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If you're a vegetarian/vegan and have kids, did you make/encourage your kids to follow the same diet?
If you don’t have kids, how do you feel about parents that do feed their children a vegetarian/vegan only diet? Is it healthy for the child? Should the child have a choice or at least be offered a more varied diet until they are old enough to make the choice? Are there enough vegetarian/vegan foods to give a child all the nutrients it needs in the early stages of life?
If you do feed your child a vegetarian/vegan diet only what are your reasons and does your child appear to be happy (and healthy) with that?
I don’t know anything about how good/bad for you these diets so I am not criticising. I am only intrigued because I recently heard of a little boy who had to take his own food to a birthday party because his family were strictly vegan. The child was only 6 years old so I assumed that being vegan wasn’t his choice.
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