Have you ever invented a saying or catch phrase?
What was it and what does it mean?
Did it catch on with other people?
How long were others saying it for?
Is it still used today by you or others around you?
How did you come about creating this saying or catch phrase?
What were the short term or long term effects of it?
If you never have, create one now!
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49 Answers
Yes I was saying “You Putz”. Long before I ever heard it in movies or by anyone else.
Yeah when some mishap occurs I,ve been known to utter shit, bugger, fart!!
My friend and I created “Upincheeya!” when we were teenagers. Don’t really know what it means, but I guess it is a combination of the saying “Up in here”. We used to yell it aloud throughout the neighborhood. We were strange folk.
A recent one I am trying to coin is “Wing-wang”. A slang term for the penis.
Okay, I say “Bob on” far too frequently, and I have yet to meet anyone who’s heard it before… although it makes perfect sense to me, so it must have come from somewhere???
(It’s the same meaning as spot on. In my head I imagine it comes from “bob” being a monetary value, and therefore if something is “bob on” then it’s exactly right, and therefore worth the money….... okay, I’ll get my coat.)
I thought I invented “fashion police” in 1992. My pals and I were walking down the street in NYC near Central Park when Lord, love a duck we spotted a woman dressed in a one-piece lime green shorts jumper… thing, black fishnet stockings, white 4” strappy sandals, a good two inches of salt and pepper roots from her bleached blonde head, turquoise and pink eye shadow and just troweled on make-up, anyway. She had to have been about 65.
Now, I was younger and ruder then, so as we walked past this woman walking her little Pekingese, I cupped my mouth with my hands, made the emergency sound and said aloud, “Woo!Woo!Woo! Fashion Police! Pull over! Pull over! You’re under arrest!”
The woman looked around to see who we were talking about. :|
I’m sure some genius came up with the phrase before me, but I don’t recall it being widely used before the 1990s.
“putz” is a borrowing from Yiddish. It’s been in English since 1928.
I thought I made up “mook”. Then I saw The Lion King, and Timon calls Pumbaa a “mook.” I was all “Hey, you stole my word!”
My husband and his friends had this whole little language when they were young. The surviving words are “bart”, and “woop”. “Woop” means “really, really, really bart”. “Bart” is a kind of generic negative statement.
“Oh man, I dropped my cake. That’s bart”,
“You won’t get me a beer? You’re so bart!”
You: “Wanna watch Celebrity Apprentice?” Me: “Uh, woop.”
But I had never heard anyone use it like I did for years.
What was it and what does it mean? – Chillax, it means chill, take it easy, breathe! and stop stressing things.
Did it catch on with other people? – yes my friends are now all the time using it.
How long were others saying it for? The’ve been saying it for about a month now or so…
Is it still used today by you or others around you? I use it everysingle day and my friends too.
How did you come about creating this saying or catch phrase? I don’t really know it all of a sudden just happened.
What were the short term or long term effects of it? – huh?
@Thesexier When did you “create” the word chillax? Because I heard it probably 10 years ago where I came from. And I’m sure many other people have heard and used it before.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure “chillax” is older than you, @Thesexier
@harple that’s a northern term, we up in lancashire say that an awful lot!
I used to says pants all the time (meaning rubbish or oops!) and everyone used to laugh at me.. but now it’s a really common phrase round our end!
@sakura yay! thank you! I’m glad I’m not going mad after all! Good old fluther!
I am wrong on this Fluther where ever I go or what ever I do so I am used to it. I just had never heard it before and certainly how I use it until Grumpy Old Men. Sorry about that I think I need to refrain from responding.
Not me, but my wife. About forty years ago, “It’s the real thing” Yes, she was working a a Coke bottling plant long before they used it as a tag line.
Oh, me——> how about “Just do it”. Forty five years ago.
I could point out something here for someone and I know where the statement came from but I won’t it is fine the way things are.
Apparently I have, just this week. A friend of mine observed that you can add the suffix ”-ed” to almost any noun and it will, to an Englishman, become a euphemism for getting drunk (eg, hammered, trolleyed, rat-arsed, etc). He gave a few examples, and I came up, totally at random, with “I’m going out to get totally catflapped tonight.” My friend thought it was epic, and has stolen it for his own personal use. :)
@harple my father and his family (who are from Norfolk) use “bob on” all the time.
