Whats your take on the alleged celebrities with ties with the Illuminati or other occult practices?
I’m going to try word this the best as I can, so bear with me here. I was looking up stuff about Jay-Z and Lady Gaga and their apparent connections to groups like the ‘Illuminati’ and the ‘Freemasons’.
Lady Gaga: Illuminati Puppet
Jay-Z and Occult Symbolism in ‘Run This Town
I can understand analyzing a song or a video, and I can even understand that some blatantly obvious things are maybe connected to the occult/satanism and the like, but where can one draw the line?
I mean, sure, the outfit that Gaga wore was creepily similar to some demon or something, but when does analyzing go way too far? I mean, a butterfly representing the mind control of electroshock patients and how they undergo a transformation that is like a butterfly? Really?
So! Where/how can one analyze, and where is the line drawn? What do you think about this illuminati stuff, and the apparent ties with Disney and the Rockefeller family, etc?
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45 Answers
I don’t really see the harm in analyzing as much as you want. I’d rather the author focus on this to keep him or her occupied – I have a feeling if there wasn’t this obsession with Lady Gage to fill time, this person would be strutting into the post offices with a shot gun.
I have a hard time taking the whole Illuminati/ohnoesfreemasons/lizardpeople/National Treasure conspiracy thing seriously.
@iamthemob : haha, that’s what my mom said – the writers need a job or a spouse.
What’s funny is is that I thought Lady GaGa was an agent of the GAY agenda (and we are happy to have her, I’ll say!).
Conspiracy theorists abound. They find dangerous symbolism and cabals everywhere. You suggest the wildest thing to them and they’ll run with it. These are idea of powerless people who don’t understand why they are powerless and so they invent reasons they can understand.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : Oh yeah, I know about National Treasure. The lizard people thing is kind of… bizarre, though.
@wundayatta : I like that. These are idea of powerless people who don’t understand why they are powerless and so they invent reasons they can understand.
I dunno. To me, many celebrities’ popularity would make sense to me if they were backed by a secret society.
@mrentrophy: it would explain why miley cyrus is popular to me… cough cough.
@troubleinharlem I always figured her popularity came from having a kids show on the Disney channel.
@mrentrophy : same difference, isn’t it? xD
If you want to see the supposed connection, you’ll see it.
The funniest thing is to listen (read) the opnions of those who actively disagree that the illuminati even exists. There are the symbols on the back of your dollar bill. But it is so much nicer to live with your head buried in the sand than to see what is there in front of your eyes.
They belong to those not-so-secret societies, like the Skull and Bones. they go to Harvard and Yale (yes, and even to other schools) They belong to groups like the Bilderbergers, The Council on Foreign Relations, The US Senate, the US President, all the past US Presidents.
Who do you think is running the Capitalist System and why do you think the world has taken such incredible economic turns? Who gained from the stock market debacle of the 1990’s? Who gained from the real estate rip-off of the 2002–2008’s?
Wake up people.
Ye shall know a tree by it’s fruit.
Hence, Lady G G is angelic greatness.
And Jay Z is hollow sh*t.
@Ben_Dover : Hold up. I’m not sure it’s fair to say that all the presidents were part of those sorts of groups. And whatever happened to the natural fluctuations of the economic system?
What natural fluctuations of the economic system? The ones they (those running the show) allude to whenever something major happens?
of course they were all (the presidents) members. And when they went against their leadership, they were assassinated.
@Ben_Dover : The natural fluctuations – inflation, deflation, random drops that people cannot explain… and as for the presidents, you’re saying that Kennedy went against leading the free world, and that’s why he got shot.
People have a tendency to look for patterns and if they want to see a specific one, they will. I’m not saying some things couldn’t have merit, but mostly I see it as people fear mongering.
Although the Lady Gaga stuff did really freak me out when I read it a few months back. Then I got over it.
@Ben_Dover Seems like we’re not the ones that need to wake up.
@tragiclikebowie : yeah, if you look for something, you’re bound to find it eventually, right?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Seems like, but then isn’t that what you would expect that they have ingrained into your thinking?
But hey, no need to ramble on, I am not interested in being the one to awaken you, nor do I care to read why it can’t be. The evidence is right in front of everyone. They have gone to no trouble to hide their existence…quite the contrary, they are very up front about themselves, in a sly, sneaky sort of way.
@Ben_Dover : I want to know about this president thing, still!
