What's your favourite interesting fact about another jelly?
Asked by
OpryLeigh (
September 24th, 2010
Since you have been a meber of Fluther is there something you have found really interesting about another member of our wonderful community? Maybe you find a hobby interesting, something they do for a living, a passion of theirs etc. If you know they would’t mind (ie: they have talked about it openly here before) then why not share it with us.
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120 Answers
On a thread about ethics of prostitution someone was questioning ETPro as to whether he had any experience with that part of society, so how did he know what he was talking about. He revealed that not only had he been friends/acquaintances with several prostitutes in the Bay Area in his college years, he’d turned some tricks himself to stay afloat at the time. I think the exact quote was “So I’m not talking out of school on this subject.”
Not only did I think that was bad-ass, but it shut the nay-sayer up without a peep. That dude is unquestionably one of my top 5 favorite contributors to this site.
I have found that I love @janbb to bits!
Yobob is into leather and Blacksmith the old fashion way. So cool.
Bippee takes pictures. So cool.
I could go on and on. There are some really cool people on here.
@whatthefluther’s wonderful and gracious ability to cope with a debilitating disease.
And jma’s mama_cake’s ability to shapeshift but still remain so recognizably herself.
stranger_in_a_strange_land’s bizarrrre love affair. I miss him and his strange, strange ways.
@johnpowell doesn’t wear the same pair of socks twice.
@shrubbery is the coxswain on a winning rowing team.
@Randy makes delicious, but deformed, pancakes.
@AstroChuck has a tiki bar in his backyard.
@PnL is a chocoholic.
@uberbatman knows more about fish than any person I’ve ever met and has his own campus radio show.
@lefteh is ACE when it comes to historical and political trivia.
@cheebdragon has so many MAC products she could open her own store.
@shilolo is a twin.
@rpmpseudonym doesn’t sleep with his appendages hanging off the bed.
Simone_De_Beauvoir is a really good persuasive essay writer. and beautiful
tragiclikebowie is a really good photographer. and gorgeous
mama_cakes has a giant bleeding heart that is made of pure gold. and lovely
delirium has an encyclopedic knowledge of reptiles. and she’s hot
rangerr has an impressive knowledge of Star Wars. and she’s adorable
Well I think that covers my Fluther crushes that I know on a more personal level than just random fluther encounters.
I have learned that Pied Pfeffer really cares about individual jellies. When I was feeling low, PP really helped me through a series of heartfelt messages.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities hates ranch dressing and corn.
Our friendship nearly ended because of this.
plink pink I love MAMACAKES. Even though there are two and I get confused.
I like @Simone_De_Beauvoir’s gender thing (i use thing because i can’t put in words how to describe it) and how she can enthusiastically talk about it to people who have questions about it.
It made me think of the whole gender thing, which i never did before.
@rebbel, I agree. I forgot to mention that.
@bob_ was formerly known as _bob.
Zen deliberately never reaches 10K lurve. Keeps the avatar, starts a new account, has some variation of the same name.
@rangerr is a girl.
Yes, I seriously just figured this out about a week ago.
@cazzie and I would totally be best friends, if I lived in Norway. I don’t know if that counts as a fact, but I’m calling it one.
@mattbrowne’s book is really, really damn good. Read it. Nao. And I’m pissed that Amazon won’t let me review it.
@Allie hates onions with a passion.
@johnpowell has a thing for odd belts.
@IBERnineD is HAWT in person… and has an asian boy-band fetish (Korean to be specific).
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard has some mighty cute FB friends… and is only part creole!
@Seek_Kolinahr won’t tell anybody… but she has most likely undergone a variation of Kolinahr.
The lovely and talented @tragiclikebowie it seems is quite the health nut lately.
@mama_cakes is without a doubt one of the coolest people on earth.
@john65pennington received the Herman Melville award. 2 minutes ago (4:02 PM EST)
@Dr_C has beautifully manicured facial hair.
@jeff,’ etc.‘s screenname and especially the cool scientific things he does like his trip to Alaska.
free_fallin is a huge math nerd. and beautiful
rangerr is actually a Jedi. And has the same wrists as a baby.
gggritso can break dance like no other Canadian alive.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard is an amazingly talented writer, among other things. and devilishly handsome.
I’m impressed with the things that you all remember.
this is a great positive q and I am smiling because of the nice comments in my direction, thank you guys!
