacher, reading to her students. I love her reaction when I interrupt her and ask her if I can use the restroom.

And, this is how she holds the book up, so that everyone in the class can see. Haha..

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Squeeee! Bf brought home two bundles of flowers and my mom arranged them with greens from our yard into a gorgeous arrangement.

augustlan's avatar

@marinelife I’m sorry you’re having family issues, too. {hugs} to everyone!

Coloma's avatar

Mission accomplished and a return to the status quo on my little hill of silence this morning.

Neighbors up the hill made some calls around the zone and found a clue as to the mysterious black weiner dogs road.

Someone recognized him as living off of a road about a mile from my house.

Sooo, put the little weenie back in my car at 8pm last night and found his home!


He wanted to stay with me, jumped back in my car when I was leaving.

Must have been the cat food I gave him and the ski vest I wrapped him up in.

I think he is a rather neglected little wiener, seemed starved for attention. :-(

janbb's avatar

The class I teach was great today! Such interested students!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Two words: sexy time

chels's avatar

Holy new search, Batman!

This is something totally great, and much needed.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Now that we have it, I don’t know what to look for!

chyna's avatar

@JilltheTooth Ha! I had the same thought. What to look for? I did a few random things, but I think it will be fantastic.

marinelife's avatar

Just got some great news. My brother, who was hospitalized after a suicide attempt, called me, He sounded much better. He is getting treatment. I am so relieved.

Coloma's avatar


What happy news for you!

Coloma's avatar

The funniest thing ever just happened about an hour ago.
Was doing some stuff when I heard a strange sound, like a dog crunching dog food in my garage. Memories of the black wiener dog no doubt. lol

Look out and see 3 deer crunching acorns right outside my garage in the driveway.

Marley the new cat is sneaking up behind a little buck with about 8 inch antlers and gets right up to his heels.

The deer turns and Marley walks over and flops down about 2 feet away and the deer walks up to him and goes nose to nose, when…..WHAP, Marley swaps him hard across the face!

Deep leaps into the air and cat explodes into a fritzed out ball of crazy and shoots out from under the bucking, charging deer like a canon ball. hahaha

Sat in garage growling for about 10 minutes. lololol

Man…one of those video moments gone forever…damn!

Jude's avatar

I had another fun day with Maddie Mei.

faye's avatar

@marinelife lovely news!

KatawaGrey's avatar

So, this really cool thing happened in work today.

I work at the kind of store that attracts for lack of a better term rude, look-at-me kids. We get a lot of good kids too but a large chunk of the under-18’s we get are not such nice people, so what happened today was very refreshing.

Somebody left a bag in our store with a couple of video games. he came back several hours later and asked if he had left a bag here. I asked him what games were in it and he knew what they were a precaution in case someone tries to claim a lost item that is not theirs but just as he told me the names of the games, a bunch of customers came up to my register. I said, “If you give me a moment, I’ll grab it when I’m done with them,” to which he replied, “Take all the time you need. I’m just glad you guys have it.” This guy was maybe 14 and seemed the type I described above. Turns out, he was one of the nicest, most polite kids in our store today. He continued to be courteous and respectful and, as a result, my manager gave him the 15 cents he lacked to complete his transaction. I wish his parents had been with him so I could have told them how awesome he was.

I also got the shoes I ordered in today. :)

janbb's avatar

@marinelife Looking forward to brekkers tomorrow!

rangerr's avatar

I didn’t get punched at work last night.
Plus we had an AMAZING full moon! Perfect for Haunt.

Jude's avatar

@marinelife glad that he is okay.

marinelife's avatar

@mama_cakes Thanks. How are things going in your family?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@KatawaGrey: I work in two sister stores of our company and hands down, the teens and/or what appear to be under 25yr olds are the more polite and patient. Kinda neat :)

MissAusten's avatar

What a crazy couple of days! Yesterday evening my husband and I took the kids to a local orchard to pick out pumpkins. We all chased each other through the hay maze, then bought some apple crisp on our way out. My in-laws cooked dinner for us, and the apple crisp made a perfect dessert!

