Social Question

Jude's avatar

If you could change your gender for one week, would you?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 27th, 2010

Yes, this was asked before, but, that was a long time ago.

So, if you would, would activities would you participate in?

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107 Answers

mickhock's avatar

Is this a hypothetical question ?

MissA's avatar

I wouldn’t change…I’m having enough of a time in this gender!

MissA's avatar


Wouldn’t that pretty much be a given?

rebbel's avatar

Yes, i would.
I would ask what my boyfriend was thinking of and if my arse looked massive in this jeans.~
And i would shave of my beard.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, sure. I think I would use my looks to get an undeserved place in life with a lot of money and possibly fame……...just being honest.

MissA's avatar


What if you were a very unattractive female?

janbb's avatar

Yes sure – I would love to see what having a penis feels like. (Not to mention the manly power.)

TexasDude's avatar


but only so I could figure out the best possible ways to make and keep women happy

Oh, that came off creepier than I meant it to.

Tink's avatar

I’d give it a try. I wouldn’t participate in any other activities I don’t do now, mostly because I’m a lazy person. I would also enjoy what it feels like not having boobs, I dislike these things! It’d be interesting using the bathroom too.

FutureMemory's avatar

Sure. It would be interesting to have tits.

edit: not so sure I’d like to have things rammed up me, but you never know…

rebbel's avatar

You could take @Tink‘s “I would also enjoy what it feels like not having boobs, I dislike these things!”

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I would have said ‘no’ until I read @janbb ‘s response. Having a penis for a week would answer a lot of questions.

Gamrz360's avatar

No, no, no, no

mickhock's avatar

@future Nothing better than looking down the garden on a spring morning and seeing a nice pair of tits ? We have a pair nest in our garden every year. Maybe if you just move to the country instead of a sex swap ?

muppetish's avatar

Gender or biological sex? Sorry to be nit-picky… but it does have an impact on how some might answer.

If you are referring to our physical biology, as I think you are – I wouldn’t object to a week-long experimentation in a different body.

chyna's avatar

@Blackberry It hasn’t worked for me…
Yes I would change places for a week. As @Tink said, to get rid of these boobs, and to feel what it’s like to do the same job as a woman and be paid more money.

Jude's avatar

To answer my own question, yes. I’d love to know how it feels to have a giant schlong and would masturbate and have sex like crazy. :D

Blueroses's avatar

It would be fun to see how the other side lives but I don’t know about a whole week. Boys smell bad and they have cooties.

wundayatta's avatar

Nope. Not interested. Not one bit.

janbb's avatar

@Blueroses You’re cute and you know your movies!

MissA's avatar


How would you guarantee a “giant sch…”?

MissAnthrope's avatar

@mama_cakes – Yeah, pretty much what you said.

Blueroses's avatar

@janbb aww, thanks!
It would give some insight to change for a day. Those dangly bits seem awkward, I’m not sure how they live with ‘em. Also, I might finally understand why plastic boobs are attractive and why the 3 Stooges are funny.
The giant schlong reminds me of the joke where the cowboy wishes he was hung like his horse then realizes he’s riding a gelding.

Austinlad's avatar

No thanks. I’ve never had a hankerin’ no desire to be a cowgirl.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

I’d so do it.

Ok every reason I have come up with sounds really creepy so I will just leave it at that.

Jeruba's avatar

I’d still give the same answer.

Cruiser's avatar

For just a week?? Sure! Do I get to pick out my boobs?? ;)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Cruiser No, you do not, just like the rest of us, unless you have an operation within that week, be it an augmentation or reduction. I don’t recommend spending your week that way. There are more important things to experience.

chyna's avatar

@Cruiser Your boobs have to be age appropriate. If you’re in your 40’s, you get 40 year old sagging boobs.

chubbychu's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

I would like an official ruling on my question here!! @mama_cakes!!

jrpowell's avatar

I would be down. I have always wondered what the intensity of a females orgasm is when compared to a males.

Jude's avatar

Sorry, @Cruiser forty year old funbags is what you get..

waa waaaaaah

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d do it only if I could also change my biological sex. Gender bending has been fun before but not quite what I’m after.

