General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

US jellies: Will you vote in the midterm elections this November 2, 2010?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) September 24th, 2010

I actually enjoy voting. It makes me feel like I’m doing my part. It makes me feel like my voice counts. It’s one of the few times I really feel like I have some power. My side doesn’t always win, but I know I’ve done what I can. (I also write regularly to my elected officials.)

What do you think about voting? Do you do it or not? Why?

[I put this question in the general section on purpose. Let’s keep the comments civil, please. I’m not asking about voting preferences. I’m just curious about whether jellies will vote or not.]

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38 Answers

Seek's avatar

I might.

It’s pretty much useless in my county, though. Staunch conservatives outnumber everyone else by a good five-to-one. I guess I can get off my butt and cancel out someone, though.

jaytkay's avatar

Sure. I always vote. It’s free. It feels good.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I vote. If you don’t vote you don’t have the right to complain.

DominicX's avatar

Yes, I will. This is going to be my first time voting and of course, here in California, we’re voting for a new governor. :)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@DominicX : Congratulations on voting for the first time. Enjoy!

Katexyz's avatar

I only vote if there is a candidate who I support. I refuse to participate in “the lesser of two evils” style election that has become commonplace.

Just like you have to support everything someone you voted for does right :P

Randy's avatar

I don’t vote. I’m not even registered to do so. You really can’t believe what politicians say. You either observe them and get an idea of what they’re about or you blindly pick based off who you like better; essentially, it’s a popularity contest. I haven’t seen a politician in my entire life that is worth my vote.

@WestRiverrat That’s where you’re wrong. The first amendment, along with granting other freedoms, grants us the right to complain about anything, even if we didn’t take part in it.

tinyfaery's avatar

Of course. Even though deep down I think it’s a waste of time.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

I believe this video is always relevant.

@WestRiverrat, at two minutes, it touches upon – not voting = having the right to complain..

skfinkel's avatar

Yes, I always vote. I also work to get out the vote—regardless of the political slant of the county or state I am in. It seems that the only way anything will get done in this country is if we get the vote out, and it does make a difference. I find that I have no patience for those who don’t bother. It is the true failure of our democracy and education system when people don’t vote. They probably also don’t bother to write letters to the editor, or participate in any meaningful way in their community—it’s all of a piece. Perhaps they pay taxes, or maybe they try and get around that as well.

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TexasDude's avatar

I might, actually. I hate being forced to choose between douches and turd sandwhiches, but if there is a candidate that invigorates me on either side which I doubt I might just pull the lever for them.

I do write to my elected officials, though, and I’ve gotten some pretty friendly replies. mostly thanking them for voting to keep funding my scholarships and such

Oh yeah, and by the way

[mod says:] Stay on topic please, we are in general.

sleepdoc's avatar

I think we should always take the chance to vote. Even if we may not think our little voice is heard, we can educate ourselves on what is going on in our country(ies)

zenvelo's avatar

I always vote, even in the local school board elections held at weird times. And I agree with @WestRiverrat.

Nullo's avatar

I think that I will. One more hand on the brake of Runaway Progressivism.

tedibear's avatar

Yes, I will be voting. We have a governor’s race – although with two lousy choices – and a couple of local issues I want to vote on.

lillycoyote's avatar

I always do. I’m a kind of a voting nerd but this election is particularly important because I don’t want her, the Tea Bagger Flavor of the Month, to be our new Senator.

Kardamom's avatar

I have voted in every election since I was granted the privilege. It is in everyone’s own best interest to educate themselves about the topics and candidates in any election in which they are allowed to vote. If you don’t vote, you are letting other people make decisions for you, some of which may not be in your own best interest. It seems like the people who don’t vote also tend to be the biggest complainers. Although you have the “right” to complain, and it is not mandatory for people to vote, those people just look lazy and foolish when they don’t participate in the process and then scream about the results.

CMaz's avatar

Yes. It is what makes us Americans.

augustlan's avatar

I plan to this year. I haven’t voted in midterms in the past, but this year the stakes are very high.

wilma's avatar

Yes I always vote.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I vote in every election where I’m qualified to do so (no primaries, as I’m not affiliated with any party). Too many people died so that I could.

laureth's avatar

Absolutely I will. People fought and died for me to have this right.
(One more hand on the brake of runaway false conservatism.)

muppetish's avatar

Yes, I will be voting – I have never missed casting my vote :) Another Californian here. I still have a few questions I want to ask my candidates before I commit any votes… but I’m pretty settled on supporting the Libertarian party. I have been told this is “throwing a vote away” – I don’t care. I vote for whoever I agree with most and think will do the best job.

There are also propositions on the ballot, which I am normally more invested in than anything else.

Tuesdays_Child's avatar

I absolutely will vote, in fact, I usually work on the election board.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I probably will vote but it’s a very small thing of all the things I can and do do to improve life for people.

woodcutter's avatar

can’t. registered Indy…next time.

zenvelo's avatar

@woodcutter doesn’t matter in the general election how you’re registered- you still get to vote!

woodcutter's avatar

@zenvelo I was thinking of the primaries my bad, but there isn’t much to choose from when the time comes.

ETpro's avatar


Ron_C's avatar

I did and every candidate for whom I voted lost which is how it normally goes. In fact the only person I voted for, Obama won. I have not voted for a winning candidate (above local office) that won since the Reagan election. He caused me to switch to Democrat.

Strauss's avatar

I voted. I have voted in almost every election since I was of voting age. I consider it a valuable right. I also consider it my duty to express my feelings. I also feel if I don’t vote, I have no right to complain about what the elected officials in my town, state, or government do.

CMaz's avatar


Crap! Already did.

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