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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's the greatest cartoon?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) September 23rd, 2010

I have to vote for the Rabbit of Seville.

Maybe you prefer Disney or something more modern?

What do you think?

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29 Answers

Winters's avatar

I personally always liked Pinky and the Brain.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I like bugs Bunny too.He is my favorite character :)

picante's avatar

Love that Pepe Le Pew . . . .“You are ze corned beef to me, and I am ze cabbage to you.”

Cruiser's avatar

I loved Tennessee Tuxedo!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

A friend and I recently watched this cartoon and laughed more than expected.

syz's avatar

@hawaii_jake One of the greatest classics! Along with this one.

thekoukoureport's avatar

The far side is the funniest print cartoon ever.
Bugs Bunny conducting the opera singer is the funniest cartoon I ever saw.

AmWiser's avatar

There are so many that I absolutely love. But just to name a few that IMO are the greatest:
Tazmanian Devil
Road Runner
Bugs Bunny
Lion King
@thekoukoureport The Far Side is at the top of my list for printed cartoons too;-)

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

It’s a toss-up between South Park and The Simpsons.

I can’t stand Disney.

wilma's avatar

I can’t choose…
Bugs, Foghorn Leghorn, Pepe LePew, Chilly Willy, Underdog, Bullwinkle, Mr. Peabody with his Wayback Machine… the list goes on…

Cruiser's avatar

@wilma Mr Peabody rocks!! GA!

Blackberry's avatar

Dragon ball Z….??? Lol.

cockswain's avatar

I really like Underdog, Tom and Jerry, Looney Toons, Popeye, Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, and South Park.

boffin's avatar

. . .and Eek the Cat

filmfann's avatar

This clip from South Park

Axemusica's avatar

The Animaniacs.

jaytkay's avatar

I can’t decide between Bugs Bunny and Betty Boop.

But it’s one of those.

Jude's avatar

Ren and Stimpy

Deja_vu's avatar

Family Guy

Seek's avatar

Another vote for Animaniacs, also tossing in Hysteria.

Of course, I grew up on Warner Bros. cartoons – Bugs Bunny, Michigan Frog, Foghorn Leghorn… they’re timeless.

GladysMensch's avatar

Bully for Bugs
Genius, especially since Leon Schlessinger didn’t want it made.
Oh, and Rabbit Fire is a close second.

Frenchfry's avatar

Bugs Bunny.

ucme's avatar

I love the Tex Avery cartoons. Wonderfully manic, just like me.This is among my favourites. Droopy is totally cool :¬)

rooeytoo's avatar

I liked it when the flowers started growing out of Elmer’s head. That was a good one @hawaii_jake ! When you said cartoon, I thought of one drawn in a book so I will tell you about my favorite of that ilk. It was in the New Yorker many years ago and was a series of about 4 drawings. First is of a dapper gentleman with his umbrella hanging from his arm as he strides down the street. Next frame raindrops start to appear so he puts up his brolly and continues on. Next frame raindrops disappear and he peers out from under the brolly, looks skyward and seeing all clear replaces his brolly to his arm. Next and final frame shows him happily walking away but over his head ready to fall on him and drench him totally is this very ominous looking giant raindrop. From that time on, I have often described my feelings as waiting for the giant raindrop to fall, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Thankfully I don’t have that feeling much anymore, but I have never forgotten it!

Blackberry's avatar

@filmfann LOL! The camera man’s face…...

chocolatechip's avatar

Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain! The mark of a great cartoon is being able to appreciate it even when you’re older.

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