Blueroses's avatar

Wait. There are rules?
Well dang. I only wanted to play in this hypothetical world if I got to choose my boy parts.

janbb's avatar

@Blueroses What – did you think you get to go to the penis store?

Blueroses's avatar

@janbb That’s absolutely what I thought! And at least let @Cruiser browse the clearance “racks”. lol

chyna's avatar

I want to go to the penis store… just saying…

janbb's avatar

@Blueroses This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Hell yes, I would. I asked a similar question a long time ago on here. I can’t remember if I answered my own question or not.

I’m already jealous of the fact that guys can pretty much pee anywhere when they have to go. And I would definitely masturbate, and have sex just to see what it felt like. With a guy or girl, I don’t care. My curiosity would probably be enough for me to get it up either way. Above all though, I would absolutely be interested to see how different life is for men. In a way, there are a lot of benefits – but in others, not so much. I’m a pretty loving and emotional person, so life as a man might be really hard for me.

mrrich724's avatar

Yes. I’d masturbate the whooooole time and be slutty. And get guys to buy me free drinks at bars.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I had a dream once where I became a dude. I spent the entire dream jerking off. That’s probably what I’d do.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would take my 4 foot long penis golfing XD

sliceswiththings's avatar

I would also eat a ton of junk food because it seems that guys my age never gain weight!!

wundayatta's avatar

@mrrich724 Just remember that if you are being slutty, it’s because you are fucking men.!

tragiclikebowie's avatar

@sliceswiththings I’ve had a couple dreams like that. I’d probably do the same.

Jabe73's avatar

Well since it would be just for a week (and if I could be anonymous or not actually have to date any guys) I would be willing to try it. I would do it to see if my outlook would be the same because of the brief gender change (they say men & women think differently). I would do it to see for myself.

Seek's avatar

Can I choose the week?

(says the PMS-y female)

Jude's avatar

Alright, I am on prescription allergy meds and I had to take three today, so, I’m a bit high at the moment. Guys, you can have some bigg’uns and ladies you can have your Dirk Digglers. Yay! Let’s get this party started!

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I will take my 40 year old fun bags and still out drive you and your 4 foot penis!! KYA!

chyna's avatar

^wow, the gauntlet has been thrown down!^

Jude's avatar

And, I’ll set up my tripod (legs/3 foot penis) and take pictures.

When not talking photos, I tuck it in my left boot.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser-Figures you’d need two clubs to drive the ball.
could you step off my massive member,please?

Jude's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille is like the female eponymoushipster (jelly from long ago), but, less hairy!

wundayatta's avatar

It’s fascinating how many women have mentioned that they want to know what it’s like for a guy to masturbate. It must look like a hell of a lot of fun. I don’t get it, though. Women can masturbate a guy under the table while reading Homer in the original Latin.

Hmmm. That doesn’t sound right. What I meant was that, orgasm for orgasm, a woman could out-masturbate a guy and read Homer in the original Latin at the same time.

Seek's avatar

<- has masturbated while reading Homer. It was in English though, does that count?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mama_cakes Didn’t know him.Should I be afraid? XD

wundayatta's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Only if we’re in competition. :-0

Jude's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille he always brought the funny. Nothin’ to be afraid of!

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Figures you would need two balls to drive the club!

Blueroses's avatar

There’s a competition? Just wait ‘til I get back from the penis store. and pick up Homer

mrrich724's avatar

@wundayatta i forgot . . . i’d be a lesbo slut.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser—They are just there for decoration.—

wundayatta's avatar

Yes. It’s Masturbation Nation, and it’s the world masturbation championships (don’t ask why it’s “nation”—legacy thing). It’s the jerk-off jamboree. It’s the pussy pulling weeny wagging auto-erotic superbowl!

Send in your applications soon, complete with details on your extreme masturbation experiences. Tryouts will be held in cities around the world. The best of the best will compete with each other in a 24 hour televised masturbatathon, with the winner chosen by a panel of judges with trained palates. Viewer voting will also be included.