@JustmeAman it’s not a big deal. I’m sorry if I offended you. I am sometimes too pedantic.
“I smell your fart”.
it means: “Oh I get it.” or “I grasp what you just said”.
I don’t like swear words which are mostly used to degrade other people, so I suggested using Plutoid, a planet which was degraded rather than the usual anatomical/sexual words that are misappropriated, but it didn’t catch on.
means “just do it”, or “go for it.”
(air quote) Making cookies (air quote)
= masturbating or having sex.
Lol @erichw1504 Sorry ..but I’ve been using the term “wing-wang” for years :P
I make up words all the time…. but they usually only catch on with my close friends.
“Bugger that, says Pengy.” My husband made me a t-shirt with my saying on it, but I can’t say it really caught on in the wider world.
A couple of years back I started saying to my sister “I’m walking right beside you” meaning, I totally understand and support what you are saying. She liked my little phrase but adjusted it slightly to “I’m flying right beside you.” In my small world it stuck and the family uses it fairly frequently no. Now, I do not claim to be the only originator of this phrase, but I do believe that when I first said it I had not heard it anywhere before. Heck, I am not even sure I have ever heard it outside of my own family!
I do it all the time, and I am actually famous amongst my friends for spreading/making popular catchphrases and words.
Billy Joel = blow job “American Apparel is skeezy, I bet you they give Billy Joels wily nilly.”
Sexcellent = Something that is so beyond excellent that it is somewhat sexy. “Wait they added fudge to that chocolate chip cookie?? Sexcellent.”
“That’s L.A.” = When something is so awful it reminds you of a horrible trip/experience in L.A. “That Uncle Julio’s was like eating in a mess hall and the staff was awful. You know what? That’s L.A.! That was so L.A.”
I have more but I can’t think of them right now.
@erichw1504 , @Seek_Kolinahr ahh damn!
That sucks, I thought am the one who created chillax.
Well guess I have to come up with something else.
You won’t know it until you hear a stranger say it
@zen_ Yes nitpick, it was eight month before the line was picked up by Coke.
This one time I noticed I could throw my voice back in time so I said “I am become death, destroyer of worlds.”
@Tropical_Willie In that case, I know someone who thought of the trivia game before it came out. Now that sucks big time. Q: did she think of “It’s the Real thing” as a slogan for Coke?
Yes, she used it as a salutation at the end of letters when she worked at Coke..
^ Cool. Now I can finally sleep.
Sleep well my son. Slep we will mine sun.
I don’t know when this came out…but I was using the word “booya” in the early nineties (I have no idea where I got it from or if I made it up lol). In the last decade, I’ve heard it everywhere.
Marines and historians have determined the true origins of “Oorah” lie with recon Marines stationed in Korea in 1953. source
@YARNLADY I didn’t say “oorah” ...lol. I know that one has been around quite some time.
I used “booya” as sort of a “so there” ..“in your face” ...“woot” statement. I think that is how it’s still used today as well.
“Beat it small fry” used often when we were kids to the younger ones.
my sons fave at the minute and it’s driving me nuts is Jog on!
Oh shiz (instead of “shit”), Fudge! (instead of fuck), Frick ( kinda obvious), and when I’m having trouble… Tartar Sauce =)
Do I really need to tell you what it is? Everyone knows it (and loathe it with a passion), it has been spoofed more times than I see a Nixon mask on Halloween. The meaning is the same that what I am telling you I am delivering with all the truth and facts I know about it, I am not blowing smoke up your tail pipe. ;-)
’‘that’s just so fantabulous’’!
“State of the Art Nuisance”
ref any gadget with so many features that it’s hard to get the most basic thing done.
Or “new-and-improved” anything that isn’t really new or improved just different.
Yes. I call it Johnston’s Law. It was invented because there are so many people who act like Murphy’s Law doesn’t apply to them.
Johnston’s Law: “Murphy’s law is ALWAYS in effect and it can affect YOU!”
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