@tranquilsea I can get this concept. It sort of goeas along with what I said in another thread. You can say that you care about something in the abstract, but really there is just too much tragedy going on all around us for us to processit all, much less “care” for each individual in a group.
I looked up the definition of the word care.
care (kâr)
1. A burdened state of mind, as that arising from heavy responsibilities; worry.
2. Mental suffering; grief.
3. An object or source of worry, attention, or solicitude: the many cares of a working parent.
4. Caution in avoiding harm or danger: handled the crystal bowl with care.
a. Close attention; painstaking application: painting the window frames and sashes with care.
b. Upkeep; maintenance: a product for the care of fine floors; hair care products.
6. Watchful oversight; charge or supervision: left the child in the care of a neighbor.
7. Attentive assistance or treatment to those in need: a hospital that provides emergency care.
v. cared, car·ing, cares
1. To be concerned or interested: Once inside, we didn’t care whether it rained or not.
2. To provide needed assistance or watchful supervision: cared for the wounded; caring for an aged relative at home.
3. To object or mind: If no one cares, I’ll smoke.
a. To have a liking or attachment: didn’t care for the movie.
b. To have a wish; be inclined: Would you care for another helping?
1. To wish; desire: Would you care to dance?
2. To be concerned to the degree of: I don’t care a bit what critics think.
[Middle English, from Old English cearu.]
Synonyms: care, charge, custody, keeping, supervision, trust
These nouns refer to the function of watching, guarding, or overseeing: left the house keys in my care; has charge of all rare books in the library; had custody of his children; left the canary in the neighbors’ keeping; assumed supervision of the students; documents committed to the bank’s trust. See Also Synonyms at anxiety.
So, I would guess that the first two are the meanings indicated. A budened state of mind, mental suffering; grief.
So, because of our limited capacity and need to get things done we simply cannot do more than give a passing thought to the myriad unhappy events going on all around us. We can have animal rights activists or womens rights or MADD or whatever special interest groups one can think of who are all trying to stop injustices. But those people are still only focused on a particular injustice. They cannot feel grief and a heavy state of mind for all the wrongs happening or for all the terrible things going on all over the world. It would be incapacitating. You can look at a sad story in the news and say “I care about those people.”
Then what? Do you send money? Do you cover yourself in sack cloth and ashes? Do you immolate yourself? Do you find out all you can about each of those people and updae what you know daily? What about the very next news story? Do you do the same for them? What about the news stories that you missed? If I asked you a month later how much would you be able to tell me about those people about whom you say you care? How much can you tell me now about the individuals in Haiti? I’ll bet not much. We can care in the abstract but not in the pracical. At least, not for ALL of them. We cannot know about all of them, and we do not have the time or capacity to understand and care for a fraction of them all. And we cannot allow our concern to overshadow the daily living of our lives. Do you stop enjoying life? Do you, in the midst of your revels, stop and say; “I cannot be happy now. There are people suffering all over the world.” Do you stop making love to your other? Do you walk with your head down and tears covering your face? Do you say “I cannot run in the park with my child because there are people who cannot run.”?
This is why we have gods. We know that our own capacity for details and others is limited. But god knows where the sparrow falls, and it is a great comfort to have someone who is omniscient keeping track of the details, because we cannot. Distractions fill our days and our lives.
Whether or not there really is a god, we have to have one from the psychological standpoint that we need to know that someone more capable than ourselves has it covered.