I want to perhaps come back to write more but at this point I just want to say that BlueFreedom, Blackberry, and SeaofClouds have helped me shed some of the generalizations I felt about people in the military and those that are partners of people in the military.
Oh and I like Randy’s tattoos because his are similar to mine.
The fact that I’ve “met” some pretty interesting people and have developed cool friendships with them. Also, I realize how important it is to be genuine and how I loathe self-righteous folks (I can see right through them).
I am also learning how to “not sweat the small stuff”.
oops that should be same SIZED wrists as a baby. She didn’t steal a baby’s wrists or anything.
I love @aprilsimnel passion for things British. It was one of the first things I noticed when I first came to Fluther.
That Auggie is incredibly patient and just a wonderful human being.
That Dr. C is one of the sexiest dudes on Fluther. I had the pleasure of listening to him on a radio show and the guy was as cool as be. Oh, and you could swim in those dimples.
Also, I have realized how much I miss some of the folks who no longer visit this here joint. Gris and PD were a few of my faves.
@tragiclikebowie loves pumpkin spread as much as I do. Plus she’s completely beautiful and warm.
@rangerr has the most energy in the middle of the night and will paint her face like a zebra or leopard.
@chels and @richardhenry are just like me and @timtrueman. It’s freaky. They were first which means we are like them.
@boots never sleeps and last.fm says we have the exact same taste in music.
@Allie loves burritos the way a fat kid loves cake. Seriously.
@Dr_C is the most charming person. Ever.
@gggritso is my one true friend and has excellent taste in music and movies. He also looks adorable in a labcoat.
@Dog is so fucking talented. She’s also ridiculously funny.
@Sarcasm never leaves his house and still manages to be someone I enjoy chatting with, when he is around. heh I am still Kev2.0
@markyy isn’t around often enough and he is trying to steal Tim from me. WAR haha
@timtrueman is addicted to cars, xkcd, top gear, Django and me.
I seriously enjoy everyone I have in my fluther but especially the ones I interact with in the chat rooms. They hold a special place in my heart. Don’t be discouraged if I didn’t mention you specifically. <3
Even though I can’t think of any interesting tidbits about them, I’d like to give some props to Ivan, Rarebear, and Seek Kohlinar for being some of the others whose posts I’ll always read completely and am happy to see.
Still kind of wish dpworkin was around here again.
That Auggie owns her own tools. I love that.
@cockswain Ha! That might have been a detail I should have kept to myself. :-)
@ETpro It gave you depth of character
I have only been on this site for just over a week so I don’t know anyone very well. Having said that, what I have found most interesting is how welcoming and helpful everyone has been as well as responding to my questions and how many people have taken the trouble to give me positive feedback in comments too. Lovely experience and really appreciated. The moderators have been great too. What more could you wish for?
Rainbowspirit :o)
@Seek_Kolinahr amazes me with her astounding intelligence and wit. Huge asset to fluther.
@Dominix impresses me with his interest in and love of classical music. Most unusual.
@booboo just emanates “people person” and I bet he draws friends to himself like a magnet! Sensitive man, too.
@hawaii_jake is a really nice guy; I like Jake. Even though I envy his environment. (;
@chaz_maz is one of a kind. Very clever, very funny, very smart.
@frenchfry is a really fun, warm person. Fluther is actually better since she joined!
And how could I forgot @Coloma?? She’s terrific! Nice, unique,
interesting, pretty, creative, brave, funny, independent, caring. Sorry @Coloma!! I almost forgot you. ):
.Fortunately or unfortunately, I find each and every jelly interesting.
@Seek_Kolinahr has an amazing memory and knowledge of the Bible.
@mama_cakes is an antique lover.
@augustlan knows a whole lot about lawn care.
@chyna is passionate about dogs and dog rescue.
@Fireside and @Cupcake are Bahai’s like me.
@Dog is not only an incredibly talented artist, she works like a dog (pun intended) and we are from the same town! She still lives there though.
@rangerr is an authority on all things Star Wars
@poofandmook is an incredibly strong woman.
Modified to add
@ucme and blondesjon are literally two of the most hilarious people on the planet!
I could really go on and on, but I’ll stop there.
I think I’m going to die of blushing.
looks like it’s making your face fall off.
@free_fallin Is a fabulous writer and rat lover.
@Michael_Huntington is in love with @Sarcasm
@Rangerr is the only person I know with a shark tent
@tragiclikebowie is smarter than me
@PnL is smarter than me And corrects me a lot.:)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir has 2 lovely children and I was lucky enough to catch glimpses at the development of the 2nd.