My husband had to work out of town today, so I was on my own for the typical Saturday chaos. Errands with three kids in tow, a soccer game my poor seven year old and his team that can’t win a game to save their lives, drop the kids at my in-laws so I could do some early Christmas shopping (buy one get one 50% off Legos at Toys R Us today! Woo hoo!), then pick up the kids, take them and the dog we are dog sitting for a walk on the beach, home to change clothes because my psychotic kids think they live in southern CA and not New England and got all wet at the beach, then off to a fundraiser event my daughter’s Girl Scout troop helped with, then home for a late dinner and really stupid Halloween movie on Nickelodian.

By the time the kids finally went to bed, more than two hours past their usual bedtime, the boys could hardly keep their eyes open. Maybe they’ll sleep in tomorrow!!

Coloma's avatar

I hope you had a little bedtime cheer and toasted the end of the day!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : So how did that “sleep in” thing work out for you? @KatawaGrey never slept in when she was little (except Christmas morning, sometimes…go figure!)

MissAusten's avatar

@JilltheTooth I slept until almost 8:00! The boys usually get up around 6:30, so for us this was a really late morning. My daughter is still in bed. Over the past year or so she has discovered the joy of sleeping in on the weekends.

janbb's avatar

Great breakfast again with @marinelife! This one is “off the record.”

New thread for this will be started soon by me as per requests.

chyna's avatar

I want to have breakfast with you guys! Poop. :-(

marinelife's avatar

@chyna You would be welcome. Where are you? PM me. If we can meet, we will set something up.

MissAusten's avatar

I did something crazy today—volunteered to be a “foster parent” for a dog. The dog is coming from a kill shelter and needs a foster home for the week until the big adoption event when it will hopefully find a permanent home. A friend of mine is a volunteer with the organization that sponsors the adoption event and somehow in a moment of insanity I told her I’d take a dog.

So, it about half an hour I’m going to see the dogs and will hopefully find one that is good with kids and is housebroken (otherwise I’ll have to leave dogless). I’m actually looking forward to having a dog for a while, and I know my kids will be thrilled. Well, until the week is up. I’m going to be so mad at myself if we end up adopting a damn dog.

chyna's avatar

@MissAusten Aw, that is so nice of you. Congratulations on your new pet. It will give you and your family a lifetime of happiness. :-) (tee hee, you know that dog will be yours)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, @MissAusten , good luck giving up a dog that your family has bonded with. Hey, somebody else for Zup and Molly to play with!
I wanna go to breakfast, too!

marinelife's avatar

@MissAusten That is great of you. Foster families are really needed!

@JilltheTooth I would love to meet you for breakfast! I so enjoy your posts.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Yesterday was a good day. Not only did I meet my friend’s wonderful girlfriend seriously, this girl may be my soulmate :) but we all went and played Magic. Bob my wonderful, wonderful boyfriend paid for my draft and our team won! Then he stayed the night and we slept like babies until I had to go to work.

At work, my Luigi costume was a hit one little kid saw me and exclaimed, “Mario!” and I actually sold a bunch of the Luigi and Mario kits. We have this policy where I work that you have to show a photo ID when paying with a credit or debit card but we still have a lot of people who try to use their parents’ cards or their spouses’ cards or have no ID. Usually, people argue with me or get their parents to come yell at me. Today, however, almost everyone either paid with cash or had their friends with ID’s pay rather than giving me trouble about our policy. It was a refreshing change.

janbb's avatar

Breakfast for all the girls! It would be great!

@MissAusten I have thought of fostering or volunteering at the SPCA but I know I would fall in love and I cannot have a dog right now.

MissAusten's avatar

@everyone Here I thought the kids and I would be the ones to fall in love. 30 seconds after I walked in the door with a nine month old brindle pit bull mix (he has the most insane airplane ears) my husband, who was mad at me for volunteering to do this, referred to the dog as “the son I never had” and has been cuddling with him on the couch for the past hour. We’ve already had an argument about where the dog will sleep he wants the puppy to sleep with us and who will get to spend the day with the dog tomorrow he wants to take him to work.

