Where are Dora the Explorer's parents? Why do they let her roam the streets?
I was just watching Dora the Explorer and wondering why her parents don’t keep better tabs on that kid.
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Different culture and different mores than typical overportective American parents…
According to this Wikipedia article, she has parents, a grandmother, siblings and cousins. Maybe the creators of the show took a leaf out of the Peanuts’ books/cartoons and just keep the adults out of site.
Dora the Explorer is an allegorical representation of our universal trip into adulthood. The parents have given young Dora good equipment and as much education as they, in their own limitations, can provide and then turned her loose on the world – a scene we see reenacted every fall outside the dorms of colleges across the U.S. She is therefore free to make her own decisions and live with the consequences, though Mom and Dad are undoubtedly not far off camera in case she cannot resolve the conflicting demands of rush week and World Religions 1001. Dora, fortunately, doesn’t seem to be interested in beer pong.
You do see them on certain episodes. The chocolate one is one I remember. I would loe to know where Max and Ruby’s parents are? LOL
She’s a young orphan, her only friend is a monkey.
She has parents, grandparents and cousins (remember Diego and Alicia, from the animal rescue center?) She also has a big sister – we saw her entire family at her Quinceanera. The very first episode of Dora has her parents gifting her with her Backpack – which will always hold exactly what she needs to get where she has to go, and the Map which will show her the way.
Max and Ruby – now there are a couple of kids who need parents.The only adults on that show are the Scout Leader, who is completely incompetent; Grandma, who lives around the block; and the lady who owns the candy store, who gives these parentless kids gobs of free candy. Ruby abandons her little brother at the bus station, makes him wander around town by himself looking for lemonade, bosses him around like mad… Horrible show.
@Seek_Kolinahr True I have never ever seen parents. Sister does everything.
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I love the Wonder Pets! And Yo Gabba Gabba is awesome.
I’m wondering what the heck happened to LazyTown. Haven’t seen that in forever. I really liked that show.
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@perg. That was great. Now, please explain the role of Swiper as he relates to Dora and her experiences. This I’ve got to hear.
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Maybe Swiper represents the inherent dangers lurking in the world or perhaps the allure of choosing the criminal life? I really want to hear Perg’s interpretation.
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Swiper is the embodiment of the outcome of various injudicious decisions – ie, choosing friends poorly, insufficient planning, impulsive actions. As in life, these outcomes frequently can be overcome only by teamwork and the assistance of more reliable partners. The pre-emptive chant, “Swiper, no swiping,” is a verbalized effort to abate these outcomes, with the chant serving as recognition that they exist and may occur, and the time needed to vocalize it serving as a “count to three” that allows a moment to fully consider the course being taken.
I’m a middle-aged, childless spinster. You think I actually watch this show?
@Seek_Kolinahr I also love Wonder Pets (I would give anything for a T-shirt with the “W” on it) and I used to watch Lazy Town when I worked on Saturday mornings and had to keep the TV on… in case of news bulletins. Yeah, that’s why. Yo Gabba Gabba is too odd for me – why do they deliberately overdub the human dialogue?
When I worked the overnight, I would wind down in the morning by alternating between Teletubbies and Jerry Springer. When the Teletubbies showed a video for the second time, I’d switch over to Springer until the dialogue devolved into a continuous bleep, then switch back. Beer was an essential part of this ritual.
@perg. So, could it then be said that Boots, her monkey companion, represents her uncontrollable desires and addictions, which must be overcome throughout her journey (the “monkey on her back”)? Could then Backpack represent the collection of tools, which her parents gave her to succeed in life?
This makes sense. Swiper is the embodiment of the outcome of injudicious decisions, while Boots is the agent that pushes her toward those decisions (and Swiper). Meanwhile, Backpack is that which can pull her back from edge – those standards and morals given to her by her parents.
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