I don’t remember shit so well when I’ve been drinking. That’s the case right now. I wish I could have answered this question better.
I’ve come to know a great many jellies very well and altho I have not met a single one in person (other than @sccrowell, of course) I can attest that behind the screennames and avatars there are some very wonderful and sincere real people who are lots of fun, very bright, kind, caring, considerate and personable, and I am honored to consider them friends. And I feel I know them well enough to easily write a chapter on each filled with interesting facts, their opinions and positions on issues, their experiences and achievements, thoughts, goals, dreams, loves and passions and could even throw in their favorite cocktail or music group. And the result would be a tome as large as any in @janbb‘s library.
I will offer that I know firsthand that many, many jellies very much appreciate and utilize functional art, that our OP @Leanne1986 loves music and has a very diverse taste that stretches to boundaries that even I can barely…...OK, OK, Manilow has a couple good songs, and, oh yeah, let me just say that @Blondesjon likes him some beer.
See ya….....Gary/wtf
And some have a heart as big as all outdoors.
@Arisztid swallowed a lizard whole.
Gary is just a beautiful human being and both Nikki and I love him to bits.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I still remember when Alex drew the little rainbow across your stomach with wis.dm under it. It was… I don’t know how to put it… adorable. Sweet. Basically, smile inducing.
I can’t seem to recall anything now, but I do know a lot about many jellies. Maybe this is why I didn’t do well in school. Because I can’t think of stuff on site, only later or when triggered. I do know that many jellies are some of my favorites. I secretly lurve some people just because they made an appearance, but I’ll never tell who they are. Mainly because none come to mind at the time. Lets try to see what I know about some of the posters here / mentioned. {Scrolls up}
@janbb I don’t know real well, but I’m sure that I’m recognized and I often see @janbb, but I don’t know much about her, but I do know that I like her. :)
@JohnPowell Loves PBR, acquires internet via special means, he reads and writes code and lives with his sister. Also, a fun man to talk to. :)
@AstroChuck is well, himself. If you don’t know who he is, you’re living under a rock, lol.
@cheebdragon likes graffiti, I think. I photoshopped something for her one time and it was very graffiti like art.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir is a wondrous being with kids a hubby and a love for ballet, or the dancers so to speak ;).
@Allie is my burrito lover. Just stick us in a tortilla and pour the beans and all all over us and we would be in bliss!
@tragiclikebowie has a good sense of humor.
@delirium <3 nuff said.
@rangerr is often mistaken for a 12 yr old boy. ;P No really, she’s full of life, has a love for animals and obsessed with StarWars.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Is quite a sharp lad and I would hang out with him.
@Dr_C is by far my favorite doctor I’ve never met. He also loves to ride his bike.
@john65pennington is a retired police officer and back in his Hey day hung out with Roy Orbison.
@gggritso is canadian and likes to take showers religiously.
@blondesjon and @uberbatman I believe have a radio show together.
@mattbrowne is a german author.
@whatthefluther has a gigantic taste for music and I love that.
I also have talked with @boots, but don’t really know much about him.
@Sarcasm has never worked and loves StarCraft.
@wundayatta displays most of his life on fluther, but keeps his identity classified and I relate to him often.
@jerv is a car nut and loves to drift back country roads.
@Grisaille would survive Z-Day and plays classical style guitar, plus very intelligent to boot.
@DrasticDreamer is wonderful. <3
I think that’s all I can come up with…
See, people…it’s not difficult to say person…or being…or whatever people that care about me have referred to me as, just above…@boots – thank you for being an example of what I call supportive and sensitive.
Are the blondesjon/jonsblonde duo still here?
@SundayKittens They’re taking a break… moving from one house to another at the moment.
Let’s see if I can think of anything that hasn’t been mentioned…
@Blondesjon has his own radio show, and his humor obscures the fact that he’s hella smart, too.
@Jonsblond has a heart of gold.
@Marinelife met her husband when they both worked for TV Guide.
@SundayKittens loves owls, despite her user name.
@TheOnlyNeffie and I are apparently twins, separated at birth. (And by several years of age!)
@shilolo saved @judochop’s life
@Fly and @Mangeons Are smart and beautiful and my daughters. Shush. I’m allowed to be biased! Of course, they’re largely absent now that school has started up again.
@Axemusica plays a mean guitar.
@AstroChuck is not really 6. He’s also incredibly intelligent, despite all his jokes.