Yeah, I fucked up. I think we just adopted a dog. Maybe.

chyna's avatar

Hate to say it, but… I Told ya!

augustlan's avatar

I hit 30k! You’d think I’d be over the thrill… but I’m not. :D

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Cupcake's avatar

@MissAusten That is adorable. Congrats on the puppy. I hope he either fits really well with your family or finds a new home soon!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@MissAusten : What’s his name? And BTW, once a dog sleeps on your bed you never get him off! I have a feeling that Mister Miss Austen will surgically attach himself to this puppy… hee hee hee
(Zup says): Yippee! A new Jelly Dog friend!

chyna's avatar

Molly is bouncing up and down, a new jelly dog, more snacks!

janbb's avatar

Maybe we should start a calendar project – the dogs of Fluther?

JilltheTooth's avatar

<—-(Zup says): Yay! A calendar! Will it taste good? I’m getting a haircut today so I’ll be ready! (I don’t have to sit still do I? I’m not very good at that…)

janbb's avatar

@JilltheTooth It might have to be a pop-up book instead!

MissAusten's avatar

@JilltheTooth His name was Batman because of his crazy ears, but my husband nixed that and decided his name should be Beemer. I’m waiting to hear back from the rescue coordinator with more details on Beemer’s background and age before we make a final decision on keeping him. We don’t know his exact breed, but he is certainly some kind of bull terrier mix. He is lazy and mellow and lets the kids lay on him. Last night I put him in his crate before we went to bed and was amazed to not hear a peep all night. You look at this beautiful, well-mannered, cuddly puppy and wonder how he ended up in a shelter and why he wasn’t adopted right away.

Anyway, he’d make a handsome addition to a calendar but his ears might need their own month!

free_fallin's avatar

I LEAVE THURSDAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO TO SEE @timtrueman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM VERY EXCITED and scared.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@augustlan HAHA! I thought you said, “You’d think I’d be over the hill, but I’m not!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@MissAusten I have a Bull Terrier with ears exactly like what you are describing. The very first time I saw Zara I thought she was ugly but it didn’t take me long to fall head over heals for her. I went to the shelter for a look around, with no intention of getting another dog and two days later I am signing papers and thinking to myself, I really need to get some will power. Having said that, Zara is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I acquired Zup against my better judgement. @Leanne1986 , what we really need is WON’T power!!!
@free_fallin ; Have a fabulous time!!!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@JilltheTooth That sounds about right!

MissAusten's avatar

I took some pictures. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Looks like there might be a little Great Dane in his background…veeeerrrryyyy…meeellllooooww.
You have to keep this dog. He’s too fabulous!

KatawaGrey's avatar

PUPPIES!!!! Honestly, we should have a fluther puppy calender…

marinelife's avatar

@MissAusten Too cute! What a sweet dog. Definitely a pit bull cross. The shape of his muzzle is different from a pit bull’s (which is good).

I am all for the Fluther Doggy Calendar and Fluther Kitty Calendar!

timtrueman's avatar


janbb's avatar

Can the Men of Fluther Calendar be far behind? I think we all want to see jeffgoldblum’sprivatefacilities!

marinelife's avatar

@janbb I second that!

chyna's avatar

@MissAusten Beautiful dog! He is brindle like Molly and such a sweet face. Didn’t I tell you the dog was yours before you even got him?

@free_fallin and @timtrueman Yea! Report back. I want all details. Well, not all.

@janbb I Third that!!

Jude's avatar

I got to talk to my therapist about my sister. Basically, my therapist said that my sister is an addict, needs to be honest with her Doctor/therapist about the drugs and alcohol and that she needs to talk to her Doctor about getting into see a chronic pain specialist. She said that my sister needs to get help now.

And that I have to be honest with her and tell her these things. Tough love.

marinelife's avatar

@mama_cakes Hold fast to your truth in the face of her backlash. In the end, it is all that you have. You might want to get support from al-anon or narc-anon.