I had understood the symbols in the dollar bill and the layout of Washington D.C. to be Freemason symbols. I know the Freemasons exist, I’m not so sure about the Illuminati, especially since Robert Anton Wilson lived for quite some time.
@Ben_Dover You sound just like a religious person wanting to proselytize.
I’m still not convinced that there is a super secret cabal of Bond villain puppet masters that are controlling everything from the monetary system to Lady Gaga to the fuckin’ Tea Party. It’s dangerous to attribute to malice and conspiracy what can more realistically be attributed to people just doing what they do and shit just happening.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir It is always those who cannot see the truth who begin the insults.
The US presidents, if not diehard members of the illuminatti, are most certainly indebted to same for gigantic monetary contributions.
Instead of me listing which presidents were/are in the club, why don’t you try to find some who weren’t members or who aren’t beholden to members.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard It is far more dangerous too pretend these things are not happening and live your life according to the whims of the wealthy elite.
@Ben_Dover Well that phrase is neither here nor there but it sure sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Please show me where I have insulted you, specifically. I have no reason to insult a stranger, your beliefs are not a threat to me, they’re completely irrelevant to me.
“Jay-Z and Lady Gaga and their apparent connections to groups like the ‘Illuminati’ and the ‘Freemasons’.”
Please, somebody shoot me!
Like these world shaping groups would have any association with adult children.
*sigh… I knew you would retort with something of that nature. I’m perfectly comfortable with my existence, even if it means Beyonce is drinking the blood of virgins in a Masonic temple. Hell, a few members of my family are master Masons, so I guess they’ll have mercy on me when the purges come.~
@Simone_De_Beauvoir, sure thing, my dear. I’ll call up my uncle and prepare a place at the next conspiracy du jour barbecue just for you.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : Really? So you have some personal insight? My mom says that my late grandfather was a freemason, and that he said that it wasn’t satanic at all.
I don’t think that there’s a lot of merit in this whole conspiracy thing – I just want to know what you guys think.
@troubleinharlem, I actually know a lot of freemasons, including members of my family. From what they’ve told me, it’s more of a social boy’s club/community service fraternity. Hardly sinister at all. The Shriners do a lot of good for local kids with disabilities.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : yeah, mom says that my grandpa said that it was more like a Kiwanis club (which I think is the same community kind of thing), so I don’t think that’s very devious. xD
Until they are in my life personally, I care thismuch.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir ”You sound just like a religious person wanting to proselytize.”
Obviously my beliefs are not, ”completely irrelevant to me.”
Yes, there are many many freemasons in the world who are not illuminatti. That is because there are all those degrees, or levels, of freemasons.
Rest assured, when you reach the 33rd degree of the freemasons, you are illuminatti.
@Ben_Dover : How do you get to the 33rd degree? What does that mean? Are there rookie freemasons who haven’t been promoted? Wikipedia (best source ever, I know sarcasm here) says you can’t go past the 3rd degree.
@troubleinharlem Are you trying to get an edge on becoming one?
What do you think it means? It is self-explanatory, but let me walk you through it. Yes, there are rookie freemasons. they would be the newbies. Then, as you pay more dues and agree to more mumbo jumbo, you advance along the different degrees of freemasonry.
When finally you are willing to be the lowest scum, the most brutally callous and indifferent to human misery, then you too can jump right up into 33rd degree mason.
@Ben_Dover : No, I’m just a naturally curious person and I’d like to know. There’s no need to get condescending… and… okay. this sounds like scientology.
@troubleinharlem Sorry. I thought you were playing along with that simone person.
It is a lot like scientology, only the illuminatti hold most of the wealth (money-wise) in the world. And they influence much of the society/world-shaping decisions, often to the dismay of those who have less say.
@Ben_Dover : Well, I don’t really agree that they’re so much everywhere, I’m sort of with @Simone_De_Beauvoir to be perfectly honest, but I’m pretty open minded and I like to know why people believe the things they believe.
@troubleinharlem I look at the world around me and I see what the wealthy elite are doing. I see the economy flushed down the toilet. I see the haves dialing out the have nots. It is not the 1st time this has happened. Read the Grapes of Wrath or watch the movie. You will begin to see how monotonously similar all these actions are and you may even begin to understand that there is a conscious design to the poverty conditions someone on top seems desperately intent on wreaking upon the rest of us.
Or not. Most people haven’t the stomach to see reality as it is.
@Ben_Dover : I’m not sure what to ask now… so thanks for your input. ( :
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