@whatthefluther Is a very skilled carver (sculptor?). He reproduced my old avatar perfectly, on a piece of soapstone. :)
Part I
@judochops has the best job ever.
@symbeline knows 10238423023904.008 ways to kill a zombie
If you are a false, don’t entry*, or else @Seek_Kolinahr will disintegrate you with a phaser.
@boots is the person to come to for giallo recommendations and questions about salvia. Translation: A pretty fucking cool person.
*from Sarcofago’s“Deathrash”
@Katawagrey has purple hair.
There are waaay too many to list without taking up a huge amount of space on this thread. So, since you asked about a favourite, I’ll give one that was discovered this week.
@lucillelucillelucille is one talented artist. I’d be willing to spend a chunk of change on her creations.
Yes, @Michael_Huntington – I will vanish them like a fossil that will be found flying on the universe.*
*Sepultura – “The Past Reborns the Storms”
@JilltheTooth is KatawaGray’s mom and a cool person to boot (not that I would.)
@Austinlad is the go-to guy for film info.
@SuperMouse and her family have a giant annual pie fight! I want her to adopt me, just so I can be a part of this fabulous tradition.
I would have posted more sooner, but after reading a lot of the posts on here my face was controted into a smile induced paralysis that caused severe pain to my “manicured facial hair-covered dimples”
you all rock Jellies, and you know it. You’re the reason I can’t stay away from this place.
Wow, I’m also impressed at how much you all know! I might need to open another Fluther window just to keep things straight….
@cprevite’s daughter is absolutely beautiful, which I really know because of Facebook. :)
@sleepdoc is, how should I put this….very outgoing with the private messages. I think he thinks he freaked me out once.
@rranger seems to have the life I dreamed of having as a teenager, with the horses and Star Wars obsession. I want to go back in time and be her.
@janbb keeps saying she is going to move in with me, but she hasn’t shown up yet. Every day, I brew fresh coffee and bake some shit, but she never shows up!
@Seek_Kolinahr , @Simone_De_Beauvoir and lots of other moms here inspire me on a daily basis.
@KatawaGrey doesn’t live too far from me!
I’m sure I’ll think of more later, but I am so bad at this kind of thing. There are so many jellies I’d love to just hang out with in person and am always grateful for the things I’ve learned here, along with the constant reminder to keep an open mind and never make assumptions. :)
@TitsMcGhee is a photographer
@CyanoticWasp loves sailing and even has his own sailboat.
@JustJustine lives in South Africa and has sexist pigs for bosses.
@GailCalled spends time at Tanglewood… a lot of time at Tanglewood. She also rubs shoulders with the famous at her farmer’s market.
@cak is the hardest fighter I know in the world. She is a very, very surprising person.
@mmmdymmph is bigger in real life than she is on camera.
@vszndh has been having an online affair with @jfldskj for three years now.
@soandso was very unsure she was doing the right thing before flying off to meet @zuzu for the first time.
@gungung is going to kill me for even mentioning her, although I said nothing interesting about her at all.
@daloon is making up half the stuff here…. or not. ;-)
@wundayatta Is a dancer and a musician. Improvisational, I believe, which I could never pull off in a thousand years.
@asmonet owns a pink glue gun with white polka dots.
This is one of my top three questions ever!
@seek kolinahr is so thoughtful when browsing through catalogs :)
Meeting my first jelly in person, enjoying Chinese food !
@MissAusten Hint – Maybe if you baked some cake or cookies instead of some shit, I might show up!
Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard knows a lot of stuff and is an expert on Pez dispensers. I still have a stack of Dad’s hats that would like to make your acquaintance.
@janbb Well, that explains it!
Seek_Kolinahr, Allie, and I were “Xmas babies”.
* pukes *
Maybe Jesus is an Alyson-mas baby.
@mattbrowne wrote and published a science fiction novel!
@Vunessuh is a beautiful human being inside and out :)
I like it when I find out a jelly shares similar interests in yoga and the spiritual world that I do.
Awwwwww! Lucy, I love you!
Well, first off, @lucillelucillelucille loves to moon people.
She’s very compassionate about animals.
She’s a very, very talented artist. In fact, for my father’s birthday in November, she’s drawing a portrait of him and me from a photograph taken in Yosemite. He’s going to love it! :)
She’ll also fall asleep during ANY movie. ANY.
She knows how to hold her liquor.
She loves garage sales.
She has a boat.
Don’t feed her hot cheetos. Bad things happen.