Jude's avatar

@marinelife I am going to look into both.

janbb's avatar

@mama_cakes I am so glad you are seeing a therapist. Too hard to deal with this stuff on your own.

Cupcake's avatar

@MissAusten So Cute!!!!!!!!!

chels's avatar

Dr. J is a VAMPIRE <3.

JilltheTooth's avatar

OH! He is!! Priceless!!!!

jonsblond's avatar

The home we just moved into has been put to the test. With over 40 mph winds, there are no drafts. Yeah!

chyna's avatar

@jonsblond We must be having the same weather as you. 40 mph wind storms. I think I just saw a kickball fly past my house. :-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna ; As long as it’s not a house flying past your house!

chyna's avatar

@JilltheTooth I’m not letting Molly out, or she’ll be flying past the house.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna: That visual had me laughing out loud!

Jude's avatar

I just looked in my backyard. There’s a small house resting on it’s side, and Boxer and with a kickball in her mouth. Oh, my!

janbb's avatar

@mama_cakes Are there shoes sticking out from under the house?

jonsblond's avatar

I <3 you ladies :)

faye's avatar

Wow, this is long if you start at the top!! I have the whole day to myself and the biggest ‘work’ I have to do is have a bath and wash my hair!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mama_cakes ; More importantly is Molly wearing little red shoes?

KatawaGrey's avatar

@JilltheTooth: That’s why she couldn’t run inside to avoid the wind.

janbb's avatar

I did Equine Assisted Therapy today for the first time. It was awesome.

rangerr's avatar

@janbb It’s one of the greatest things in the world.

chyna's avatar

You ladies are hilarious.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Our store shortened it’s hours so I’ll be going home earlier than ever before; I might actually be able to experience LIFE. Wee hee!

Got a new pre owned car today that’s being named either The Great White Hope or Bee’s Cream Dream Machine.

chels's avatar

I watched Marie Antoinette. It was brilliant.

MissAusten's avatar

I got to spend the evening hanging out with my best girl. The boys were off baking cookies with their aunt and my husband had a late meeting, so it was just us girls for dinner and playing with the puppy! I don’t know what was funnier, the sight of the puppy dragging around a ten foot tree branch, or my daughter laughing so hard she was afraid she’d pee in her pants!

Sarcasm's avatar

I bought a pair of jeans, which in itself is a huge accomplishment (Given there are like 500 styles, each with 6 colors, and each of those having 12 different sizes. It’s a headache). I’m down to a 36” in waist which was pretty awesome. Last pair of jeans I bought was 42” a couple of years ago. I have shorts varying between those two sizes.
and I don’t care if it was her job to do it, the cute cashier flattered me.

My plans solidified: on Thursday I get to go to the San Diego Zoo and play with two kangaroos and a labcoat.

Thank you for the distraction, now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got another 8 hours of Statistics homework to get to, to raise my final grade by a whopping 2%.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend sent me a text message just to tell me he loves me. He tells me he loves me a lot but it is very rare that I get a text message from him! :)

chels's avatar

Richard and I are making Nutella filled banana muffins!!!
nom nom nom nom :D

shrubbery's avatar

I was brave enough to get a tattoo.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@shrubbery: Pics or it didn’t happen! please

JilltheTooth's avatar

@shrubbery : Yeah…what she^^^ said! Did you get it here? A little souvenir to take home?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Bf bought me a new “old car” to replace my dead one.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Neizvestnaya ; One of my absolute life mottoes…better old than dead!

MissAusten's avatar

I got a new “old car” too! We are finally a two car family again, and I don’t even know what to do with myself. It was so nice yesterday to be able to hop in the car and take the dog to the beach run errands without first devising a complicated car-sharing schedule!

jonsblond's avatar

@MissAusten Yay! We’ve been a one car family for almost a year now. I know how terrible that can be. Enjoy!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My future in-laws came for dinner last night and we all had a nice time.

muppetish's avatar

I was one of two students to earn full points for the extra credit question on our exam in Structure of Language (give the past tense and past participle of the verb “lie” as in “to lie down”.) I felt so giddy after class :)

Not to mention I had a fun conversation during my break today and shall attend a magic show this evening.

jonsblond's avatar

We received a very nice house warming gift from a fellow jelly the other day. A really sweet cupcake kit. My daughter and I made ghost and witch cupcakes today. Emily had such a wonderful time decorating them. She’s very creative!

