What's one thing you don't like about Fluther?
And one thing you do?
I don’t like that the questions aren’t separated by categories.
I like the Fluther community and how open it is.
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111 Answers
I don’t like how difficult the Search function is.
I do like all of the people who use Fluther.
@syz Well, I was full of fellow feeling at the moment I wrote that, but almost all of them.
They allow someone like me to be a member.
Oh, and the search function really sucks…
I like Fluther with the additional of the social section. The people are nice also…most of the time.
I don’t like how much time I spend here.
I do enjoy spending time here.
I don’t like how terrible searching is.
I like the sense of community.
I don’t like the search thingie either.
Everything else is fine.
I’m not a fan of the search function either, but at least there is one.
What I like about the site:
* The diversity of the questions asked. Some are topics I’ve always wondered myself, and some are valuable for discussing news-worthy items of the time.
* The quality of answers. Some of the other Q&A sites I’ve checked out are just dire. Hearing other people’s advice and perspective is eye-opening.
* That the moderators are well chosen, well trained and stay on top of things.
I’m a little unhappy with the lackluster search function also. This seems to be a trend from what I’ve already seen in the comments before mine. Hmmm…......
I do not like the search function one single bit. The other thing I don’t like is losing track of users I have come to like and whose contributions I enjoy. I’m looking at you wildflower, lefteh, shadling, and harp – among many, many others!
Yes…search blows. I also wish there were an integrated picture section for us all. I’m a visual person, I wanna know what my jelly friends look like!
@SundayKittens. There is a place where you can see what many of us look like. It is a Fluther photogroup on the website photobucket. The direct link for it is here.
Yes, I know about photobucket. I mean IN the Fluther website somewhere!
But thank you, anyway!
I love this place, because of its intelligent points system and the wonderful people that are here. However I get really frustrated sometimes at how much it is focussed towards the USA, forgetting the rest of the world.
@FireMadeFlesh That would be frustrating. I guess the majority of us are here in the USA, maybe that’s why?
I think it would be cool to have a rollover feature where when you rollover a person’s avatar, their biographical information shows up.
Or… maybe a list of their last five answers… that would take up too much space, perhaps, but it could be useful… or a list of their top lurved answers…. or a drop down box (can a rollover have dynamic links to the appropriate reports?) that would allow you to choose a report of interest.
Actually, that would be pretty cool on a number of other sites.
I don’t like the polls people ask because they are bored and just want to dialogue. I think they bring the overall quality of Fluther down.
UCME writes polls with thought an adds details that make them interesting but the bulk of polls here are just stupid.
What is your favorite: time of day, temperature, color, season, popsicle, etc… They do not need help, they do not want to learn anything they are just bored and want to chat with other users. We have a chat room for casual banter. I honestly wish we had a poll room or poll tab.
Okay- that is the only thing that I dislike about Fluther. You can shoot the flaming arrows now. I need coffee.
Well I won’t complain about the search system here as I rarely use it. but if there’s something I don’t like here that would be the opportunity to get better responses (since I believe it could be based on the each user),and the point system here (I have the lowest progress here,people are probably stingier here or maybe my account was ‘cursed’).
I like the moderation system here,it creates more peaceful and neat site. And I also like the diverse intelligence that people have here.
The colour scheme, I mean yukky poo!! What do I like? Almost everything else….....almost :¬)
I’d like to see more international users, but I guess that just takes time. Or maybe some sort of advertising somehow?
I like a number of other users and the quality of the questions (generally). I appreciate others with similar senses of humor.
I don’t much like the jail-baiting trolls that show up from time to time, but I avoid their questions for the most part.
Like: The ability to consistently interact with a group of intelligent folks from around the world.
Also Like: The low-maintenance nature of the social aspect of the site. You can be friendly, PM on occasion, use chat – then disappear for a while when you’re busy in real life – and no one has a hussy fit ‘cause your not in contact (something I hate about FaceBook).
Dislike: No free cookies. and I check the mailbox daily. Grrr.
I don’t like how much time I spend here.
I do enjoy spending time here.
Is there an echo in here?
