Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Who wants to wish a hearty Mazel Tov to laureth on attaining 20K?

Asked by janbb (63360points) September 25th, 2010

Consistently thorough, brilliant and responsible, laureth is one of the Jellies that make Fluther such a great place. Let’s raise a glass and eat some cake in her honor.

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68 Answers

marinelife's avatar

@laureth I am so glad that you are back! And you are so well-deserving of 20K hood! You are one of my favorite jellies. Your answers are so wise and compassionate.

mrentropy's avatar

Super happy 20K!

rebbel's avatar

Congratulations to the @laureate!
Good for you!

jaytkay's avatar

Hey, that’s great! Good job, Laureth!

erichw1504's avatar

@laureth Wow! Awesome! Amazing job. Here’s to another 20k!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Mazel Tov, Laureth!

liminal's avatar

I do, I do!!!

You do make this a great place! Congrats!

wilma's avatar

Congratulations laureth!
Nice job!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations Laureth! So glad you are here.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Congratulations @laureth!! Good work indeed. Thanks so much for your posts!

loser's avatar

Congrats!!! We lurve you!!!

iamthemob's avatar

You’re my life hero.

Kayak8's avatar

@Laureth: It was wonderful to wake up on a fall Saturday morning and log on to learn of your wonderful news! Just sets my day off on the right foot—Congratulations!

BoBo1946's avatar

One of the real nice person here.


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Can I wish it in Hawaiian? Okay then: “Ho’omaikai!”

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 20 grand! Nice work and see you soon!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Congratulations!! :))

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congratulations @laureth!!

Vunessuh's avatar

20k WOO! Congratulations! 8)

ETpro's avatar

Outstanding, Laureth! You bring so much to this forum. 20K Lurve is a richly deserved tribute to that fact.

zen_'s avatar

A hearty Mazel Tov!

See, Bubby, I do listen.

Nullo's avatar

Congratulations, Laureth! May your posts ever be rated well!

le_inferno's avatar

Wow, congrats! Keep up the good postin’

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Congratulations, laureth! I think you’re very cool and intelligent and awesome all around. I think if we ever got to meet, we’d have a lot in common.

Jude's avatar

Happy, happy! Joy, joy! Good to see you here!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Wooo hoooo! Look at this place? Vaulted ceilings, crown moulding, his and hers walk-ins even a bidet…....and the size of that pool! What a 20k mansion and can I borrow the butler on weekends?

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, yay! A heartfelt congrats to fluther’s voice of reason who doesn’t forget she has a heart. IMO, you are one of the best Jellies around. You rock.

augustlan's avatar

Laureth, you are one awesome jelly. Congratulations!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Congratulations my Jelly twin! I can’t say I’m surprised you made it to 20k in just two years. You are always a wonderful and inspiring Jelly and I am happy to say that we connected from very early on in our respective fluther careers!

faye's avatar

Congratulations! I always enjoy your posts.

Dr_C's avatar

Way to go @laureth!!!!!! a very well deserved 20k!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations to one super-fabulous jelly!

OreetCocker's avatar

Congratulations!! Nice work :-)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I look forward to seeing her friendly avatar in a thread, because I know that for all the humour inherent in her answers, somebody’s gonna get schooled, and how! ‘Cause she’s a smart cookie!

Congrats on 20K, and hip hip hooray for @laureth!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Congratulations, laureth! A well-deserved achievement to one of my favorite jellies. I admire your level-headedness and your eloquence and I always read your posts on a thread, finding myself agreeing and knowing you voiced it better than I could even begin to try. Congrats again, here’s to 20k more! :)

syz's avatar

Yay! Congratulations!

filmfann's avatar

Congrats Laureth! You are a wonderful contributer, and one of the reasons this site rocks!

weeveeship's avatar

Hooray for Laureth!

chels's avatar


Fred931's avatar

Crap, It’s been so long since I’ve been active on Fluther and I don’t know any of these new mansion-goers! I’m so sorry!

lillycoyote's avatar

Congratulations!!! And Mazel Tov from the Shiksa Treifus . Lobsters, coyotes, what’s the difference?

cookieman's avatar

Aw man – I LOVE @laureth! Hands-down, one of my all-time favorite jellies. I could only hope to be half as wise and grounded as she.

To a great jelly and a wonderful person – Mazel Tov!

MissAusten's avatar


Trillian's avatar

Congratulations! Sorry I’m late. I brought a bobka, if that helps….

aprilsimnel's avatar

Chocolate bobka? Enough for everyone? Hmm?

Trillian's avatar

You don’t think I’d bust up in here with Cinnamon do you? There’s plenty, dig in! You’ll be able to take some home. Honestly, I learned all I need to know about going to this type of event from Seinfeld!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations on an excellent milestone!

mangeons's avatar

Congrats laureth, you were one of the first jellies I knew here, and I’m glad to see you back around again. A well deserved milestone! :D

tedibear's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS, LAURETH!! You are one of the jellies whose answers I look forward to reading. Always helpful and well written. Way to go!

mattbrowne's avatar

Affengeil, astrein, atemberaubend, ausgezeichnet, außergewöhnlich, beachtlich, beeindruckend, bestens, bezaubernd, blendent, brilliant, cool, echt super, einwandfrei, entzückend, erstklassig, exquisit, extrem stark, exzellent, fabelhaft, fantastisch, fesselnd, fulminant, genial, gigantisch, grandios, großartig, göttlich, hammer stark, hervorragend, hinreißend, hip, klasse, knorke, krass, perfekt, prima, sagenhaft, saustark, sensationell, spitze, toll, top, traumhaft, unglaublich, verdammt gut, vortrefflich, vorz,üglich, weltklasse, wow, wunderbar, wundervoll.


janbb's avatar

Where is the birthday party girl?

Austinlad's avatar

@laureth… Mazel Tov and Yippee Ki-Yi-Yay !!!

janbb's avatar

Oh, that cowboy-rabbi!

laureth's avatar

I’m here and I’ve read everything, and thanks, folks, I’m touched, flattered, etc. – I just didn’t want to comment and get a zillion lurve just for having a 20K day. ;)

KatawaGrey's avatar

@laureth: You know everyone is going to give you lurve now, right? ;)

whatthefluther's avatar

A note-worthy and well earned milestone for a jelly whose contributions I find always worthy of note and very deserving of lurve. Congratulations @laureth !
See ya…...Gary/wtf

MissAnthrope's avatar

@laureth – Thbthbthbthbthbt!

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I was looking for a party and I found it! Congrats, laureth!

erichw1504's avatar

Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in lurve again
Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in lurve again
So dance, dance, like it’s the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in lurve again

Congrats @laureth!!

FutureMemory's avatar

Grats on the 20k!

Gamrz360's avatar

Grrrrreat job!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m very late to the party. Congrats @laureth! You have always been one of my favorite jellies. You ever try out those knee high socks? ;)


laureth's avatar

Hehehehe… still lookin’ for the right time. :)

flo's avatar

Congratulations laureth!!! Fantastic.

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