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Bishop Eddie Long -- what's your feelings about the "Prosperity Gospel" movement?
Bishop Long may or may not be guilty. That isn’t in question here. What is not in dispute is that he has grown very wealthy from his ministry. He lives in a mansion, has a chauffeur driven Bentley, is the biggest benefactor or the charity he founded and basically lives the lifestyle of a politically connected celebrity jet setter.
There are a list of multimillionaire preachers who have grown fabulously wealthy from parishioners contributions to “support their ministry”. Some have been proven to be guilty of sexual improprieties or criminal acts of other sorts, and others have not. Whether wealthy ministers are all sex addicts or not is also not the question here. What I am asking is how do you look at the whole idea of Prosperity Theology and getting fabulously wealthy in the name of Jesus? How can such an idea be put forward as legitimately following in the footsteps of Christ? Does God really provide material wealth to those he favors? If so, is the fact that Jesus was poor an indicator that God didn’t favor him?
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