Applications for judge positions are also being taken.

Cruiser's avatar

—@lucillelucillelucille Well tee them up…even with 2 balls I will still KYA!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Note to self…kick self in balls XD

Blueroses's avatar

@wundayatta My new goal is to work “pussy pulling weeny wagging auto-erotic superbowl” into conversation.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@wundayatta – It does look like fun. I’d enjoy playing with the new equipment – constantly – and I’d hook up with guys and girls just to feel everything. Part of me also reeeeaaallly wants to know what it’s like to have the most sensitive part of my body inside a woman. I bet it feels amazing.

I don’t know if I’d want to keep it, but a week is the perfect length of time to give it a good try-out.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

This is getting hot. Just sayin.

faye's avatar

As long as I could be a younger, good looking hunk, you bet!!a Mr studley

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I am finding this q more difficult to answer lately.

Brian1946's avatar


“Wouldn’t that pretty much be a given?”

I agree, unless mama_cakes is offering reversible gender-change surgeries. ;~)

Brian1946's avatar

I’d do it if I could switch BS’s with my wife.

Exclusive of our BS-specific equipment, I wonder which of our other physical attributes would get transposed; or could we just swap minds?

Blackberry's avatar

@MissA Oh…...I was assuming that wouldn’t happen lol. I’d probably just bang a buncha guys : )

SamIAm's avatar

yessss! that’d be awesome!

iammia's avatar

Hell yeah, i’d be a complete man-whore for a week!

MissA's avatar

I kinda get all caught up in the “what if’s” every time I think about having hangy down parts.

It would be interesting to note which head rules most of the time. Just sayin’.

augustlan's avatar

I would do it in a heartbeat. Not just for the sex funsies (though that would be awesome), but for the entire experience.

whatthefluther's avatar

Certainly…..I would do darn near anything for Sherry. And, at the end of the week, if I were to bring home new or more finely tuned methods and techniques, that will provide her maximum pleasure and absolutely drive her wild, I would think that would be wonderful. However, Sherry has strongly suggested that I spend my time with only the finest and most adept gentlemen lovers in the world (because anything less would be a waste of my time), and that I should be ecstatic, not disappointed, to find there is nothing new or improved to be learned out there.
I think that is a compliment, but I am quite tired…..I think we both need to spend more time actually sleeping in bed.
See ya…...Gary/wtf

Deja_vu's avatar

Not a week, perhaps a few hours. As for the activities I would participate in? Maybe some streaking just for shits and giggles, things like that.

Frenchfry's avatar

I would love to pee standing up, anywhere. Whip it out. Write my name in the snow.

ucme's avatar

Okay fashionably late, as is befitting of a lady. I’d want a little more than a week. Wow would I be picky on which men get some of my action. I mean i’d be too busy playing with myself to give a shit about those hairy arsed buggers anyhoo. I would literally never stop looking at & fondling my tits. Oh & it’s a safe bet my fingers would be taking a trip to clitoris city. Then there’s the dressing up & applying make up & walking as if my hips & arse were run on pistons. I would name myself Fanny, yes Fanny Legsakimbo sounds about right. Make it come true, purleeze!!! :¬)

Seek's avatar

Miss @ucme fancies herself a Bond Babe, with a name like that. ^_^

ucme's avatar

Yesh she doesh Mish Sheek. That’sh very persheptive of you i musht shay :¬)

wundayatta's avatar

What does it say about us that most people think about diddling with their wanky bits for this thought exercise. Few to none are talking about experiencing the cultural difference. I hate to say it, but if I did decide to switch, it would definitely be for the cultural experience. I am not interested in have a man’s wiggly thing in my mouth.

janbb's avatar

@wundayatta But – if you were a woman, you might be. Isn’t that an intriguing thought?

chyna's avatar

@wundayatta But what about having a man’s wiggly thing in your va jay jay?

wundayatta's avatar

Well, here’s the problem, the whole point of this exercise is to experience something else. That means I will have the same set of experiences and feelings and prejudices as I do as who I am now. As who I am now, I don’t want to have anything to do with another guy’s dick. Especially not some guy I picked up at a bar. It would take a lot longer than a week for me to even start to consider the idea of just going on a date with a guy, much less bringing him home.

