Social Question

Jude's avatar

It's 56 degrees here! What's it like where you are and who has their warm woolies on?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 26th, 2010

I had to drag in my hibiscus plants, shut the windows and pop on the heat. It was colder than a witches tit at my place.

Who’s up for a jellyfish group schnuggle to help keep warm? <wiggles tentacles>

“Listen! the wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”
- Humbert Wolfe

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59 Answers

muppetish's avatar

96°F – I am in light clothing, have the fan running, and wish the sun would disappear.

If someone wishes to import me to their cold weather area, I promise to be snuggly and chummy as possible.

faye's avatar

Supposed to rain here today but was 22 yesterday. My plants have been in for 2 weeks -5 or more below at night for a week.

Jude's avatar

@muppetish It’ll tells James to fly the jet on ova’ and pick you up. You can come and snuggle with me!

@faye Ah, Cancuck weather, haha..

HungryGuy's avatar

78°F. Not brutally hot, but uncomfortable for me. I like it cool.
I’m inside with the air on at 68°F .

faye's avatar

Though this next week is supposed to be very warm. I had finally go my big duvet out.

BoBo1946's avatar

80 with low humidity! perfect.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

80. Give it a couple hours and it’ll be 90. I’m sooooo ready for some 50s-70s weather. Which’ll last a week before getting down to the 30s. I hate the weather here so much…

ChocolateReigns's avatar

We got our first freeze last night. It’s exactly 58* right now. I wish it’d go back to 70–80.

marinelife's avatar

It’s in the high 60s here. Such a change from yesterday when it was 89 degrees!

wilma's avatar

52° Fahrenheit, and cloudy.
No heat on yet this year, I just add another quilt to the beds and wear a sweater all day.

kenmc's avatar

Upper 50’sF here too. And pretty damn windy. I can dig it.

DominicX's avatar

80 degrees and sunny. It’s Indian summer here. I couldn’t ask for more. :D

MacBean's avatar

It’s 66 degrees here currently. I have the window open and I’m not wearing pants. I’m happy. :D

free_fallin's avatar

67 here!!!!!!!! Finally. It’s been so hot. It’s raining, too! :D

le_inferno's avatar

I’m in Baltimore and it’s still been summer weather here. A couple of brutally hot days recently, but it was sunny with a high of 80 for about a straight week. It was lovely :)
The weather report for the next 10 days shows temps finally dipping into low 70s and mid 60s.

Aster's avatar

low eighties w/air conditioning running. )-:

tinyfaery's avatar

Heat wave in L.A. this weekend. In my neck of the woods it’s supposed to make it to 110F today.

muppetish's avatar

@tinyfaery My dad just told me about the heatwave a few minutes ago. This is the one thing I hate about going back to school in fall.

@MacBean You know you have been watching too much British telly if you do a spit-take when someone says they aren’t wearing pants.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It is 58F here, I busted out my slippers and an afghan. Love it. :) Unfortunately it was 92F and humid 2 days ago, then in the 40s yesterday so I think I’m getting sick now.

nikipedia's avatar

It’s 98F here! Not a great day for a race!

AstroChuck's avatar

91 today in Sactown.

Coloma's avatar

Indian summer thing over this way, zoomed up from the mid 70’s to the mid -90’s this week.

But…cooling off quickly after dark and cool mornings.

Nice breeze too.

YARNLADY's avatar

A record hot day is predicted for tomorrow – 104 degrees. Today it will probably peak in the high 90’s. My air conditioner is already on, and I had to close all the doors and windows.

AstroChuck's avatar

@YARNLADY- It might get to 100 but it ain’t gonna be no 104. My bet is high 90’s.

YARNLADY's avatar

@AstroChuck They’ve revised it to 102 now, and I don’t doubt it will be at least that here in ‘the Heights’.

Austinlad's avatar

70 in Austin. That’s 37 degrees cooler than the high this summer… and a pretty typical evening temp for this time of year. Yaaaaay autumn !!!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We pushed towards another 110, I almost cry now if I see some clouds or light sprinkles.

MacBean's avatar

@muppetish Everything I’ve been watching lately is British, as well. Take that as you will. ;)

Coloma's avatar


Where is it 110? OMG! My sympathies!

rowenaz's avatar

60’s F and i’m loving it – shorts and tshirts. The weather was just too dry and hot this summer, I’m living it up before the snow comes.

filmfann's avatar

high 90’s. I was really hoping summer was over.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

My computer says its a comfortable 27 here, although it feels closer to 22.