I don’t like the fact that you can’t use commas in the “Places you’ve lived” part of the bio.
@bob_ Ugh, that is annoying.
I don’t like the size of the text boxes when editing a question or your profile. Make them bigger for Christ’s sake!!!
@ChazMaz Only as it pertains to the size of the box.
The size of the box? Mmmmmm
@ChazMaz Yes, the size of the box when editing.
Seriously, I can’t think of anything I don’t like about Fluther. Damn! I’m easy XD
Is that what’s messed up with my profile? Damn…
Then yeah…I vote for that too.
I like that this has potential.
@AmWiser “Damn I’m easy”… That’s what she said.
Is it a cardboard box? Is it recyclable?
Searching is a problem.
I like the diversity of the folks here. I learn a lot.
I don’t like the search function either, as many people have said. There should be an “advanced search” where we can search by oldest to newest, search specific words, search words in comments, etc.
I also don’t like when people do not actually answer questions. When someone asks a “What PC laptop should I get?” and every answer is “get a Mac” or “why would you want that?”. That always makes my blood boil. Luckily, with the advent of the general section, those kinds of non-answers are often just removed.
I still think avatars in posts could stand to be a little bigger, but I love that you can see a bigger version on a person’s profile.
I like that personal attacks are not allowed; they tend to ruin other sites (wis.dm anyone?)
I love the addition of the social section; it’s exactly what I wanted to happen to this site. I couldn’t without the general section, but the addition of the social section really makes this site complete.
You have more than one PM but when you check one and return to the main page, it shows 0 comments for you. Then, being senile, you forget about the others.
Other than that I’m good.
I really get sick of the joke questions.
Those don’t stay around that long before they’re modded, do they @Whitsoxdude?
I am not crazy about the cocktail hour.
Lame joke questions and answers, too many duplicate questions because of the inadequate search feature, no actual prizes for the awards.
Lack of intellectual depth in some quips.
Lack of willingness by some members to make sandwiches.
But I did make you a sandwich. It’s in the other room.
Go get it…
Oo Ooo, we should have a “Design Dr. J’s Arch Nemesis and Win a T-Shirt” Contest. We need a good contest around here, anyway.
here’s your sandwich, already
tell you what Mr. Bob, I’ll make you sandwich if you will mow my yard!
I hate it when I’m typing an answer and the box pops into my answer that someone else is also answering!! This is when I’m trying to correct an error. Otherwise I love fluthering.
@BoBo1946 You’re one smooth negotiator, aren’t you?
loll….gosh, it’s hot here! Tomorrow is the first day of fall and it’s suppose to be 99 here…
@bob_ – Isn’t that a Sade song?
I like the new version better.
I don’t really like the style of the alerts that are above your avatar on right side of the page. I would have it like this:
[ Questions: 3 ]
[ Comments: 0 ]
[ Activity: 5 ]
(brackets indicate that each one is a whole button itself, so you can click anywhere to go to it)
“for you” and “new” are kind of repetitive.
Maybe I’ll design it in paint and post a link to it on here later…
I like how when you’re answering a question it updates in real time and shows someone else getting their answer in just before you did.
But I don’t like how the Questions for You, Comments for You, and Activity for You don’t update unless you refresh the page.
I wish there was a way to clear all ‘Activity for You’ with one click.
Those of you frustrated with the search engine, try a work-around! I go to Google, type site:fluther.com and then my search terms into the bar. Works loads better.
In all seriousness, I’m not fond of the whole “oh those questions are dumb” attitude. I don’t like questions about, say, cats, but you don’t see me bitching about it (well, except just now, but it doesn’t count!) ~
I don’t like the way Fluther handles notifications. Instead of automatically following any question you answer, we should be given an option to “favorite” or “bookmark” any question we would like to keep up on. Then, we would only get notified when someone replies directly to us.
I also don’t like how limited the text formatting is. The ability to embed images and video (with a hide/show button), code boxes, etc, would help a lot. Although I do like how slick textile is in general.
The ability to post public comments to someone’s profile feels very Facebook-y and unnecessary.