That’s beautiful @shrubbery!
congrats @muppetish!

janbb's avatar

I ordered a new thread for this question and UPS says it will be delivered within the next few days. It is taking too long to load!

augustlan's avatar

Tonight, I’ll be a guest on @Blondesjon’s radio show. I’m so excited to be doing the Halloween show! Come by and check it out, 8PM CST.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My first shift of shorter store hours, I still can’t believe I’ll be home in time to have a meal before 11pm!

OpryLeigh's avatar

The clocks changed in the UK last night which means that it will be dark from about 4pm now. Unlike many people I know, I love the darker evenings. There’s something cozy about coming home from work to a nice warm flat and shutting the dark world out!

chels's avatar

Last night Richard, his sister, and a few of her friends went out to this Halloween thing.—Richard was Robin Hood (and told people he was only scary to the rich) and I was BatGirl (all I had was a sequins mask)—It ended up being sooooo boring so after a few drinks and laughs, we left to some club/bar. There was lots of dancing and drinking and smoking and it was a ton of fun.

At this point some crazy shit went down and NONE of the cash machines had money and we were convinced that it was an apocalypse and the Americans (me) were taking over England and everyone would be fighting over dumpsters because no one would have money to pay rent. ^_^

Then Richard’s sister, her boyfriend and one of the friends left, and Richard, another friend and I went to another bar.

Then we had shots called Birthday Cake. And more shots a TRAY of shots. Beer. SoCo and lemonade. More beer.
Then we went to another bar. More beer.

Then we left and I fell over I don’t know how or why but I remember part of it and my knees hurt.
Then we had shitty takeaway which wasn’t shitty it was actually delicious.
Then we got a taxi and the friend left and Richard passed out in my lap and I had to direct the driver where to go even though at this point I was obliterated and didn’t really know where I was.

We got home and Richard went straight to bed.

We got home at 5.

I was still drunk at 11am.
I fed us both Tylenol/Advil and water.

Then I realized I was wearing Richards Fluther t-shirt and he proceeded to tell me that it was in the back of the cupboard so I would have had to go looking for it. HA.

My body feels like hell but it was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. Sorry this was so damn long :D


ALSO I FOUND OUT YESTERDAY THAT RICHARD IS TAKING ME TO PARIS IN TWO WEEKS AND we got his interview date for the visa which means we’ll be heading to SF soon.

AND, we set a wedding date. :)

janbb's avatar

Who knew UPS delivers on Sunday? New thread starts here.

jonsblond's avatar

I know a new thread has started, but I would like to thank @augustlan for being one hot, sexy, smart cohost during @Blondesjon’s show last night. :D

aprilsimnel's avatar

@chelsWhy, you naughty vixen! ;) So glad you’re enjoying yourself! Congrats on the visa and on setting the date! Hooray!

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chels's avatar

@aprilsimnel ;)! Thank you lovely!! I’m so excited.

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond Thanks, girly! You guys bring out the sexay in me. ;)

Seaofclouds's avatar

I got to see Nimbus today. Here’s some pictures for anyone interested.

rangerr's avatar

@Seaofclouds Your fetus looks like Elvis.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oooooh! Nimbus! Thank you, @Seaofclouds for sharing those
Is it a bit creepy that I have almost a proprietary interest in your fetus?

YARNLADY's avatar

My two oldest grandsons came home safe and sound from a whirlwind trip to San Diego to attend their aunt’s wedding. They drove 500 miles Friday, and 500 Miles Sunday. Whew!

augustlan's avatar

Psst: You guys are posting in the old thread. See link to new one up there ^^.

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