She doesn’t let any health issues get in the way of her being happy or living her life how she wants to. Because of this, I admire the hell out of her!
And yes, that face in her avatar, is really that beautiful in person.
@Vunessuh used to be a porn star.
I mean, she used to write it, but that still counts, right?
@bob_ use to be the lead in my porn scripts.
Who knew they even use scripts in porn!
I think at @Les has the most interesting life and it is absolutely amazing that she has Fluthered from Antarctica.
@augustlan Thank you. You also have a heart of gold. :)
That @gailchild can speak veitnamiese! Now that is amazing.
@Eggie is a cool, new jelly. And, that’s all that I have to say about that (Forrest Gump).
The thing I guess I notice most often which might not clear the “favorite” label is that hardly any Jellies really know anything about me good or bad LOL LOL LOL
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! ah, that was a good one.
This is when we were allowed to name names. :)
I was just thinking that…
@Symbeline Has a healthy respect for Vikings
@Simone_De_Beauvoir and @ninjacolin have instigated major shifts in my understanding of the world.
@blueroses prefers the tenth doctor.
@Aethelflaed has incorporated porn into her college studies.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard has moonshine recommendations and is a dedicated book-hoarder.
@gailcalled has a suspicious liking of turnips.
@imadethisupwithnoforethought tags his questions for me!
@muppetish doesn’t think you need to know h’ gender to know h’.
Mod me if you must, but I hate that I missed this love fest the first time.
until you get modded, I’ll just lurve ya
And I’m telling everyone that @fundevogel met and flirted with this guy.
I haven’t been here in a while.
I’ve seriously considered making a list specifically for this post, of all the Fluther ladies I have a secret crush on. There would not be enough room.
Work has kept me away from this place that I love, but it’s nice to see there’s still a spirit of community and friendship.
Miss you, @Dr_C. Nice to see you!
Browsing the archives here, wow, how’d I ever miss this one!
Lets not forget Milo and Marwyn, my and @gailcalled’s pets. The most popular and talked about pets on fluther.
We could open a pub called ” The cat and goose.” lol
I’ll tend bar! Scotch and soda, anyone?
I almost hate revisiting threads such as these, they make me miss so many jellies!.
I agree….all those old names brought back memories. :-)
I haven’t been here in ages, but it made me smile to see that this thread was one with 15 new answers.
@gailcalled has a cat, and she changed his name from Milo to Mllo at some point. Although I think my favorite interesting fact is that she once rode a dog.
At least three Flutherers have a pooch named Molly: myself, @chyna, & @Judi.
@tinyfaery has five cats, I believe. Favorite interesting fact, though, is that she is married and likes to subvert assumptions about this relationship, which seems to help people realize their often inadvertent prejudices.
Hm. I seem to remember pet factoids more than anything else. Weird.
I like UCME. He is such an honest person. Tells it how it is, and he’s usually right.
So many good folks still here! :-)
And we do have some new ones too :)
I’ll join in on the It’s nice to see this with new posts, since I too haven’t been very present. I’m much more busier than I used to be. Even more so, to the point where I can’t game as much as I’d like to either, lol. I’m now a Bartender of 4 years and a Professional (Since I usually don’t even perform unless payment is at hand.) musician. 2 Bands, a girlfriend (we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary on St. Patrick’s Day!!), tending bar 3 nights and 1 day a week keeps me pretty busy, although, I try to check back & at least read over some Qs & As here when I can.
**Also, to note, at one point a few years ago I was tending bar & playing with 5 bands. Whoa, did I not have time then. This was literally my day flow, Wake up, eat, band practice, band practice, work, sleep, repeat(yes, I tried to fit eat in there more, but sometimes I was running from practice to work and vice verse). With the only day shift being the exception on where in the day the practices were held. The bands were cycled from day to day. It was intense, lol.
@SuperMouse left soon after insulting me on a different thread. Did not know if she left right after but it was her last post on that thread, interesting; though not the favorite fact…..but interesting…...
^ Good, I certainly try to be as respectful no matter how hard the debate and keep petty insults far from it.
@ragingloli likes cats, and anime.
@ibstubro is in search of a question which will live on forever
@Pied_Pfeffer is still someone who really cares about individuals
@johnpowell lrets his toenails fly. He also likes sour cream, a lot.
@Here2_4 has just come here for a short time yet she knows a lot about Fluther.
I talk to people, like you. How did your practice go? Did you try the breathing like I suggested?
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