I do like the live preview and live update features. I like the ability to see who’s crafting, how many people are observing, etc.
I like the real time answering of other jellies but when I’m answering the same question then it irks me to suddenly have my script box pushed to the bottom of the screen where I can’t see it as I’m typing.
I love most everything about this site, including the color scheme <glares at @ucme>. Most of all, I love the community here. On the whole, we’ve got a smart, caring group of jellies. :)
Search is not good. I’m also not fond of questions asked just to stir shit up.
By the way, we’re actively working on improving search and allowing commas and/or parentheses in topics (including where you live). Keep an eye out for the improvements! :D
The fact that it isn’t really in one’s interest to answer this question.
@MeinTeil Why not? The manager (above) and the other staff members really want to know your opinion. However, if you are afraid to answer here, feel free to use the contact button and give your ideas for improvement. The staff appreciates the input, honest.
Although I understand that it might cause minor issues, I hate that you can’t remove previous answers or questions. As I’ve said before, I didn’t realize I’d be sticking around this great place and some of my early interaction compromises my anonymity to non-Jellies who might stumble onto Fluther (i.e. psychotic exes, students, etc). Thankfully, they were gracious enough to allow the name change!
@SundayKittens :: Google caches everything. If you know how to find it it is still there.
Inability to post pictures or diagrams.
The certain sense of hierarchy I very often feel subjected to. Searching also sucks.
I do love that I can swear on here though, and that any uptight fucks who don’t like can’t do shit about it.
I agree, we should be able to remove our own comments at any time. I understand not being able to edit them after a certain about of time, but we should be able to remove them.
Thanks for reminding me; a ten min limit to editing is complete ass shit.
I do like that Fluther works great on my Pirate Web app.
It hilarious to read responses in pirate speak. Example- here’s is how marinelife’s response reads:
Me don’t like how difficult th’ Scour funct’n be.
Me be like all o’ th’ scallywags who use Fluther.
^ Do it again, do it again!
I like the site itself (or I wouldn’t be here) but there seems to be an urge of many of the newer members to want to suck-up to the majority users viewpoints on here on many different issues. I wish there were more Muslims, Jewish (who actually practice Judaism), Hindus, Buddhists, secular dualists, chiropractors (and other alternative practitioners) on here. There needs to be more of the other viewpoints on here.
@iamthemob: It could I guess but that particular site was founded, seeded and promoted as an open spiritual forum rather than an Q&A site.
Of course. But a general Q&A site (especially one based on a theory that everyone is an expert on something – a pretty broad cast) should have as diverse a community membership as possible. That should include diverse spiritual views, as spiritual questions should arise.
Your comment just seems to be escorting @Jabe73 out of the room (not assuming that was your intent).
@iamthemob: Well… Yes and No. I’m a member of soulpancake.com so Yes I might have been escorting but not with the intent of “bouncing”.
Of course. But it is the internet – text sits a little flat without the tone. Without the rest of that, it reads much like this isn’t the place for such discussions.
@Jabe73 I wouldn’t say new members want to suck up to the majority viewpoint. It’s probably more likely that many new members actually share that viewpoint, and joined because of it. (It was a big reason I joined… I felt like I’d finally found ‘my people’.)
Some new members with a minority viewpoint might not feel as ‘at home’ here as, say, the liberal atheist crowd might. Not every one is comfortable being in the minority, and those folks may not stick around to voice their opinions. Which is a shame, really. I think diversity is a good thing.
Can I sit on your lap while you do? If so, it’s a deal.
This is putting me to sleep now.
@augustlan & @janbb: You can both pull up a knee.
ok, let’s see… ::flip-flip::, (ahem), “Dear Penthouse Letters…”
Dog curls up at @cprevite‘s feet and listens.
Nothing really. Although I’m new I have had a blast on Fluther.
Brings warm chocolate chip cookies, curls up on @cprevite‘s other side, hands @dog a cookie and listens.
@cprevite This is getting to be a great bedtime reading!
@janbb: Yes. A real page turner. Good thing both of my hands are accounted for, what with a cookie in one and the “book” in the other (no telling where they might wander otherwise).
