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Dutchess_III's avatar

When was the last time you got the cr@& scared out of you?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 25th, 2010

I was painting under our kitchen sink, when my elbow hit the garbage disposal switch. The garbage disposal was right by my head and there is something in it that shouldn’t be. It fired up, rattling and screaming like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre! I hit my head jerking out from under the sink! Ow.

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24 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Wow DutchCat, that’s a hard one to top! When I was moving a few months back then while unscrewing an antique mirror from the back of it’s dresser, the thing slipped my grip and fell forward onto the floor, shattering all over. The glass was original, very thick and so very heavy and the big shards looked like daggers lying about. I was stupidly dressed in shorts and flip flops and very lucky not to have been sliced and scattered with glass. Just the sounds it made kept me holding still a few seconds before looking myself over.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Wow! No, that’s worse than mine because you could have been hurt! Mine was loud harmless.
I’m so sorry about the mirror. :( I love antiques. And how did you know my other name is DutchCat??!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I had a man walk into my house and upstairs into the bathroom where I was taking a shower.
Nothing has topped that since for me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG @lucillelucillelucille!! What was up with that??

Aster's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille My FIL did that to a neighbor when he, my FIL, got Alzheimer’s. They didn’t even know each other.

Aster's avatar

My H slipped and fell down on the concrete patio 4 days ago, injured his ribs and now is playing six holes of golf. Oh, that awful
THUD sound ; a nightmare to see, too! He got an xray but the GP couldn’t see any fractures.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Dutchess_III -This is crazy but I screamed him out of the house and managed to take a picture of him as he ran down the street all while holding a towel over myself on the front porch of my house (this happened in the middle of the day).When the police came,they asked me to describe him and I took the cop upstairs and printed a picture.They found him.I identified him from my porch and they took him away.I had to go to court and they gave him a restraining order.The prosecutor had an 8×10 picture in a folder he showed me when I went.He was trying to hold back from laughing as he must have heard the story.
Well,the most bizarre thing about this whole incident was that “he” lived directly behind me and I never saw him ever the whole time I lived there.His mother lived there alone,or so I thought.They have since moved away,and I haven’t showered with my gun for quite awhile.
@Aster-I would have felt better if he did have Alzeimer’s

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Dutchess_III: oh, come on now, this Bee knows everything! I saved the bakelite clips and wood frame background, maybe get another mirror cut to fit it one day. I was so sad but no time to fret over goodies right now :(

Austinlad's avatar

Once, when I was driving the back road from Sedona north to Flagstaff, I passed a car whose driver apparently didn’t like it. He passed me very close and drove about a quarter mile ahead, then abruptly did a u-turn (on the narrow two-lane road) and headed straight for me. I pulled over to the side and stopped, thinking he’d stop before he reached me, but he kept coming until he was within a few feet, then swerved, barely missing me, turned around again, drove past me a way, then repeated what he had the first time. When he passed me that second time, I hit the gas and raced ahead as fast as I could, knowing there was a turnoff to the expressway not far ahead. But the mountain air on that road is thin, and my car started missing—I couldn’t pick up any decent speed. He followed me closely for a few miles, and when I saw the turnoff, I did a fast right and got on the expressway. He didn’t follow me.

My heart raced for half an hour.

Aster's avatar

omg that is horrible, AL !! Wow!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Autinlad: That’s creepy scary awful.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

It was somewhere around 4 am and my cat woke me up by moving. I had to go to the bathroom so i went downstairs my cat still sleeping in my bed. It was pitch black. I didn’t turn on light because i didn’t want to wake anyone up. I was just going about my business and next thing i know something white comes sliding under the door followed by a bang. Stupid cat ran into the door and made me jump a foot and a half in the air.

Dutchess_III's avatar

MZZZVZZZZ!!!!! (I never can get the right number of Z’s!!) All this time, I had no idea it was you!!! Sheesh! OK, you know Rarebear is Benny and Naturally Me is Jelly B! Wow…Old Home moment. :)

@daytonamisticrip That’s funny! Sorry! But it’s funny!

@Austinlad Totally agree with @Aster…gives me the creeps to think of it.

MissAnthrope's avatar

It happens to me constantly.. I get really absorbed in what I’m doing and I don’t hear or see anything else. So someone will come into the room, I don’t notice, and then they say something and I jump a foot in the air and nearly pee my pants.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

@Dutchess_III yeah it is kinda funny considering I almost literally got the crap scared out of me by a small cat while i was on the toilet! After a few seconds of calming down i couldn’t help but silently laugh. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@daytonamisticrip That’s even funnier! least you were on the terlit when you got the crap scared out of you!! LOLing here!

@MissAnthrope Yeah…my ex once scared me on purpose when I was totally absorbed in something. My reaction was to throw an empty box at him in fear / anger. At which point he got angry with me. Clueless X.

Trillian's avatar

@daytonamisticrip and @Dutchess_III, I can remember as a kid going to the bathroom at night at my gramma’s house. I felt something brush my leg around calf level and I nearly went through the roof. Fortunately, I was coming babk from the br, or there would have been a problem. It was the cat. I thought “That darn Cat” to myself, then realized there was a movie by that title. I went limp for laughing and relief because for a moment I was really terrified. One of those things that a witness would simply not get.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Trillian It’s always one of those ‘You have to be there.’ I got the livin’ crap scared out of me by the convergence of a vacuum cleaner and a flexible hair accessory that had a piece of fishing line wrapped around the middle of it. It was a good five minutes before I calmed down and got my wits back (Really…I thought my vacuum cleaner had swallowed a demon….!!) But every time I tell the story people are just scratching their heads going “She’s nuts!” just have to be there!

anartist's avatar

When the opposition lawyer came up really close and yelled a non-question question in my face to prevent me from answering a question that he did not want me to answer on the stand at the climax of my five-year lawsuit. Regrettably, it worked.

Austinlad's avatar

@Aster, @Neizvestnaya and @Neizvestnaya and @Dutchess_III—it was creepy. Like a Stephen King story. I really thought I was a goner. I guess he was just trying to scare me… and boy, did he !!!

YARNLADY's avatar

I woke up to the 16 month old grandson crying. I went in to get him, and he wasn’t there. I followed the sound and found him standing outside the dog door in the back yard. That very expensive pool fence we had installed paid for itself in that moment. I almost had a heart attack.

I bought a couple of new baby gates for his room and the hallway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Austinlad I’ve been thinking about that all morning! That would have to be the WORST.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

@Austinlad I would have f***ers license plate number and got police on his tail!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@daytonamisticrip They picked him up….it’s in @Austinlad‘s prior post….

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