What kind of cat is the best to have when you want a sociable lap cat?
I was thinking about getting a cat, but I would want a relaxed sociable cat that wouldn’t run or scratch. Is there a certain breed I should look for?
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13 Answers
I’ve had lots of cats in my life and I’ve found the males to be more sociable and outgoing than females in general. My favorites have been big wide-faced siamese boys. They won’t leave you alone and they talk constantly.
I love when cats talk. It so adorable. I was thinking of a scottish fold. Do you know how they’re like?
They all scratch so long as they have claws, and running is more dependent on age than on breed. Cats are also harder to get as a pure breed; they aren’t like dogs where everyone wants to know what breed they are – vets normally just put down “american short/medium/longhair” unless they’re very obviously a really distinctive breed.
However, Maine Coons are noted for their friendly, cuddly disposition. I have a couple part Maine Coons, and they’re very, very cuddly – I don’t get more than about 20 minutes without one of them wanting at least a quick snuggle (napping time excluded).
Scottish Folds are adorable, however be aware of breeders if you’re looking at uncommon breeds, particularly when bred for mutations. You sometimes find other less cute mutations come with the “desirable” one with less than careful breeding. For example, after many years working in a veterinary office, I never saw a Persian that didn’t have some health issues of varying degrees.
Maine Coone mixes are pretty fabulous. I’ve also usually loved short haired orange tabbies.
I wasn’t looking for a pure breed cat, just one that looks like i could be that breed so that it may have the qualities I’m looking for. As for scratching, I would never de-claw my kittie, but I was wondering if there where any cats that were less likely to scratch.
You can train them to sit still while you trim the sharp part off the nails. The best tool is a bird claw trimmer that has notches in the scissor blades. Don’t bother with the soft-claws nail caps, cats can get those off in about 30 seconds. Also get a scratching post.
I think this has next to nothing to do with breed.. and everything to do with how old the kitten is when you get it home.
The younger the kitten is exposed to regular human affection, the more likely they are to stay that way as they grow up. I’ve raised more kittens than I can count on all of my fingers and toes over the years… and to this day people still comment on how incredibly friendly and social my cats are.
Just get a young kitten.
@kissmesoftly However, you may want to weigh smaller vs larger cats. Smaller cats have smaller claws that feel like needles, but they also don’t have that much weight when they use your couch as a scratching post, so they just put little holes in it instead of ripping out stuffing. Bigger cats have wider claws, which don’t hurt as much when they accidentally scratch you or knead your chest (although it hurts like a fucker if they drive it into your thigh as they’re plummeting butt-first into the toilet bowl…), but they do a lot of damage on your furniture if you don’t stay vigilant.
@Blueroses I actually like cuticle trimmers the best for claw trimmings. You can’t beat the maneuverability.
The Humane Society gets strays, with unknown histories, BUT, they ALSO get cats with well known histories. Some times some one passes away, and a home needs to be found for their cat. They often get a good description of the personality and habits of a cat. Sometimes, it’s better to get an older cat, with a known history of having the traits you’re looking for. I have rescued a kitten,though, who was very sick and nursed him back to health and he is great too! It does seem to me, after years of having cats, and friends’ experience, that the boys (neutered) do seem to be so happy with being fed, given affection and a good home. I have a female right now who is the highest maintenance cat I have ever had! She’s very demanding and has a history of actually breaking things until she gets her way!!!! I’ve never had a cat that broke things before. If I didn’t believe that adoption is a commitment. . . . I would have taken her back. I’m pretty much swayed, from heart warming experience, to have neutered males. . . just give them lots of loving attention (massage them, including their legs and paws and they’ll be more receptive to having the tips trimmed from their claws), and “socialize” them as kittens for happiness for the rest of their life with you. Pick up a book on getting a kitten and how to raise it- you’ll be better off. For instance, telling you about how you have to experiment to find the kind of litter and material for them to scratch on, that they prefer, that they each have preferences, and then things go much better, etc. Good luck! They’re wonderful. zzc
I have two Maine Coons and they are the best!A male and a female. Big,smart,affectionate and beautiful! I never had cats before these two goofballs and I don’t know what took me so long!They have gone on trips in the car and have gone on my boat too!XD They rock!
My second choice would be a Siamese.
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