What sayings or superstitions seem to make the less sense?
Asked by
Pandora (
September 20th, 2010
I know many of you are going to say all of them.
But walking under a ladder is bad luck. I can see why. You may knock someone down.
Don’t let a black cat cross your path. I can understand how in the old days when things were lit by candle, you can accidently bump into a black cat in the night and it can spook you or you spook it and piss it off.
But things like. If your right hand itches than that means money is coming your way. Personally I would think it just means your likely to spend more money and the thought of it causes you react.
Where do you think there may be some situations to some of them that would make some sense?
Like the first two examples I gave.
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27 Answers
“My ears are ringing…” “OMG that means someone is talking about you!!111”
… what? The black cat one makes no sense to me either. Black cats are cool.
@Pandora Yes,such as 13th floor is the unlucky floor,full of ‘unseen’ creature. I mean,that is just a number,it was created by human beings and has nothing to do with our real life.
Look before you leap.
He who hesitates is lost.
They can’t both be true all of the time.
A rolling stone keeps the doctor away.
If you can’t stop for care, you don’t get care, I guess.
An apple a day gathers no moss.
Honestly, I don’t get this one at all! ;-)
Step on a (sidewalk) crack, and you’ll break your mother’s back. ???
When someone says “You’re driving me round the bend!” What, did you want to go straight on!?!
In honor of @wundayatta‘s fractured aphorisms:
A stitch in time are soon parted.
A penny saved saves nine.
A fool and his money is a penny earned.
@Pied_Pfeffer I know. I always wondered if it started because someones mama was laying on a cracked sidewalk. :)
@CyanoticWasp Well a fool and his money are soon parted actually makes sense.
The stitch in time makes nine? Don’t get that one at all. Saves nine what?
A penny saved is a penny earned, I kinda get. But what the hell does a penny get you now and day?
Black cat crossing your path. Poor thing got a bad rap because of it.
@Pandora the actual saying is that a stitch in time “saves” nine.
Ah, but saves nine what???
“too many cooks spoil the broth”.
I would have thought it would reduce the work for the cooks LOLL
@CyanoticWasp A switch in time saves nine.
This refers to FDR’s alleged Supreme Court packing plan, which was cancelled when the justices “switched” from being against the New Deal to being for it.
The fruit don’t fall to far from the tree.
Where else would it fall? Duh!
@AmWiser LOL Thanks you made me laugh this morning.
@AmWiser Well at least that is one that does make sense and then doesn’t. Because usually they say that when referring to children who a very similar to their parents. So the ones that don’t match must’ve got caught up in a wind storm or taken away by a squirrel. ;D
If two men ride a horse, one must ride behind.
Is this a homophobic thing?
When you sneeze it means someone is talking crap about you. But considering how often I sneeze, it’s probably true. lol
“Money doesn’t grow on trees”
I think we all know it doesn’t, so what is the point of the saying?!!!
@wundayatta I would take it to mean that only one can lead the horse. (So only one boss) Or they could be homophobic.
@partyparty Well its better than telling your kids that your not an ATM machine and bills just fall out of your ass. LOL
@Winters I know someone who is always sneezing. Hummm!
@Pandora I think this is about two men riding the same horse. At first, I thought it was about two riders on horses and on a narrow path, they can’t ride abreast, only in single file.
@Pandora So the ones that don’t match must’ve got caught up in a wind storm or taken away by a squirrel. I always wondered what the rest of that saying meant. :D
In England, it is good luck to invite a chimney sweep to the wedding ceremony. Here is the history behind it, but why it still happens is beyond me. (My SO’s sister had one at hers.)
Same thing for the Something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue; and a sixpence in her shoe. Do people bother other than for fun?
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