I would be a man in a woman’s body, not a woman. Hell, it would probably take me a week just to learn how to walk and pee without making a mess; God forbid I should be having a period (although most likely I’d be past that). That’s another thing: I’d be a woman of a certain age (at least in looks), so even if I wanted to, I might not be able to nab me a man.

So wiggly things and anything having to do with a man… no way. If anything, I might consider a lesbian experience. I bet my partner would be able to tell there was a man inhabiting the feminine body of her lover.

janbb's avatar

@wundayatta So you’re thinking your sex would change but your gender wouldn’t? Interesting thought.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I wouldn’t be interested under wun’s terms. But I would probably learn more that way. I’d want more than one week. The odds are nearly 25 percent that it would be that time of the month.

wundayatta's avatar

@janbb Yes, I think I would be a man in a woman’s body.

If the change could somehow make me into a woman in a woman’s body… well, I guess I wouldn’t really care to do it because when I came back to my body and my maleness, whatever I did as a woman would seem totally foreign and disturbing to my sense of self. I think.

I suppose if I found myself switched unwillingly, I would try to make the best of it. It would be very confusing because I would have this memory of being a man with a man’s sensibility, even if I did have a woman’s sensibility laid over that. Interesting challenge for a writer, I think.

janbb's avatar

@wundayatta For a take on that from a writer’s perspective, try reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf.

wundayatta's avatar

@janbb I saw the movie a while back. I don’t know how well it related to the book, but I don’t recall getting all that much out of it.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@wundayatta – I know I didn’t mention it in my post, because.. well.. I’ll be honest, having a penis and getting to play with it would be a main highlight. I think everyone has their own perspective and, being a lesbian and getting intimate with women, obviously there are some limitations (easy and enjoyable to work around, but limitations nonetheless). One ex of mine, she and I had the most mind-blowing sexual connection and we talked a fair amount about kind of wishing we had a penis sometimes. I don’t know how to describe it, but I was so into her, so in love.. giving her pleasure was over-the-moon awesome, yet I wanted so badly to know what it would be like to really feel her. With all my feelings for her, I could only imagine it being supremely amazing.

So, yeah, the sexual part is a bit of a fixation, I admit.. but not my entire reasoning for being so willing. I’m definitely curious to see first-hand what it’s like to be a guy in the world, if it’s anything like I imagine. The social/psychological aspects are fascinating to me, as well. I think it’d be kind of fun to roll into a bar and try to pass myself off as ‘one of the guys’ and see how well I do. I think I could pull it off.

As for the sexuality/gender switch, I don’t think that’d be a big deal for me. First of all, when thinking of my gender now, I don’t really feel like a man OR a woman – I feel like both. So being in a guy’s body for a week wouldn’t be a huge shock, it’d be a fun exploration. I really don’t have much interest in dating guys now and that probably wouldn’t change with my gender; however, I strongly suspect that if I had a penis, I’d be completely open to the various forms of pleasure. Or at least I would be if the equipment was new and I was only trying it out for a week. So, I wouldn’t date guys then, either, but I’d sleep with them. Shooooot, I’d probably let just about anyone play with it if they wanted to. :P

free_fallin's avatar

Yeah, I would do it. I agree with @DrasticDreamer‘s response.

wundayatta's avatar

@MissAnthrope Great Answer—especially for the insight you provide on what it’s like to be inside you! Bravo! I always thought the strap-on was a kind of fetish, used mainly in porn to reassure men that their penises are needed so badly, that women will accept and use a fake if no real penis is available.

Now the idea that a lesbian might want a penis to help pleasure her lover and herself is quite fascinating. It kind of raises the issue of what it means to be a lesbian; in specific: would it be possible for a man to be a lesbian? I hope you don’t mind, but I have to ask a question.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@wundayatta – I don’t mind, I just don’t want to derail the thread, so I’ll try to answer as briefly as I can.