Coloma's avatar

A luscious big breeze has kicked up over here, extremely nice evening right now!

Jabe73's avatar

It was chilly for a week, then very hot and humid for 2 days and now back to much cooler weather again. Mid 60’s for average highs today and the rest of the week. Possible frost at night.

@FireMadeFlesh Are you talking 27 degrees celsius?

deni's avatar

Its too fuckin hot. It’s almost October, and it was like…90? here today? It’s not like I’m living in Miami. I want fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to wear a flannel!! I walked outside today and in 5 minutes time dropped 10 lbs in sweat.

chocolatechip's avatar

@faye GA for using Celsius.

faye's avatar

@chocolatechip Thanks. I grew up in Fahreheit so I still know it better though.

downtide's avatar

Bah. 57 degrees is warm for this time of the year, in the UK. It’s only been up to the 60s/low 70s all summer, I don’t think we ever had 2 days in a row where it got past 75. We had the coldest July and the coldest August on record.

faye's avatar

@downtide you have outside temp in F? Don’t I hear Jamie Oliver cooking in Celsius?

chocolatechip's avatar

Isn’t the US the only place in the world that still uses F?

downtide's avatar

@faye We use Celsius here but seeing as the majority of people in the thread are using F, I converted it. And actually, the switchover to C in the UK happened late enough in my life that I still think in F. If someone tells me a temperature in C I have to convert it for myself anyway.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@Jabe73 Yes, I’m talking in Celsius. I don’t understand Fahrenheit, and I can’t convert it in my head.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

106 today, it won’t cool down until the end of October. I’m with the others who miss bundling up in fall clothes, sipping delicious hot drinks, eating oven baked meals and snuggling with sweeties in front of fireplaces. In warm weather then there’s only so much clothing you can remove, only so close you can get to another live human body, etc.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Neizvestnaya I’m excited for that too. I have a REAL fireplace for the first time EVER, and I’m sooooo excited to use it. Plus, I just got back from the fabric store, and I bought all these cool autumn fabrics for making fall skirts. I think maybe this year I’ll learn how to make hot toddies…

tinyfaery's avatar

Today was the hottest day in recorded history in Downtown L.A. It reached 109F where I live.

Jude's avatar

It’s 65 here right now and I have socks on.

We need a happy medium here.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@mama_cakes 65 is the perfect temperature. If it could be no lower than 60 in the winter (mid-40s at night) and no higher than 70 in the summer, that would be perfect perfect perfect for me.

AstroChuck's avatar

@tinyfaery- I heard it was 113 F in downtown Los Angeles today.

Btw, it only got up to the high 90’s here. Come up and cool off a bit. :)

Coloma's avatar

Was not nearly as hot as ‘they’ projected, and a nice cool evening is here now.
Do not follow the weather gods, last winter they predicted maybe a dusting of snow and I got 16 inches. Yeah…blow it out your barometer. lol

YARNLADY's avatar

@AstroChuck @Coloma The temperature was a real let down after all the hype. It didn’t even reach 100 here. I was out in the shade for an hour this afternoon with the boys.

nikipedia's avatar

It is hell here in OC. I am in hell. This may only be the first ring, but it is definitely hell. I am torn between going skinny dipping in the ocean and making ice cold margaritas to cool off. Did I mention this is Dante’s fucking inferno. What did I do to deserve this. I am in hell.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@nikipedia OC = Ocean City MD, USA? If not, where are you?

nikipedia's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer: Orange County, California. Usually paradise. Today, all my gloating catches up to me.

Ron_C's avatar

High of 53 F and low 35 F, cloudy and rain with a chance of snow tonight. All the leaves are off the trees and it will soon get dark at around 1630. We have already had 3 snow storms that fortunately melted away pretty quickly but it will start sticking later this month. There are some years when I don’t see my driveway from November until the beginning of April. This is not my favorite time of the year.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

We’ve still got mid 70’s during the day.

Coloma's avatar

66 today and my feet were hot. haha Almost kicked off my shoes while driving. Storm coming tomorrow and freezing by Sat. morning with snow showers. Only In the California mountains.

tinyfaery's avatar

Low 70’s. Nice, clear fall day with just a hint of nip in the air.

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