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What are some of the dumbest things you've seen YOUR friends do on Facebook?
Inspired by yesterday’s question about the 5 dumbest things one could do on Facebook.
What are some of the most stupid/outrageous/annoying/etc. things that you have seen your own friends post on Facebook? Also, if there were any repercussions that followed or if you responded with hilarious comments, talk about those as well!
I will start this off with mentioning what I did on yesterday’s question: A girl that I worked with at one time chronicled EVERY SINGLE conceivable aspect of her pregnancy on Facebook…annoying, but relatively harmless. That is, until her labor began, and she proceeded to update all of her Facebook friends about just how dilated her cervix was. At that point I blocked her updates. I later went back to her profile to check out the pictures of her new baby, and discovered that, less than an hour after the child was born, she had updated her status to let everyone know that it had finally entered the world. I honestly thought my head would explode…put down the f$%king phone and enjoy the experience of having a literally brand new baby in your arms!!
Let the hilarity/facepalms commence!
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