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flutherother's avatar

What's the weather like out your way today?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) September 24th, 2010

Flutherers might live anywhere in the world, any hemisphere, any altitude, any country so I expect a wide variety of answers.

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31 Answers

iammia's avatar

Surprisingly sunny today, but with a cold wind.


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Beginning of the week I walked out to frost in the morning. Today is going to be 90 degrees F, sunny and gorgeous. It’s 10:00 AM and already toasty.
Upstate NY

Deja_vu's avatar

It’s 3:58 in the morning. It’s not raining and it’s fairly comfortable.

MissAusten's avatar

Today is a bit cloudy, temperature in the high 70 degrees F. It’s a bit humid and not much of a breeze. Once the sun goes down tonight, it will become downright chilly. The trees are just starting to change colors, and in a few more weeks we’ll have beautiful orange, red, and yellow leaves all over the place!

AmWiser's avatar

High winds, partly cloudy, and about 70 degrees. What a wonderful day.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It is 78F in NE Ohio at 10am. The high for today is a record breaking 90F, with our usual intense humidity and possibility of thunderstorms. Hideous.

harple's avatar

It’s raining, and there’s a very powerful, blustery wind… apparently we have a high of 61 today, but it feels bitterly cold in the wind. Good old England!

john65pennington's avatar

Walking on sunshine in Nashville. not a cloud in the sky. 91 today and low humidity. wish you were here.

muppetish's avatar

It’s overcast this early morning! But I doubt it will last. It will probably be in the high ‘70s / low ‘80s if nothing else.

marinelife's avatar

Insanely hot. It is supposed to be 95 degrees today.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Oh, and although we are having recordbreaking heat yesterday and today… tomorrow it is supposed to be 62F. ha.

ucme's avatar

Sunshine & then showers, persisiting down as my Grandma would say. Oh it’s also very windy. Basically your typical autumn day in England Town. Gotta love it…......I s’pose :¬)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Really windy and warm.I was told to go fly a kite.;)

Randy's avatar

Slight drizzle and about 80 in North Central Arkansas. It’s very humid though. If it wasn’t for the humidity, it’d be an alright day.

CMaz's avatar

Raining and sunny.

Funny how that works.

DominicX's avatar

Bright and sunny—87 degrees is the high. I love it. :D

partyparty's avatar

Today there is a biting northerly wind, temperature 57F with overnight temperature of 41F.
I don’t like the end of summer, love the warmer weather.

OpryLeigh's avatar

In the south west of England it has been a grey day with drizzly rain. It’s also starting to feel colder.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You Englanders have to be tough. I don’t like the drizzle. Give me warm or cold, not the in between stuff.

Frenchfry's avatar

Sunny 87. Rained alittle this afternoon. Actually makes it more humid.

flutherother's avatar

It has been a beautiful day here in west central Scotland with lots of sunshine. Temperatures only reached the low 60’s and it is going to get cold tonight. Lots of nice silvery clouds in the sky all day and a gorgeous sunset. I don’t like it too warm,this kind of weather is perfect for me.

downtide's avatar

Grey and rainy, and about 14C (57 degrees F).

harple's avatar

Yay! Now @downtide has answered, that’s an update from every corner of England! Add that to the two from Scotland… That’s comprehensive coverage from this side of the pond!! :-)

downtide's avatar

@harple who needs BBC weather, when you have Fluther!

harple's avatar

@downtide I particularly appreciate your weather update as I shall be moving up your way (well, North Lancs/Cumbria) in 3 week’s time… good to know it’s just as wet as ever up there (boy have I missed it!)

YARNLADY's avatar

Whooooo, our weather has taken a turn for the better. Hubby is walking at lunch every day, and we walk or mile in our neighborhood after work. I have had the toddlers all week while their Dad is out of town, and we spend hours outside.

downtide's avatar

@harple why on earth do you miss this rain?? O_o

Rhodentette's avatar

Very warm, clear skies, windy as all get out. :(

flutherother's avatar

Frosty and misty all day. The sun appeared as a pale disc for about half an hour and then vanished.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Another 6 inches of snow, O degrees F, but clear. The full moon was out this morning, and the sky was a beautiful light lavendar/pinkish color. It was so pretty I stopped to draw it all in for a little bit. The snow pile at the end of the driveway is taller than me.

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