I go through the world as not your traditional woman (i.e. I am not overly feminine, don’t wear make up, don’t usually wear women’s clothing, don’t conform to many beauty standards, etc.), so it’s interesting to see how that affects people’s behavior toward me. Thankfully, being a woman, I get a lot more leeway socially for not conforming to gender standards than I would if I were a guy. No one seems to think it super weird, they just kind of roll with it and deal with it in their own way.

Guys, I’ve noticed, don’t seem to consciously recognize how different male and female brains are. I have a more male brain, or at least more logical, analytical brain, and I usually find myself taking the ‘guy’ role in relationships. This works for me.. I didn’t like it when I first came out, but I’ve come to embrace and enjoy it. But it’s funny, I’m like any typical guy in a relationship with a woman.. often perplexed by irrational, emotional behavior and unsure what to do about it.

Anyway, with guys, they tend to view me as ‘one of the guys’ because I don’t present a feminine appearance and because I like women. I’m fine with this for the most part, but not 100% comfortable. The main difference is I strongly dislike the pervy vibe so many guys give off when checking out or discussing women. I’m fine with being ‘one of the guys’ until they start getting gross and then I’m completely turned off and have to remove myself from the situation.

My point is, even though I’m ‘guy-like’ in a lot of ways, I am still a woman and I still have a woman’s brain. It’s easier to sort out what parts of me are male than which are female.. it’s easy enough to say I’m reasonable, emotionally stable, and logical.. the female part is more subtle. Most women, I think, can identify when I talk about female relationships, compassion, maternal feelings, having situations bring up strong emotions, etc.. I don’t know why, but it’s harder for me to describe the experience of being a woman. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, though, I love women, I love their brains (as perplexing as they are sometimes), I love the sisterhood, all of that.

My point here is that it’s nearly impossible to escape your brain wiring. Some of my male friends have joked in the past that they are lesbians, too. And I always sigh and say, No, you’re a straight male. Because liking women doesn’t make you a lesbian, being a woman liking women makes you a lesbian.

Now, granted, there is a gradient for just about everything. You’ll find stone butch ladies that are just as manly as your average truck driver. I know one guy who should totally have been born in a woman’s body because I think he is even more of a lesbian than I am. It’s ridiculous! The humorous part is that he keeps falling for lesbians, too.. so he may very well have a lesbian brain. ;)

chyna's avatar

@MissAnthrope You just reminded me of something my ex-husband said to me once: “How can you have boobs and not just play with them all day?”

MissAnthrope's avatar

@chyna – I know, I have heard that one a lot from guys.. I always tell them they’re not so fun when they belong to you. :)

wundayatta's avatar

I think part of that male attitude has to do with the symbolism of various body parts. Just as cocks seem to be somewhat sacred in the imaginations of women as a fetish of maledom, breasts are equally fetishistic of men. The idea of having breasts to fondle 24/7 is the fantasy of having women there to serve your every sexual whim 24/7. This last, no matter how accomplished the women might be, would surely come to bore all men at some point.

downtide's avatar

Interesting question. I would far rather change my biological sex and leave my (mental) gender the way it is, then at least they would match. But I sure as hell wouldn’t want to give the male body back after a week. Hell no, I’m keeping it!

The other way round is more interesting. Would I want to change my mental gender to female, but leave my body the way it is now? Again, they would match. But would I be happy? I don’t know. Probably not.

Blueroses's avatar

Oh. Please don’t tell me I’ve been wasting my time enjoying the fact that I have boobs! Yeah, they can be a hindrance but they are also fun and useful at times. I wouldn’t permanently trade them for a cock any day.
I would like to see the difference in the way my ideas are treated if I had a large wang instead of large breasts for a week (if I ran out of tissues and got tired of fapping)


Seriously I wouldn’t. I enjoy being a man too much and I’m proud of being one. Sure there are a lot of pressures of being male, and a lot of negative people like to make fun of us guys sometimes, but the power of being a man and the pleasures that come with it exceed the bad points by a mile.

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