Sexy bedtime reading, cuddling and cookies. What a way to end the day. <3
@Neizvestnaya @iamthemob I’m not looking for an open “spiritual” or “alternative” medicine forum where everyone agrees on the same issue. I just thought Fluther could be more interesting if there was a little more diversity. I mean gee someone asks a question like “are ghosts real?” and you get 30 robotic responses saying the same thing, “nope they’re not”. There were many respected scientists (including today) who think “paranormal” phenomenom is a very real part of quantum physics. These are very intelligent people (many of whom were secular & skeptical) before investigating this stuff. It would be nice to be able to talk about these types of issues in a decent respectful way without the disrespectful sarcasm from many on here. It seems anyone on here who believes any type of paranormal phenomenom is real is looked at as an irrational lower intelligence type of lifeform.
Dam I’ve seen people on here jump off topic just for a chance to attack any type of spiritual/paranormal discussion (when it wasn’t the correct topic to debate these issues). Well at least I am grateful for the general section so the moderators can flag the responses when they are off topic. I did expect to be outnumbered on here but not by so much. I know many college educated liberals who are theists or dualists (but I can’t get them to join Fluther). More diversity on some of these types of issues would create a more lively interesting debate that would add to Fluther.
Just because a view is common on here doesn’t mean users are “sucking up” to the majority opinion. Interestingly enough, sometimes a “fringe” opinion gets shot down because the person defending the opinion simply can’t defend it. And then we’re supposed to feel bad for them when they leave the site in a huff because they felt “ganged up on”, but don’t talk the talk if you can’t back it up.
And there are definitely issues where long-time users of this site disagree with most of the site. Everyone has something like that.
Wait…wasn’t I agreeing with you?
@DominicX I never said I was leaving because I have a minority viewpoint on some issues. What do you mean by a “fringe” opinion? When the issue is directly being debated than I have no problem with disagreements (or I wouldn’t be debating the issue to begin with). I do have a problem when someone discusses something of a spiritual nature and someone jumps off topic to attack that person. Respect works two ways Dominic. Who is anyone to resort to calling someones viewpoints a “fringe” opinion? Do you really want to play this game?
Oh God, here we go. Another “he said/she said” argument.
Okay, first of all, I didn’t accuse you of wanting to leave. I was talking in general because it has happened before.
Secondly, I don’t know if you know what the word “fringe” means, but I was using it to mean an uncommon opinion, an opinion on the outside of the majority, that goes against what most people think/believe (in this case, I was referring to what most people think/believe on this site).
I’ve seen before someone with an opinion that goes against what most people on this site think/believe get mad and leave because they were losing an argument and simply can’t defend their opinion. Then later people feel bad for the person. An example would be a user who posted a relatively ignorant anti-evolution question and got grilled for it and then left the site. It wasn’t that she argued well and left because no one agreed with her, it was because she wasn’t defending what she was arguing at all and simply displayed ignorance of the subject.
@iamthemob I never mentioned I disagreed with what you said. Some of you are driving me nuts. I just added a more accurate statement from my original post.
Okay. I’m confused now. My belief is that generally diversity of opinion is a good thing when discussing the more late night, “why are we here?” type things, policy arguments, etc. – things which have no necessarily right answer but that should be refined.
I think it’s time to hug it out, britches.
Thread Hijacked, sort of
I qualify for the 1000 lurve, maybe the Sea Cheetah and maybe my second Perfectofish but did not get the awards. Help?
Wow, that was quick. Thanks mods. Kudos.
@weeveeship They always take a little while to come through, but they’re usually there within a few minutes.
Oh yeah, I also think I have been here at least 10 days in a row. I joined September 7th, 2010 and have been here everyday, as far as I could remember. If I don’t have ten days in a row, then please tell me how many days I do have in a row.
@marinelife – When I need to search, I usually go to Google directly and enter a combination of Fluther user names and topics. For example, a while ago you gave me a great answer about the accuracy of NASA predictions. How do I find this particular Fluther question quickly? Like this:
And it’s right there.
Answer this question 